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How Does Telemachus Change In The Odyssey

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Steven LaBarre Mrs. Hardy English 1, 4th block May 22nd Telemachus’s journey in “The Odyssey”. My name is Telemachus, son of Odysseus. I tell my experience of my journey in “The Odyssey” of how I change throughout the journey. For a long time I lived quietly through my fathers footprint, not knowing where my place was in the world. But through my challenging situations, I changed from a fearful boy into a courageous young man. When my father Odysseus was slain in the Trojan war, not coming home, my life in Ithaca came to be very hard. My home has been overtaken by Suitors competing to get my mother Penelope, taking our supplies and disrespecting our home. I felt helpless against the suitors, not knowing if I had the courage to lead my people.

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