...Case: United States of America v. Angevine `````````````````````````````````````````````` Question 1: How did the police find this illegal material? Professor Angevine’s wife tipped the authorities of her husband’s activities. Officers from the Stillwater, Oklahoma Police Department seized the computer and turned it over to a computer expert who used special technology to retrieve the data that had remained latent in the computer's memory despite Professor Angevine attempt to erase the pornographic files. Question 2: Did the police obtain a search warrant before conducting this search? Yes, with the cooperation of Professor Angevine's wife, officers from the Stillwater, Oklahoma Police Department obtained a search warrant to look for child pornography on his University computer. Question 3: Then why wasn’t this search illegal under the 4th Amendment? Why didn’t the court hold this evidence to be inadmissible under the exclusionary rule? The Fourth Amendment guarantees the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. To establish a violation of the Fourth Amendment, however, a defendant must prove that he has "a legitimate expectation of privacy" in the place searched. This, in turn, requires defendant to show both that he has "a subjective expectation of privacy in the area searched" and that "that expectation must be one that society is prepared to recognize." In analyzing whether...
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...Tabela z energijsko in biološko vrednostjo živil Mleko in izdelki E (kCal) Voda (g) Belj. Sk. (g) Maščobe sk. (g) Holest. (g) Ogljikovi hidrati sk. (g) m. (g) Dis.polis. (g) Vlak. (g) Mleko, kravje, polnom. 64 88,0 3,3 3,7 14,0 4,7 4,7 0,0 0,0 Mleko, kravje, 3,2 % m. m. 61 88,0 3,3 3,2 13,0 4,7 4,7 0,0 0,0 Mleko, kravje, 1,4 % m. m. 45 88,0 3,3 1,4 - 4,9 4,9 0,0 0,0 Jogurt, 3,2 % m. m. 61 88,0 3,5 3,2 13,0 4,7 4,7 0,0 0,0 Jogurt Ego, 1,6 % m. m. 43 75,0 3,3 1,6 - 3,9 3,9 0,0 0,0 Jogurt, sadni, posn. ml. 99 75,0 1,0 1,1 4,0 18,6 18,6 0,0 0,0 Kefir 60 99,0 3,0 4 10,0 3 3,0 0,0 0,0 Smetana, sladka 30 % m. m. 293 64,0 22,0 30 111,0 1 2,9 0,0 0,0 Mlečni sladoled 154 68,0 3,0 6 10,0 22 22,0 0,0 0,0 Čokoladno ml., polnom. 92 81,0 4,0 4 14,0 10 10,0 0,0 0,0 Sir sveži, skuta 95 79,0 14,0 3 10,0 3 3,0 0,0 0,0 Sir sveži, skuta posn. 72 82,0 12,4 1,4 4,0 2,7 2,7 0,0 0,0 Sirni namaz, 20 % m. m. 174 65,0 20,0 10 35,0 1 1,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, ementalec 386 36,0 30,0 30 92,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, edamec 345 40,0 30,0 25 83,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, gauda 392 37,0 26,0 32 105,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, mozzarella 224 60,0 19,9 16,1 97,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, gorgonzola 345 13,0 22,0 28,6 87,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, parmezan 411 26,0 40,0 27 80,0 2 2,0 0,0 0,0 Sir, ovčji 477 28,8 25,6 40 - 0 0...
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...Chaotic Growth with the Logistic Model of P.-F. Verhulst Hugo Pastijn Department of Mathematics, Royal Military Academy B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Hugo.Pastijn@rma.ac.be Summary. Pierre-Fran¸ois Verhulst was born 200 years ago. After a short biograc phy of P.-F. Verhulst in which the link with the Royal Military Academy in Brussels is emphasized, the early history of the so-called “Logistic Model” is described. The relationship with older growth models is discussed, and the motivation of Verhulst to introduce different kinds of limited growth models is presented. The (re-)discovery of the chaotic behaviour of the discrete version of this logistic model in the late previous century is reminded. We conclude by referring to some generalizations of the logistic model, which were used to describe growth and diffusion processes in the context of technological innovation, and for which the author studied the chaotic behaviour by means of a series of computer experiments, performed in the eighties of last century by means of the then emerging “micro-computer” technology. 1 P.-F. Verhulst and the Royal Military Academy in Brussels In the year 1844, at the age of 40, when Pierre-Fran¸ois Verhulst on November c 30 presented his contribution to the “M´moires de l’Acad´mie” of the young e e Belgian nation, a paper which was published the next year in “tome XVIII” with the title: “Recherches math´matiques sur la loi d’accroissement de la e population” (mathematical investigations of the law of...
