...Rebekka Sherry English 1108 Essay #3 28 April 2015 The debate for marijuana legalization has been getting more and more attention as more and more states are opting for legalization for not only medical purposes but also recreational purposes. Since it was outlawed in “1937 when congress enacted the marijuana Tax Act made it a federal crime to possess,” (Alex & Alexander pg1 13s) people believed that marijuana was a terrible drug that did harmful things to our bodies, and that it lead to the use of harder drugs. It just had a bad reputation all together. More recently there has been more and more people deciding to be pro legalization. Marijuana has been studied rigorously and over many years and has proven to provide a very beneficial impact on society in many different ways and this is why there has been a huge push for legalization in most recent time. These benefits have been seen in positive health gains for adults and children being treated for an array of illnesses, revenue gains in several different areas, as seen recently with amendment 64 being passed in Colorado, and criminal/court system spending goes down, along with spaced being freed up in prison systems for harsher criminals. These benefits should be viewed as something that can greatly help are economy and citizens within which in turn would make our country a more thriving better place to live and that is why marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is a naturally grown plant that can be grown...
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...Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana Marijuana in today’s society is known as a recreational drug. However, Cannabis has been used in different ways by the Chinese dated back as early as 2737 B.C. The most interesting story is the one about emperor Liu Chi-nu. His story explains the connection between cannabis, snakes and illness. According to the article Marijuana- the First Twelve Thousand Years, “One day Liu was out in the fields cutting down some hemp, when he saw a snake. Taking no chances that it might bite him, he shot the serpent with an arrow. The next day he returned to the place and heard the sound of a mortar and pestle. Tracking down the noise, he found two boys grinding marijuana leaves. When he asked them what they were doing, the boys told him they were preparing a medicine to give to their master who had been wounded by an arrow shot by Liu Chi-nu. Liu Chi-nu then asked what the boys would do to Liu Chi-nu if they ever found him. Surprisingly, the boys answered that they could not take revenge on him because Liu Chi-nu was destined to become emperor of China. Liu berated the boys for their foolishness and they ran away, leaving behind the medicine. Sometime later Liu himself was injured and he applied the crushed marijuana leaves to his wound. The medicine healed him and Liu subsequently announced his discovery to the people of China and they began using it for their injuries” (Abel, 1980). Another emperor Shen-Neng of China discovered the...
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... IV V I II III I II III I 1/15 Škrijelj Eldin 2/15 Mrvaljević Mario 17 3/15 Dragićević Mladen 4/15 Banjaš Đurica 19 5/15 Ostojić Mladen 6/15 Božović Branislav 14 17 20 7/15 Mirović Saša 8/15 Vučetić Đoko 9/15 Mitrović Danilo 10/15 Jovanović Nikola 18 11/15 Bratić Željana 12/15 Ćukac Andrej 20 13/15 Vajagić Aleksa 14/15 Lazarević Stefan 15/15 Miladinović Ilija 16/15 Pljevaljčić Nikola ______________ PFB QMS 011 ZAVRŠNI ISPIT 19 20 20 13 II III Redovni Popravni PREDLOG OCJENE DOMAĆI ZADACI Evidencioni brojPP UKUPNI BROJ POENA BROJ OSVOJENIH POENA ZA SVAKI OBLIK PROVJERE ZNANJA STUDENTA 17/15 Ivanović Stefan 18/15 Vukosavljević Marijana 19/15 Gengo Miloš 20/15 Glišić Srđan 21/15 Kolar Mirza 22/15 Markoč Marko 23/15 Filipović Aleksandar 24/15 Miletić Slobodan 25/15 Knežević Strahinja 26/15 Lekić Milutin 6 17 12 18 20 PrizB 18 Priz.D 13 27/15 Molla Shyqyri 12 28/15 Vajagić Dušan 13 29/15 Lavrović Omer 19 30/15 Bojović Dejan 19 31/15 Miletić Mladen 19 32/15 Bukumira Snežana 17 33/15 Mandić Sandra 20 34/15 Bahović Alen 12 35/15 Leković Lazar 12 36/15 Vukmarković Martina 20 37/15 Đakonović Stevo 19 38/15 Balić Haris 11 39/15 Kanjuh Uroš 18 40/15 Pržica Vladimir 12 41/15...
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...left the room, and I didn’t want her to think I was feeling left out” (244). This demonstrates that communicating is difficult for the narrator. Robert is open about himself and aspires to understand the narrator because he asks him questions about his work. The narrator doesn’t enjoy his work but feels as if he doesn’t have options, and he doesn’t know what he wants in life. The wife goes upstairs to change and the two men turn on the television. The narrator asks Robert if he would like to smoke marijuana with him and he says he will try some. The wife returns and asks what they are doing, but when the narrator tells her they are smoking cannabis she gives him another “savage look” (246). Then she sits with them and shares some of the marijana. When the wife falls asleep on the couch, the narrator and Robert are left watching television with each other. At the beginning of the story the narrator doesn’t want to be left alone with the blind man, but later he admits to Robert that he is “glad for the company” (247). Usually, the narrator would spend the night alone after his wife had gone to bed. Robert embraces learning; He can’t physically watch the television but he says that “I’m always learning something. Learning never ends. It won’t hurt me to learn something tonight. I got ears” (247). This remark is directed towards the television and the narrator, suggesting that perhaps the narrator should also learn something tonight. The narrator attempts to explain what is on the...
