...Maria Pianka Meredith LeDoux Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Breast cancer is a kind of cancer where cells grow out of control in the breast. The breast is the first site of cancer but overtime, the cells can spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that can grow into surrounding tissues or spread to other areas of the body. Breast cancer can occur in both women and men, even though there is only a 1% chance for men to be diagnosed with breast cancer. (The American Cancer Society) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there is a few different types of breast cancers and the most common types are Ductal Carcinoma and Lobular...
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...Breast cancer still remains a very significant research. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women the ages of 30’s and late 40’s. Breast cancer is controlled growth and spread of abnormal cells. When growth takes place , the cancer cells form a tumor then those cells invade the neighboring tissues and organs. Usually in the early stages of breast cancer there is no signs of symptoms. As the tumor develops you may note the following symptoms: A lump on the breast Swelling in the armpit Pain in the breasts A noticeable indentation or flattening on the breast Any change in the size, contour, texture or the temperature of the breast (a reddish surface of the skin of an orange could be a sign of advanced cancer) . Women go to...
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...Acknowledging Breast Cancer In the United States alone breast cancer is the second most common diagnosed cancer amongst women and men that remains a major concern in the health industry because it targets women for the most part and comes in different forms. Breast cancer is commonly formed in the breast milk ducts, lobular cancer, and inflammatory cancer. There are multiple factors that can contribute to the rise of breast cancer in women include: obesity, age, breast radiation, alcohol abuse, and genetic factors. Genetic traits such as family members already having breast cancer prior to a patient’s diagnosis can play a significant role, which many physicians agree that cancer is hereditary. Another risk related factor to breast cancer...
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...Cancer is when abnormal cells have uncontrolled growth in a human body, (Cancer Treatment Centers of America (2015). There are many types of cancers that cause harm to the human body. One of the types of cancer that causes harm to human is breast cancer. Breast Cancer has a specific body area that it develops. The statistics for breast cancer is high among males and females. There are symptoms and possible risk factors of breast cancer. There are treatments that currently exist to help treat breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs in the breast cells of the breast in humans. Breast cancer occurs in both males and females. However, there are more females than males that encounter breast cancer. According to MNT (2015) “according to the National Cancer Institute, 232,340 female breast cancers and 2,240 male breast cancers are reported in the USA each year, as well as about 39,620 deaths caused by the disease.” There are many symptoms for breast cancer. The symptoms for breast cancer are a lump in the breasts, Pitting or redness of the skin of the breast, a rash around one of the nipples, swelling in one of the armpits, an area of thickened tissue in a breast, discharge in...
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...invasive cancer according to Breastcancer.org, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information about breast cancer to those who are affected. With a population of 157 million women in the United States, that means around 20 million women have a chance of getting affected by breast cancer. However due to technology and medical advances, there has been a decline in mortality rates due to breast cancer. Since 1989, there has been an increase in breast cancer survivorship (“U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics”). Most people don’t consider that these women have to face challenges and hardships after cancer. Due to the traumatic experience, many women are left with psychosocial...
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...INTRODUCTION Male breast cancer is practically “unheard of”, with only 1% of breast cancer patients being male. The topic I researched was male breast cancer and how it might affect the body and mind. What I researched about was breast cancer itself, risks of it happening, symptoms, what genetics have to do with it and how stress affects the human body. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE BREAST CANCER Breast cancer is a malignant group of cancer cells that surrounds and spreads to its surrounding tissues. If a male developed it, they would most likely notice a lump on their chest, often hard to identify. However, a male would also often delay their visit to the doctor because of how small the breast tissue they have is and the fact that men having breast cancer is basically “inconceivable”. There’s a small amount of information that gets spread around about breast cancer in males, which is why their visits to the doctors about it are usually delayed to the extent of horrible pain. MOST LIKELY TO GET IT IF......
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...Organ Function: Breasts are the mammary gland with in females secretes milk used to feed infants. Localized on the upper ventral region, on the left and right sides. Breast has two main tissues. Contain glandular lobules and ducts in women who are at the stage of lactation, milk containing the right through the tubes that carry milk to the nipple, and media containing fibrous connective tissue and adipose adjusting the size and shape of the breast. Organ Disease: Breasts Cancer occurs when cells in the breast begin to grow without control. It is a malignant tumor that is more common in women. Breast cancer starts in the tissues of the breast. Types of Breast Cancer: Ductal carcinoma begins in the pipes / tubes that carry milk from the breast to the nipple. The majority of breast cancers are of...
