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1918 Influenza Research Paper

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The 1918 Influenza Epidemic
Have you ever wondered why it’s so important to get vaccinated for the flu and what is so dangerous about it? Well, the influenza epidemic of 1918 was fatal and disastrous because many people died and suffered through a lot of pain. People also perished because they lost many family members and/or friends.
The 1918 influenza epidemic was very devastating. In the text at it states, “...the Windy City experienced a staggering 38,000 cases of influenza and over 13,000 cases of pneumonia.” By the middle of October, the influenza infected Chicago, Peoria, Kankakee, and Rockford (which are all cities in Illinois). By the end of October, Chicago was reporting 10,000 new cases each week. The 1918 epidemic killed more ten times more people than in World War I. Also, the …show more content…
Well, in it says, “Before and after 1918, most influenza pandemics developed in Asia and spread from there to the rest of the world...the 1918 pandemic spread more or less simultaneously in...Europe, Asia, and North America.” Overall, the 1918 influenza spread throughout the whole world.
The weird thing about the 1918 influenza epidemic is that it had no set area where it originated from. It could have possibly been brought in by birds. Another name for the 1918 influenza is the “Spanish flu” because that’s where it could have possibly originated from. Some people also think that it may have come from China.
At it says, “In the United States the disease was first observed at Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 4, 1918, and Queens, New York, on March 11, 1918.” There is no exact location or whereabout of where the 1918 influenza had originated

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