...Connecting Sociological Theory and Social Issues Drug abuse is a topic of sociological significance because it is all around our daily lives whether we want it to be or not. Drug abuse today can influence or impact our family, community, and the economic and political life. Whether the drugs that are being abused are prescribed or recreational it can lead to bad consequences that the abuser may not have intentionally caused. It is also an important aspect to social life which sociologists can analyze with the three main theoretical perspectives of functionalism, conflict, and interactionism. Constructing a clock with its many different cogs and gears together is like the functionalist perspective of sociology because it “emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability” (Schaefer, 14) because without the various parts the clock or society cannot function. Drug abuse, through a functionalist view, may view it as dysfunctional. “A dysfunction refers to an element or process of a society that may actually disrupt the social system or reduce its stability” (Schaefer, 14). But, some people may view drug abuse as functional because this kind of abuse creates employment for police officers, rehabilitation clinics, some therapies, and medical doctors. So, without the drug abusers there would be a lot of uncreated employment. The functionalist view of drug abuse can be contrasted effectively by the conflict perspective of sociology. Sociologists...
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...Drug Addiction Angela Figueroa COMM/156 May 20, 2012 Meghan Anderson Drug Addiction In society, drugs have been the downfall for many people. There are many reasons that a person may use drugs such as: peer pressure, relief of stress, increased energy, to relax, to relieve pain, to escape reality, to feel more self esteem, and for recreation ("Drug addiction and drug abuse," 2011). What is it that causes the obsession and compulsion to use drugs? Why can some people stop and others go on to become addicts? Addiction is often now defined by the continuing, compulsive nature of the drug use despite physical and/or psychological harm to the user and society ("Drug addiction and drug abuse," 2011). MRI’s have shown evidence that the brain of an addict has specific abnormalities of tissue malfunction that non-addicts do not have (About.com 2004). Drug addiction is a disease that can be defined as a disordered condition resulting from the effect of deficiency or imbalance on the body. Drug addiction can be considered almost like a cancer or virus because it takes over one’s body and can cause detrimental physical and mental effect (Antiessays.com, 2012) s. Addiction is a disease that affects not only the person taking the drugs, but also their family, friends and the community around them. Drug addiction is considered a disease by some but others view it as a lack of will power. Addiction to drugs was once viewed as a moral issue but as more research is done they are finding...
Words: 1967 - Pages: 8
...of Abuse on Society Family and Community Drug abuse is common in all societies. Families and communities are becoming less happy and rarely yet torn by death, or a serious injury due to drug abuse. Unfortunately, around the world and throughout time, drug abuse has shown to be common among families. Abuse of any kind takes over everything in the abusers life. Drug and alcohol abuse can affect a person’s capability to keep a job. Drug and alcohol not only affects the person itself but everyone around him or her especial their families and the community. People around the world believe that drugs or alcohol are the solution to their problems, not knowing the problem becomes worst and a nightmare is about to begin. Drug abuse negatively affects family’s communication and interaction. Whether the abuser is the parent or a child, communication and interaction maybe a major motive to lead a family member into abusing drugs as well as abusing drugs eventually will cause lack of communication and interaction within a family because the abuser is focused on the drug and his or her next high, rather than thinking about spending time with family. If drugs are involved in a family the communication is negative and the mood within siblings is often depressing (livestrong.com, 2011). Families, who live under this type of home environment, tend to pass the same lifestyle to the next generation, and it is prone for the children to repeat the same cycle of drug abuse, lack...