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...Proposal for Individual Research Paper: Your Name here To provide guidance for your individual project, you are to submit a Proposal for Individual Project by the end of Session 4. The Proposal should address the following seven questions. Rename the template including your name (e.g. Proposal for Individual Project_yourName.doc or .docx) and submit your proposal in the assignment folder “RsrchPaperProp”. I. What is the thesis of your paper? A strong Research Paper has a good thesis. Your thesis statement is a point of view in response to a research question. Read more about how to write a thesis statement here: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/1/ |Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis | |(DBT) or 3D Mammography in conjunction with conventional computed tomography (CT Scan) mammography is proving to be more successful| |in detection and possible prevention of Breast Cancer than conventional methods alone. | II. Who is the audience of your paper? It is important to have a well-defined audience in mind when you write your paper. Hopefully you will be able to define an authentic audience that may be relevant in some way to your current job and/or career goals. |ITEC610 class members, IT management, UCSP615 professor & class members | | ...
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...CANCER INFORMATION PAPER HCA/240 CANCER INFORMATION PAPER The paper will reflect on breast cancer, A breast is made up of three main parts: glands, ducts, and connective tissue. The glands produce milk. The ducts are passages that carry milk to the nipple. The connective tissue (which consists of fibrous and fatty tissue) connects and holds everything together I will talk about the cause and risk factors of breast cancer, ways to try to prevent and how to get early detection. I will be speaking about the effects of your health related to breast cancer as well as treatment options for breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women all over the world. Breast cancer does not discriminate of race or ethnics. In reading this paper, you will see that more than 502,000 women are killed in a year from breast cancer. In 2007, more than 47,000 women died from breast cancer. Unfortunately, there are some risk factors for breast cancer that are not under your control, but learning as much as you can about them is something that should be taken into consideration. Cause and Risk Factors for Breast Cancer While we do not yet know exactly what causes breast cancer, we do know that certain risk factors are linked to the disease. A risk factor is something that affects your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Some risk factors, such as smoking, drinking, and diet are linked...
Words: 2014 - Pages: 9
...Group 6: HPV as a leading cause of Cancer Human papillomavirus (HPV) was founded in the 1950s as a virus infection that is associated to many cancers. It is primarily transmitted through sexual contact and less intimate skin-to-skin contact. Preventions have been implemented to raise awareness of the virus. The first vaccine for HPV approved as a widespread use in the US was in 2006. The virus acts to infect the keratinocytes in the skin and mucosal membrane. Other areas the HPV acts as a carcinogen are the cervix, anus, penis, vulva, vagina, oropharynx, benign genital and cutaneous warts, respiratory papillomatosis, and nasal or oral papilloma. Some researchers have concluded that the HPV infection which is more common during the active period of age is directly related to certain cancers. Researchers have found that HPV is associated with certain types of cancers and also have found that HPV can have no association with certain cancers. The research we did will explain the various cancers associated with HPV and attempt to answer the question “is HPV the leading cause of cancer?” In the United Stated and around the world, cancer is and continues to be a very serious disease that affects millions of people. Head and neck cancers are “the sixth most common cancer in the world” (Lajer et al. 2012). While the link between HPV and cervical cancer has been established; it is still unclear to researchers how HPV is related to head and neck cancer. The authors assert that alcohol...
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...Navigation and the Impact on Breast Care Christina Reid-Brown California Baptist University Foundations of Management BUS 503A February 9, 2015 Dr. Marc Weinger Abstract This research paper evaluated the relationship between navigation and navigator roles as they relate to the patient journey with breast cancer. The goal of the research was to determine if these care coordination models eliminated institutional barriers experienced by patients trying to coordinate breast care in a complex healthcare system. It also evaluated the effectiveness of the navigator role as it supports the elimination of barriers to care for minorities and women living in low-income and underserved communities. This study reviewed the results from surveys given to women being treated for breast cancer at different hospitals, and cancer clinics to determine if navigation improves patient access to appropriate evidence-based healthcare. The findings showed higher patient satisfaction and compliance, continuity of care, decreased anxiety levels, and increased social support systems from families and friends when navigation services were provided. Key Words: Patient Navigator; Breast Care Coordinator; Breast Care Patient Navigator; Breast Cancer in Women; Current Studies involving Breast Cancer Introduction Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death and the most common disease found in women living...