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...MSc thesis Information security Passport of the Future: Biometrics against Identity Theft? Marijana Kosmerlj NISlab Høgskolen i Gjøvik marijana@erdal.biz 30 June 2004 Sammendrag Formålet med biometriske pass er å forhindre ulovlig adgang av reisende inn i et land og å begrense bruken av forfalskede reisedokumenter ved en mer nøyaktig autentisering av reisende. Etter den 11. september 2001 har interessen for bruk av slike biometriske pass økt kraftig. Biometriske pass vil bestå av et høykapasitets smartkort som vil inneholde et bilde av passinnehaveren i tillegg til annen type identitetsinformasjon. I passkontrollen vil ett foto bli tatt av passeieren og sammenlignet med fotoet lagret i passet. Et systemdefinert parameter vil avgjøre om disse to fotoene er like nok til å fastslå om personen i de to fotoene er en og samme person. Mange utfordringer er knyttet til biometriske systemer slik som feilrater, “spoofing”angrep, ikke-universalitet og interoperabilitetsproblemer. Forskningen har vist hvor lett det er å lure biomtriske systemer ved bruk av for eksempel statiske foto. Denne rapporten går ett skritt videre og tar en nærmere titt på fiender og deres ressurser i et grensekontrollmiljø. Den tradisjonelle måten å beregne feilakseptraten til biometriske systemer på, vil ikke gjenspeile den virkelige feilakseptraten i dette miljøet. For eksempel, vil andelen av fiendene som har minst tyve ”look-alikes” i målpopulasjonen sett fra et biometrisk system’s perspektiv være...
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...2012 Doing business in a more transparent world C O M PA R I N G R E G U L AT I O N F O R D O M E S T I C F I R M S I N 1 8 3 E C O N O M I E S © 2012 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05 A copublication of The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818...
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...Project Management Institute A GUIDE TO THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE (PMBOK® Guide)—Fourth Edition 30, 0HPEHU &RS\ ² 1RW IRU 5HSURGXFWLRQ RU 'LVWULEXWLRQ An American National Standard ANSI/PMI 99-001-2008 ISBN: 978-1-933890-51-7 Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc. 14 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USA. Phone: +610-356-4600 Fax: +610-356-4647 E-mail: customercare@pmi.org Internet: www.pmi.org ©2008 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. “PMI”, the PMI logo, “PMP”, the PMP logo, “PMBOK”, “PgMP”, “Project Management Journal”, “PM Network”, and the PMI Today logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc. The Quarter Globe Design is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department. PMI Publications welcomes corrections and comments on its books. Please feel free to send comments on typographical, formatting, or other errors. Simply make a copy of the relevant page of the book, mark the error, and send it to: Book Editor, PMI Publications, 14 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA. To inquire about discounts for resale or educational purposes, please contact the PMI Book Service Center. PMI Book Service Center P.O. Box 932683, Atlanta, GA 31193-2683 USA Phone: 1-866-276-4764 (within the U.S. or Canada) or +1-770-280-4129 (globally) Fax: +1-770-280-4113 E-mail: book.orders@pmi.org Printed in the...
Words: 148336 - Pages: 594
...Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition Licensed To: Jorge Diego Fuentes Sanchez PMI MemberID: 2399412 This copy is a PMI Member benefit, not for distribution, sale, or reproduction. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide). -- Fifth edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-935589-67-9 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Project management. I. Project Management Institute. II. Title: PMBOK guide. HD69.P75G845 2013 658.4’04--dc23 2012046112 ISBN: 978-1-935589-67-9 Published by: Project Management Institute, Inc. 14 Campus Boulevard Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-3299 USA Phone: +610-356-4600 Fax: +610-356-4647 Email: customercare@pmi.org Internet: www.PMI.org ©2013 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. “PMI”, the PMI logo, “PMP”, the PMP logo, “PMBOK”, “PgMP”, “Project Management Journal”, “PM Network”, and the PMI Today logo are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc. The Quarter Globe Design is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department. PMI Publications welcomes corrections and comments on its books. Please feel free to send comments on typographical, formatting, or other errors. Simply make a copy of the relevant page of the book, mark the error, and...
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...La Herramienta Esencial para Todo Director de Proyecto En 1983, los voluntarios del Project Management Institute (PMI®) se reunieron por primera vez para crear los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos. Actualmente, la Guía del PMBOK® es reconocida como el estándar global para la dirección de proyectos y es uno de los mejores y más versátiles recursos disponibles para el profesional de esta disciplina. La Guía del PMBOK® contiene las prácticas fundamentales que todos los directores de los proyecto necesitan para alcanzar los más altos niveles de excelencia en sus proyectos. Actualmente, se encuentran en uso más de 2 millones de copias de la Guía del PMBOK®. A partir de la publicación de la Guía del PMBOK® – Cuarta Edición, el PMI ha recibido de parte de la comunidad global de la dirección de proyectos miles de valiosas recomendaciones en cuanto a mejoras y clarificaciones, que fueron revisadas y, según el caso, incorporadas en la quinta edición. La quinta edición se ha actualizado para incorporar los conocimientos y las prácticas más actuales en materia de dirección de proyectos. Se ha agregado una décima Área de Conocimiento para definir la participación adecuada de los interesados del proyecto en las decisiones y actividades clave. Se ha redefinido el flujo de datos e información del proyecto para aportar mayor consistencia y lograr una mayor alineación con el modelo de Datos, Información, Conocimiento y Sabiduría (DIKW) utilizado en el campo de la Gestión del Conocimiento...
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