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Hollywood Times Up Movement Analysis

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“Times up! We need more women directors and more women nominated for best director.” Said Barbra Streisand in a recent interview by, Streisand along with other women believe that the time is up for inequality not only in Hollywood but in the classrooms across the world. Not just here in the United States but across the world women, blacks, Hispanics and many others are discriminated in more ways than one. Up until recently a college degree or even a high school diploma wasn’t necessary to be successful but now in the 21st century, a college degree will be what stands between you and a better paying job. The need and the strive for higher education is the reason why campuses are now multicultural. Since time has changed how things …show more content…
According to Germans and African Americans make up a third of the United States population. With Americans only making up only a tenth of the US population, white males have made an amazing crawl to the top of the other races as rulers and recipients of the US. As they have made their way to the top they have also made their way into every aspect of how we live our life's including how were taught in classrooms. That’s why in this article by Annie Murphy Paul "are college lectures Unfair", the answer is yes, they are, because other learning methods are more effective, and there is a white and black gap in education Are college lectures …show more content…
As a result, the ideal for the article was to persuade the audience that the traditional course of study isn't as effective as the active learning curriculum. Active learning is more beneficial to all college students then the traditional method. Paul uses College case studies to back up her thesis. One thing that can be used to back up her idea that active is better than the traditional way is that College lectures do not involve any significant audience, but lectures do rely on passive learning. Passive learning entails students to just absorb the information without any feedback while active learners are more hands on. The difference between the two methods don’t necessarily mean they aren't effective to the students it being taught to, it just depends on the student, how they take the information given and the background they've came from. According to people remember 20 percent of what they hear and 90 percent of what they do. This means that most students retain and store the most information while actively engaged in the information they are trying to learn and

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