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...act! “Addiction isn’t about using drugs. It’s about what the drug does to your life.” says Enock Maregesi. Despite the fact that drug abuse is a social drift, the government should implement a more fostering tactic towards drug users to lessen influence on drug abuse. According to Esplanada, the Philippines has the highest rate of drug users in East Asia. He also stated that 2.1% of Filipinos aged 16-24 years old are under the influence of metamphetamine hydrochloride, also known as shabu. Because of this, the government implemented several laws to lessen drug users. According to Republic Act 9165 of 2002, “It is the policy of the State to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-being of its citizenry particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and mental well-being...” (www.lawphil.net). On the contrary, implementation of these laws is somehow neglected by the citizens which leads to an increase in the number of drug users. They continuously use drugs which sometimes lead to chaos among the citizens because of unlawful acts. Therefore, the government must implement more stringent laws to prevent drug abuse and addiction. They are responsible for the welfare of the people especially in these circumstances because the society’s actions may affect the operation and administration of other laws. It is their duty to protect the citizens from harmful effects caused by prohibited drugs. In addition to that, the government...
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...Bad habits How many times have you been a witness of family members or friends who destroy their lives as a result of bad habits? Do you know how many people die yearly from this? Many individuals do not really understand that bad habits eventually lead to serious illnesses and even death .Not only the most common bad habits that society is showing today, but also the most fatal are, tobacco use, drinking, and drugs abuse. Each year about 9 million people die worldwide because of excessive use of these three products. First, smoking is one of the bad habits that is causing the death of hundreds of people each year. Smoking is the bodily process of inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, and others items people use for the consumption of it. It can cause many health problems, but mainly respiratory, such as lung cancer. Lung cancer is produced by an abnormal group of cells created by years of consumption of tobacco and uses of cigarettes. In addition, people smoke for many years without knowing they are causing harm because lung cancer typically takes a few years to develop and begins showing first symptoms between 50 and 70 years of age. Another problem smoking can cause is harm to others through second hand smoking; also know as environment tobacco smoke. Based on recent research, people who don't smoke can suffer several health problems caused by frequent inhalation of smoke from smokers. Although they have never smoked a cigarette, they can be affected if...
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...Legal and Illegal Drugs Gladys Vazquez Rasmussen College The war on drugs started in 1971 by President Nixon, but the fight didn’t start there (NPR, 2012). In 1914 the US enacted the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, which was the starting point to make drugs illegal, but the classification of drugs was more of a social problem rather than a social issue (Brecher, 2006). Drugs can be defined as ANY substance other than food or water that when taken into the body alters its functioning in some way (College, 2011). Cocaine, Heroin, Crack, and Alcohol are not the only drugs that alter the body that can be considered a drug. Caffeinated soda, coffee, diet pills, tobacco, prescription medication, and more all affect the body and alter the mind in a negative way. Going back in time when Christopher Columbus founded America, we wer e introduced to our very first drug known as tobacco (Cushman, 2011). That’s 520 years ago and still an issue in society. Smoking is set to kill 6.5 million people in 2015 and 8.3 million humans in 2030, with the biggest rise in low-and middle-income countries (National Cancer Institute at the National Institues of Health). Each day about 13,500 people worldwide die from smoking-related diseases (National Cancer Institute at the National Institues of Health). Yet it is a legal substance that alters the mind and body, amazing how that works. Alcohol is another substance that is very harmful and alters the mind and body. Some will argue that used as a...
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...of psychedelics has been a touchy and controversial subject for decades, especially since the beginning of the War on Drugs in 1971. Most people today go on throughout their entire lives from birth to death without knowing compounds like these psychedelic drugs even exist, let alone know how profoundly it can change their views on life forever. To understand how these drugs can change the world, this paper will address these following questions: 1. Why are these substances illegal in most civilized societies? 2. How do these compounds affect human consciousness? 3. What kind of experiences does one have while on these substances? 4. How can these substances change the mindset of an individual? This paper focuses on addressing these questions. Once addressed, one can see how these substances can change the world for the benefit of all living beings and the planet itself. Why Are These Substances Illegal In Most Civilized Societies? In society today, most countries on Earth have most psychedelic drugs added to their list of illegal substances. With little to no scientific research done on psychedelics, these drugs have been banned for public possession and usage. An individual can face serious criminal charges for possessing and/or consuming these substances even if that individual is not hurting himself or anyone else. While legal drugs such as Alcohol and Tobacco kills and destroys lives of millions...
