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Research Paper On Blackbirds

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Blackbirds are probably the most common known bird because there seem to be more blackbirds than any other bird. This is probably because they are easily recognized by everybody that can talk. Blackbirds are all black in color except for the red markings underneathe the blackbirds wings. Females are a lot lighter in color than males are. Both of the sexes of blackbirds make a lot of noise and they are perhaps the loudest wild bird of that size. Blackbirds are also extremely territorial and that is why they do not make very good pets. I saw a man riding his bike and a blackbird was chasing him, pecking at his head. Finally, the man threw down his bike and ran for his life. Blackbirds will not kill you but they are very aggressive and territorial …show more content…
If you have a blackbird you need to place the bird in an area of the house where you can get some sleep. You don't want to be kept awake all night or day by a noisy blackbird. At night you should place a sheet over the birds cage to show the bird that it's time for bed and time to be quiet. Most birds will be more active in the day time which isn't good if you work third shift. Blackbirds are wonderful attributes to the wild because they warn of any predators in the area. Some of the noises that you hear outside are blackbirds signaling that danger is near. Sometimes the danger might even be you! Most of the time it's because there is a cat on the prowl or some other type of larger animal. Blackbirds may also do this in your home if you have a cat or dog loose in the house. Blackbirds are found in almost every state. They are very popular because of their color. They do not make the best pet. You can purchase other birds which are a lot more friendly and loving. I'm not telling you that you can't have a blackbird but you need to do your research and know what you are getting yourself into. In some states you may not be allowed to have a blackbird because it's known as a wild …show more content…
I have become acutely aware of this since the arrival of our puppy. We have had pets for some time now, but it is so easy to forget when you have older pets that can get their own stuff. A few things to keep in mind during this season are as follows. Keep water bowl full. At all times the water bowl should be keep full with cold, fresh water. A way I have found to keep the water cool longer is use ice cubes in the bowl. This will help keep them cool while outdoors. Repelling Pests. Make sure to treat each pet with a safe pest repellent to fight against fleas, ticks, lice, mites, flies, and mosquitoes. There are many brands on the market or try a natural remedy. If your pets still get say a tick, the key to make sure you get out the head with the body. Continue to Exercise. Keeping up a regular exercise routine is important, but do it in the early morning or later in the evening after the temperature has cooled off. With the weather hot and humid pets like us people need to continue exercising on a regular basis, we just need to be choosy when we exercise. For dogs if you are close to a lake or have a pool letting them jump is will cool down their bodies really well. Never leave a pet in a parked car. If you decide to take your pet with you in the car be aware of the temperature outside. Most people don't think there is a problem with leaving a pet in the car if the windows are open.

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