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High Value Target Model Analysis

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Ending a terrorist campaign from a democratic stand point is a hard task. Terrorist, especially in the 21st century is very adaptive to their environment and have gone global. This overall has left many different approaches to combating terrorism or insurgences. There is HVT approach; cutting their financial flow approach; the heavy intelligence approach; train, advise, assist; and the hearts and minds approach. These approaches can be used by themselves, or in conjunction with each other.

HVT Approach

The High Value Target (HVT) approach works toward taking out key leaders in a terrorist organization, to hopefully create a tunnel effect. This tunnel effect is supposed to either take the leadership out of the organization, establish weaker leadership, or cause internal conflict within the organization which overall weakens it (Frankel 2011). This …show more content…
Howard (2002) stated that "Without hearts and minds one cannot obtain intelligence, and without intelligence terrorists can never be defeated." The terrorist wants the local population on their side and that is the one key to survival. That is why the hearts and minds approach for democracy is a good approach. Democracies are already viewed usually as invaders or pushing their modern lifestyle on a not so modern world. This was a big point by Al Qai'da, pushing that the United States were crusaders against Islam, which was pushed even more with the invasion of Iraq. Understanding culture, local law, land ownership rights, and other issues is a must in this approach. Pushing out bad PR on terrorist operations and making sure the local population knows you are there to help them is another key element. When going to detain or kill a terrorist making sure there is no civilian causalities, or structural damage, makes sure that the people understand you are not there for them. You respect

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