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...Impact of Drugs on Individual Society The Impact of Drugs on Individual Society As the nation grows, so does the impact of drugs within society. Social and cultural factors have helped to influence the supply and demand of drugs. In some social circles, drugs have had a major influence over behaviors, choices, and attitudes. Everyday stressors, such as work and family life, can help to increase drug usage. Individuals, who use drugs, believe that escaping their daily problems of life. The impact that drugs have had on individual society has been negative because it has increased criminal activities, health issues, addictions, and overcrowded the criminal justice system. Even though many organizations and groups have stepped forward to start anti-drug groups and have encouraged members of society to become drug free, the process has been slow. Throughout life, there will continue to be individuals who will always struggle with their interpersonal conflicts and think that using drugs is a way to solve their problems. There are ongoing studies and methods of research that view the perspectives of drug usage and its effect on society. Some people even feel that if drugs are legalized, then they would become less desirable. Actually, an addict will only stop once they feel that they had a need to do so. Drugs, within society, possess the thoughts of the addict and continue to allow for them to not realize their problem until it is too late. Society realizes that...
Words: 301 - Pages: 2
...The Impact of Drugs on Individual Society The Impact of Drugs on Individual Society The Impact of Drugs on Individual Society As the nation grows, so does the impact of drugs within society. Social and cultural factors have helped to influence the supply and demand of drugs. In some social circles, drugs have had a major influence over behaviors, choices, and attitudes. Everyday stressors, such as work and family life, can help to increase drug usage. Individuals, who use drugs, believe that escaping their daily problems of life. The impact that drugs have had on individual society has been negative because it has increased criminal activities, health issues, addictions, and overcrowded the criminal justice system. Even though many organizations and groups have stepped forward to start anti-drug groups and have encouraged members of society to become drug free, the process has been slow. Throughout life, there will continue to be individuals who will always struggle with their interpersonal conflicts and think that using drugs is a way to solve their problems. There are ongoing studies and methods of research that view the perspectives of drug usage and its effect on society. Some people even feel that if drugs are legalized, then they would become less desirable. Actually, an addict will only stop once they feel that they had a need to do so. Drugs, within society, possess the thoughts of the addict and continue to allow for them to not realize their...
Words: 310 - Pages: 2
...Drugs A Term Paper Presented to: Mrs. Nora H. Cubal Mati School of Arts and Trades City of Mati, Davao Oriental In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in English IV Presented by: Niño F. Sugaan IV-Zamora S.Y. 2012-2013 Table of Contents I- Introduction A. Statement of the Problem B. Significance of the Study C. Definition of Terms II- Discussion A. What is Drugs? B. Reasons why there are drug addicts C. How drug affects the personality of the user D. Drug addiction treatment III- Summary IV- Suggestion V- Bibliography Acknowledgements First of all I would like to acknowledge to my parents , teachers and classmates for their support and cooperation which help me in completion with this project and I would like to express my special gratitude to the industry for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciation also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with the use of their abilities I- Introduction A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food. What is considered a drug rather than a food varies between cultures, and distinctions between drugs and foods and between kinds of drug are enshrined...
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... Substance abuse is characterized as a social problem in numerous parts of America. Substance abuse is defined as a pattern of harmful use of substances for mood-altering purposes (“Drug Abuse”). Drug abuse is the use of illicit drugs or abuse of prescription or over the counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in qualities other than directed (“Drug Abuse”). Many people believe that substance abusers, drugs abusers, and addicts should be able to stop taking these substances and drugs if they are willing to change their behavior. What many people do not understand is that substance and drug abuse is a problem that needs to be addressed. It is not as easy as some people think to stop using these substances and drugs. There are several causes for substance abuse. Substance abuse ranges in many different ages from teenagers to elderly. This social problem can affect families and many different individuals. 50% of Americans have a beloved one who is suffering from a substance or drug abuse problem at any given time (“Home”). There have been multiple studies conducted of how substance abuse affects college students because of the pressure to do well and because of peer support from friends. The age group that is worst affected by substance abuse is 18-29 (“Home”). The...
