Through the years, time has slowly taken over our lives. It eats away at our relationships and the work we do. Clocks, our way of measuring time, are why society has gone from leisurely to mechanical and rushed. They started as a way to count days and will soon be internalized. In ancient Babylon over 6 thousand years ago the sundial was used to track time. This was the first civilization to let time rule over them. From there Greece developed the first mechanical clock powered by water. Hamilton introduced the modern electric watch in 1957. As a major theme in Cast Away, time decides the decisions people make. Zemechis shows time in three different ways. Batina introduces timelessness. Technology and Chuck represent digital time. Biological time is shown through Kelly and the island. Batina represents the timeless world in Cast Away. When Zemechis introduces Batina she is a spark between two wings. This gives her a spiritual, angelic, or timeless character. There are also no clocks on the farm. This shows that Batina doesn’t let time rule over her. She enjoys her work and gets lost in the art she creates that will last forever. Batina only physically appears at the start and end of the film, but her symbol, the wings with three circles, is constantly there. When we see her four years later, she hasn’t changed. The world around her has gone…show more content… We meet the digital clock before we meet Chuck Noland. When he is first seen, he's giving a speech about time. This introduction of digital time is powerful because it shows how much Chuck lets time rule over him. He lives his life by his planner and more importantly, his pager. He "live[s] and die[s]" by the clock. When he lands on the island Chuck checks his pager first but it's broken. He has trouble adjusting to life without any restraints. Chuck usually has technology all around him and ruling over his life. Without that on the island in the beginning he struggles to