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...Breast Cancer Tonia Maraden CM220-51 November 23, 2012 Breast Cancer Debra Wheeler is a wonderful person and a personal friend that works with me at my part time job. She is the Executive Assistant to the CEO. In January of last year, Debra Wheeler was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She ended up having to have single mastectomy since the cancer was only in one of her breast. She then later had to have the breast the removed and reconstructed. The way they did it was take the skin and soft tissues from the belly and use it to reconstruct her new breast. Debra’s healthy body and her positive spirit helped her to beat the cancer, now she has been cancer free for a year. She is a very strong willed person and that is why I believe is the reason that she is still here today others have not been so lucky or gave up the fight too early. With this in mind, Debra has discovered along with many breast cancer survivors that the oral contraceptives for many years were a possible cause to the reason they were diagnosed with cancer. There are more than one reason has to why we should support breast cancer. Breast cancer is something that will or has affected us all in one way or another. I. Here are some statics on breast cancer: A. A woman is diagnosed with Breast Cancer every 2.5 Minutes. 1. Worldwide, breast cancer...
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...RESEARCH ARTICLE CRITIQUE Biomedical Science Brief summary The article selected for this paper is “A study into the potential role of Survivin localisation in resistance to drug-induced apoptosis” written by Helen Angell. The paper is about the role of an anti-apoptotic factor from the class of caspases. The subcellular localisation of surviving can play important role in the therapy of breast cancer. Cancer is an abnormal process in which the cellular apoptosis is inhibited. Survivin is a protein known to regulate cell division and apoptosis. Chemotherapy in cancer patients in targeted to induce apoptosis. Surviving has been known to be localised in the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cells. The main therapeutic role of Survivin comes from the fact that the sensitivity of the breast cancer cells to chemotherapy is increased in its presence within the nucleus. Description of the methods and techniques used Various methods have been used by the author. All lab-based methods are used for the determination of localisation and presence of the protein in the cell. • The fourth method used is tissue culture, for the purpose of over expression the protein in the selected cells. • Second method subcellular fractionation was done for the separation of the cellular components. • Immunoblotting was chosen...
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...Background: Breast cancer cases in women are highly attributed to BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. The protein products of these genes suppress the development of cancer, in part by repairing damage in other genes. Women who inherit a nonfunctioning copy of either BRCA1 or BRCA2 therefore have a significantly elevated lifetime risk of breast cancer, especially at an early age. Identification of hereditary breast cancer susceptibility allows optimized medical management of an individual's increased risk of breast cancer. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlights the arguments on doing predictive breast cancer genetic testing to investigate who is likely to carry a mutation, from ethical and legal perspectives of proponents and opponents...
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...International Journal of Computer Graphics Vol. 2, No. 1, May, 2011 Identification of Abnormal Masses in Digital Mammography Images Indra Kanta Maitra Research Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calcutta, India E-mail: ikm.1975@ieee.org Sanjay Nag Research Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calcutta, India E-mail: sanjaynag75@gmail.com Prof. Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay Professor and Senior Member IEEE, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Calcutta, India E-mail:skb1@vsnl.com Abstract Mammography is at present one of the available method for early detection of masses or abnormalities which is related to breast cancer. The most common abnormalities that may indicate breast cancer are masses and calcifications. The challenge lies in early and accurate detection to overcome the development of breast cancer that affects more and more women throughout the world. Masses appear in a mammogram as fine, granular clusters, which are often difficult to identify in a raw mammogram. Digital mammogram is one of the best technologies currently being used for diagnosing breast cancer. Breast cancer is diagnosed at advanced stages with the help of the digital mammogram image. In this paper, a method has been developed to make a supporting tool. This will make it easy and less time consuming for identification of abnormal masses in digital mammography images. The identification technique is divided...
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