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How to Cure Bowed Legs


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How to Cure Bowed Legs Naturally
By Amanda On February 12, 2012 · 13 Comments · In Beauty Life, Body
My bowed legs are an all-time eyesore. I can’t wear mini-skirts (not that I want). I can’t wear ankle boots (for they draw attention to my legs). I can’t even wear shorts. I have to forbid myself from wearing this or that kind of clothing for the fear that it may draw unnecessary attention to my legs. Poor me…
If this scenario looks familiar to you, I’ve got a solution! Knowing that it’s never a long-term solution for me to hide or disguise my bowed legs, I did a search online to find out what natural methods can be used to cure them so I can forget about it once and for all. And voila, I’m exhilarated to tell you: I’ve found it! This method is super easy and won’t cost you anything. All it takes is a little of time and patience. Don’t believe? Read on.
8 Steps to Get Rid of Bowed Legs
First, find a strip of space in your home where you can walk straight for eight steps. I do this exercise in my sitting room. The space is not as long as I want, but enough to get the job done.
Next, stand in a natural position. Hands rest on your sides. Keep your legs close to each other.
Finally, imagine there is a straight line on the floor and walk backward along that line for eight steps. And in no time, you are done!
Easy enough, huh? However, bear in mind a few things while you are at it: 1. Make sure you are retreating in a straight line. No curve. 2. Keep your strides big. That way, you can exercise and, according to the video, “waken” your thigh muscles. 3. It’s okay to raise your knee while moving, but remember to touch the floor with your entire sole, not only your toes. Which means you have to bend your instep, or sole if you like to put it other way. 4. Do this exercise at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
You will get a better idea of how to do this exercise with this video on YouTube.
Remember, you also have to keep some bad habits at bay to avoid a comeback of your bowed legs.
Dont’s for Bowed Legs
First, don’t cross your legs when you are sitting. Yes, crossed legs may make you look more ladylike, but it’s achieved at the cost of the aesthetic of your legs. So even though I know I would look way less charming with a pair of untangled legs, I still commit myself to it.
Second, don’t stand on one leg. It’s another bad habit of mine. When I’m waiting in line or leaning on a post, I like to shift the weight of my body to one leg. Don’t ever do that! It can ruin the natural form of your thigh bone. And the best advice I can give you is: stop doing this.
My Personal Experience
Okay, time for me to tell you the result of my experiment. I have been doing this 8-step exercise for about two weeks, and I can really SEE the difference. Although the result isn’t immediate and is not as magical as the video claims, I’m still quite satisfied with my progress (you have to know that bowed-legs have been with me for as long as I can remember). In the past, when I had to pull my knees together, I had to make some great effort, causing me to become a few centimeters shorter. But now, doing such a thing is simply effortless, and I can keep my height unchanged. So I can vouch for this exercise’s effectiveness. Just don’t expect it to work immediately.
If you are plagued by bowed-legged and can’t find a good way to cure it, I think it’s worthwhile to give this method a go.

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