Premium Essay

How Does Huckleberry Finn Mature

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In the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn gets to live a different life, unlike his peers. Huck realized he does not think like the other boys when playing as the robber gang. However, independent life has left its mark on the character - of course, Huck matured early. Often he behaves just like an adult, especially against the background of their "safe" peers. So, at the very beginning of the novel, the boys under the leadership of Tom Sawyer created a bandit gang, to "rob and kill." Huck does not see in this game is of no use, "Tom Sawyer called the hogs" ingots, "and turnips and greens -" jewels ", and after returning to the cave, we bragged about what to do and how many people killed and wounded. But

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