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International Adoption: Keeping A Child's Identity

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There are over 20,000 international adoptions into the U.S annually, but a minority of these 20,000 adoptions occurring are illegal or consist of sending children to unsteady homes. International adoption since the years following World War II has become a worldwide organization that aims to better the lives of children and countries. International adoption was set up to help children and countries in need not undermine them, which is what some individuals feel it does do now in our society. Although there may be flaws in the system they are fixable, and international adoption should not be looked at to be shut down because of the few negative spots. International Adoption should continue to operate while protecting children's identity, improving …show more content…
Where a child comes from is a major part of who they are, and in ¨Preservation of the Child´s Background in In- and Intercountry Adoption¨ Judith Lind and Shruti Johansson, from the Department of Child Studies at Linkoping University, state that ¨consideration should be given to the child's ethnic, religious, cultural, and linguistic background¨ (235). Statements are given within conventions such as the CRC and Hague Convention in deference to the preservation of a child's identity, but these conventions do not a make strong allegations on how this is an important part of what needs to be done in international adoption. Where a child comes from is part of who they are, not something that can be taken away because of this the child should not be cut off from knowing who they are. Doing such would rid a child of knowing a whole part of who they truly …show more content…
One of the countries caught in an act was India, where an orphanage was accused with taking children from neighboring countries and putting them in their system for adoption. This orphanage would illegally lie about the child's identity and background in order to put them up for adoption. In this individual case there were 200 children at the orphanage when they were trialed for their offenses. The issue that has been brought up is what should be done with the children in these illegal orphanages, and how do they set up a system where this will not happen any other time. This is just one example of why international adoption needs to have tightened rules that apply to every country that acts in international adoption. In ¨The Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000: The United States´ Ratification of the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children, and its Meager Effect on International Adoption¨ Kate O'Keefe, from the School of Law at Vanderbilt University, shares that there needs to be laws enforced on international adoption that each country is mandated to follow and abide by. In doing this it is hoped that the safety in international adoption will increase and it will become a trustworthy program for those who choose it

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