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How To Rationalize Student Loans

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Student loans are a nationwide problem. With rates of students loans increasing. Almost every year the college tuition cost increases. According to brainy quotes ”Mr obama seeks to federalize large proportions of education beginning with his attempt to rationalize college loans.(Crowley). Obama is trying to make a change, by reducing the amount of college tuition students have to pay. If obama reduces the pay then more students can go to college and get the education they need. With an education they can get better job opportunities. College tuition has been increasing over the years, college students are still in debt even when they get out of college. College students tend to get emotionally stressed about the amount of meat they need to pay back. When students owe a lot of the money the result is that they will drop out. Owing money is a problem all across the world. Student loans is a nationwide problem, no matter where you go college and fees will be a problem and will continue to be a problem in the future as college tuition increases. Students are considered in debt when the can't pay back what the took out. They would have to owe the money back to the bank. Students who were in college, 42.1 % of college students completed college, that is almost half of college students who dropped out. …show more content…
Obama is trying to make a change, by reducing the amount of college tuition students have to pay. If obama reduces the pay then more students can go to college and get the education they need. With an education they can get better job opportunities. College tuition has been increasing over the years, college students are still in debt even when they get out of college. College students tend to get emotionally stressed about the amount of meat they need to pay back. When students owe a lot of the money the result is that they will drop out. Owing money is a problem all across the

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