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How Is Nick Carraway Corrupt In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we follow the main character Jay Gatsby through his life through the eyes of Nick Carraway, his neighbor. Both of these characters live on the West Egg of New York. Gatsby and Nick earned their wealth, unlike the people who live on the East Egg of New York. Those people, such as characters, Daisy and Tom, were either born wealthy or inherited their wealth.The Eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleberg, on the front cover of the book, symbolizes the fact that all the greed and corruption that people commit, is watched over by someone. Jay Gatsby has the purest dream of them all. He wants it all, the only problem is he wants the girl as well. The greed and corruption are what results in Gatsby not getting everything …show more content…
Gatsby tries to get Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him, and that she has loved Gatsby the whole time Tom and her were together. “‘Oh, you want too much!’ she cried to Gatsby. ‘I love you now--isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past’ She began to sob helplessly. ‘I did love him once--but I loved you too.’”(132). Gatsby walks over to Daisy, standing close by her side and asks her to admit something she can’t admit because it would not be true. “His physical proximity to Daisy symbolizes the emotional closeness he feels for her, which he obviously wants her to reciprocate. He wants her to know that he is literally standing beside her, as a source of stability and support.”(Evans). Daisy did love Tom while Gatsby was gone, whether it be true love or just love for the money he has. This shows Gatsby’s greed because he does not see how Daisy could possibly love Tom. He thinks that she should have loved him and only him all this time. At this point is when Gatsby loses Daisy. Although he had done everything he could for her, she has a life that she is a part of already, and she cannot just get up and leave it all for

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