Words: 138629 - Pages: 555
...Constantin Chiriţă Cavalerii florii de cireş CAPITOLUL I De aproape cincizeci de ani, orologiul cel mare din turnul şcolii supraveghea cu cadranele sale cele patru puncte cardinale; de aproape cincizeci de ani, acele sale enorme indicau fără greşeală ora exactă. Rareori, iarna, în timpul viscolelor, zăpada cotropitoare oprea mersul lor pe cadranul dinspre soare răsare, iar primăvara, hulubii sau ciorile sau alte zburătoare, în zbenguiala lor, grăbeau mersul vreunui minutar. Dar de fiecare dată, moş Timofte Păstrăvanu, paznicul şcolii, care-şi începuse meseria aceasta încă de pe vremea instalării marelui ornic, şi care, aşa cum spuneau elevii din clasele superioare, şi-o va încheia doar o dată cu oprirea definitivă a ceasului, se urca în turn, scutura scripeţii uriaşi şi începea să învârtească o manivelă cât oiştea carului. După ce asculta câteva clipe tic-tacul tunător şi clătina din cap a încuviinţare, moş Timofte scotea de la brâu o cutie rotundă de metal, cândva strălucitoare, o cutie mare cât o farfurie, o proptea pe genunchi şi o pocnea cu pumnul în creştet. Ca la comandă, cutia lepăda un capac pentru a dezveli un cadran de ceas cu aceleaşi disciplinate cifre romane care împodobeau feţele orologiului din turn. Paznicul scruta cu atenţie ora exactă şi potrivea întocmai acele “Gîngălăului”, pentru că aşa numea dânsul ceasul din turn. O dată treaba terminată, închidea cu câteva zdravene lovituri de pumn capacul “Ţîngălăului”, pentru că aşa numea dânsul ceasul de la brâu...
Words: 118431 - Pages: 474
...Nora Roberts Istinite laži Prolog Nekako, s ponosom i uţasom istovremeno, uspela je da podigne bradu i potisne muĉninu. Ovo nije košmar. Nije mraĉna fantazija koja će nestati s dolaskom zore. Ipak, kao u snu, sve se odvijalo sliĉno usporenom filmu. Probijala se kroz gustu vodenu zavesu iza koje je videla lica ljudi oko sebe. Oĉi su im bile gladne; usta su im se otvarala i zatvarala kao da će je celu progutati, a glasovi su im se utišavali i oticali poput talasa koji udaraju o stenu. Srce joj je poĉelo snaţnije i upornije da lupa, kao ţestoki tango unutar njenog sleĊenog tela. Nastavi da se krećeš, nastavi da se krećeš, zapovedao je mozak njenim drhtavim nogama dok su je ĉvrste ruke gurale kroz gomilu ka stepenicama sudnice. Oĉi su joj zasuzile od jakog svetla, pa je potraţila naoĉare za sunce. Pomisliće da je plakala. Neće im dopustiti da iskoriste njene emocije. Tišina će biti njen štit. Spotakla se i u trenutku osetila paniku. Brzo je naredila sebi da ne sme da padne, jer desi li se to, reporteri i radoznala masa će skoĉiti na nju, reţeći i škljocajući foto-aparatima. Rastrgnuće je kao divlji pas zeca. Mora da se uspravi, da stoji iza svoje tišine još nekoliko metara. Toliko je nauĉila od Iv. Pokaži im da si pametna, devojko, ali nikad im ne pokazuj da se plašiš. Iv. Došlo joj je da vrišti. Da prekrije lice šakama i da vrišti sve dok ne izlije sav bes, strah i tugu iz sebe. VreĊala su je pitanja koja su novinari dovikivali. Mikrofoni su joj boli lice poput smrtonosnih...
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