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International Adoption

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What is international adoption? It is a means to which a couple can legally become parents of a child from another country, and bring them to permanently live in their home (US Department of State, 2013). There are several reasons for which parents would adopt which will be discussed further. Inevitably the adopted child will have different experiences throughout life as opposed to the biological child. Beginning at a very early age where the child may not know that they are adopted, continuing into the developmental years and through to adulthood, the adoptee will have many experiences that are mostly issues of the adopted community. These experiences can have a profound effect on the adoptee both socially and psychologically, and will affect …show more content…
These days, there are many adoption agencies, and the children’s welfare is the first priority. For instance, the Hague Convention, formed in 2008, is in place to ensure that adoptions are in the best interest of the child, as opposed to other extremely undesirable motives such as child trafficking (US Department of State, 2013). Every effort is taken to make sure that the child is placed in a good home with good surroundings. However, after the adoption is complete, what is the impact of the international adoption on the child, and on the families that adopt? Because of the endless number of factors that can be involved, it can be hard to examine. Instead of focusing on the question as a whole, it would be prudent to examine other underlying factors as elements of the question, thus coming to a conclusion for the main question. For instance, what issues should the adopting family consider, both for themselves and the child, when planning an international adoption? Many considerations factor in to coming to the decision to adopt, and should be carefully examined before starting the process. What are the effects of international adoption during the developmental years? Also, how does international adoption affect the parent/child relationship as opposed to families with biological children? Examining these relationships will aid in determining what the overall impacts are, and how children see the family as a whole. How does international adoption affect the child psychologically throughout their life? These are some of the main issues surrounding the topic, and can help explain the overall impacts international adoption has had on an

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