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How Does Shakespeare Show Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet

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Loyalty is everything, Juliet has to show more loyalty to one person, either her family or her husband Romeo. The author of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare created a play about two young people who fall in love and die in love. Juliet and Romeo want to be together, but their families are enemies. Romeo was banished for killing Juliet’s cousin Tybalt and all Juliet wants is to be with Romeo. Juliet has always loved her family, but recently she found her true love Romeo, and married him. Juliet’s trust and loyalty is leaving her family and going to Romeo. In the play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s actions shows more loyalty to her husband Romeo than her family.
Later in the play when Juliet is in a crisis and cannot find a way to be with Romeo, she ponders the idea to kill herself if she cannot be with Romeo. Juliet decides to go to the nurse, the nurse is a part of Juliet’s family, and Juliet trusts her more than anyone else in her family. Juliet hopes that the nurse has a bright idea to save her from this horrible time. “I think you are happy in this second match, For it …show more content…
”Where I have learn'd me to repent the sin of disobedient opposition”(Shakespeare Scene 2). Juliet tells her parents that she had been disobedient and will now do whatever they say including the marriage with Paris which she did not want to do earlier. Juliet’s parents are very happy about this little do they know she was betraying them to be with Romeo. This scene shows that Juliet’s loyalty lies with Romeo, all her actions in the play including this one mostly show the loyalty she has for him. Instead of staying in her mansion with a handsome nice gentleman Paris and her family Juliet would rather take a potion that puts her in a coma then get buried alive and possibly wake up next to her dead cousin

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