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...it showed that meth helped people with narcolepsy to stay awake. With this drug their sleeping episodes decreased as well as other common affect that people with narcolepsy get, such as hypnologic hallucinations. This might let people to believe that methamphetamine is put to a good use, but reality is that it can damage so much more. ( Merrill M. Miller, Roza Hajdukovic, and Milton K. Erman, 1993) People that use methamphetamine for a long time look older than they really are. Methamphetamine causes the skin to lose elasticity and make the skin sag. Acne and blisters are signs of the abuse of the drug. The blood flow in the body is damaged and can no longer flow evenly around the body. This drug also damages the body’s capacity to fix itself and meth users can develop a disorder called formication. Formication is a constant picking at the skin because of the feeling or hallucination of insects on the body. This drug is used at times to lose weight and seem more attractive but in the process it makes the user less attractive. Hygiene is not an important issue in meth users. Meth users have mouth problems and most users have bad looking teeth. This all happens because of methamphetamine and this is a path that many people chose to take. There are so many other factors that involve this drug and how it affects the brain. (Frontline, 2006) Dopamine is a tremendously important part in how the brain works. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps with the movement...
Words: 950 - Pages: 4
...legalization of marijuana, whether for recreational or medical uses, is a controversial topic making headlines all over the media. It is an issue both the state and federal governments are facing and being forced to make decisions on. What’s important to understand is legalizing marijuana will affect each and every one of whether we choose to use consume it or not. Legalizing marijuana could not only harm the intended user, but consequences of such an action could also negatively affect society as a whole. Usage of Marijuana upon Legalization Understanding how legalization affects the usage of marijuana has been recently able to be studied after Colorado’s legislature changes in 2010 and again in 2012. In 2010 Colorado passed legislation that “included the licensing of medical marijuana centers, cultivation operations and manufacturing of marijuana edibles for medical purposes” ("The Legalizaion of Marijuana in Colorado," 2013). In 2012, Colorado voters proceeded to take legislation a step farther and legalize recreational marijuana. As expected, adult usage increased as restrictions were removed. One of the most shocking figures is from a report created by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA). This report shows the increase in percentage of youth that use marijuana in an area that has legalized marijuana. In Colorado, during the time frame between 2007 and 2009 an average of 5.6 students tested positive for marijuana. During the time frame of 2010...
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... pathos, and ethos, and knowledge about the subject has an impact on the article as a whole. They help develop his argument that weed is great thing, and it should be legalized. Sheff believes the benefits of adding marijuana to the United States' economy outweighs the dangers it can cause, but that they should be recognized also. Especially those dangers that involve minors. Sheff affectively and ineffectively persuades his audience by using ethos, pathos, and logos. Sheff does this by using some persuasions over zealously and some not enough. Sheff's article develops the ideas of how marijuana has negative impact on adolescence, but a positive impact on society as a whole. This article published on August 4, 2014 strives to inform everyday people on the effects of marijuana and persuade them to understand how marijuana usage and proper regulation are a positive attribute in the everyday outlook of users. The other point they make is Children, teens and young adults should be educated about this drug. They should know what warning signs to look out for and know what kind of help they should get if they develop any issues. Many organizations have taken the time to research, survey potential and current marijuana users, and predict methods to help combat all of these issues that...
Words: 1499 - Pages: 6
...and the available evidence cannot be comforting to those who put great hopes on the experiment. Nor do we have reason to expect better results in the future; indeed, if anything just the opposite.” Some may know that the United States’ method of imprisonment is unique in comparison to others, but unique does not always mean better. Our system is expected to reform those incarcerated and help them...
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