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Synoptic Analysis Paper

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I have read the Gospels countless times, and until this assignment I had never given any thought to the patterns of similarities and differences between Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I found this synoptic analysis to be quite interesting to say the least, and such an eye opener, I now have a better understanding when I read them now that I have had the opportunity to do the synoptic problem work sheet 1 and 2, where I closely examined their similarities and differences which assisted me in getting a better understanding of the proposed solutions for the problem. Week four web presentation introduced me to Oral Tradition and Ur, in addition to Literary Interdependence which offered a more detailed explanation to the Synoptic Problem. I adopted the Literary Interdependence principles of this theory and this is what I selected to perform my synoptic analysis. I found quite a bit of dependency concerning the Gospels, to which I support a Markan priority being that my findings revealed that 90% of Mark is shared in Matthew, while only 50% is shared in Luke, additionally, 65 of the unique verses in Mark appear to support that he is the main source for Matthew and Luke and because Mark did not use …show more content…
The web presentation made mention that Mark’s Greek was not up to par, which leads one to consider how Luke perhaps made corrections in the translation of Mark. The narrative events provided by Luke are not included in either Matthew or Mark, likewise, there are details in Matthew which do not exist in either Mark or Luke, , this further convinces me of the resolution to the problem, of course there are others who believe that such evidence support the existence of document Q and M or L according to B. H.

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