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Unit 13 P4

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The legislation, guidance and codes of practice that support an individual to access training, education and employment are as follows:
Employment Equality Act 1998 and 2004
The Employment Equality Act 1998 and 2004 prohibits discrimination on the following grounds: Marital Status, Family Status, Race, Religion, Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Being a member of the Traveller Community.
Discrimination occurs where, because of any one of these grounds, a person is treated less favourably than another person is, has been or would be treated in a comparable situation. The Act applies to all employees and to applicants for employment and training.
The legislation provides that all individuals should have equal access to job opportunities. …show more content…
The Act stipulates that a person with a disability is to be considered fully competent and capable to undertake the duties attached to a job, if the person could do the duties with the assistance of special treatment and facilities. The provision of special treatment or facilities must result in the person being fully competent and capable of performing the duties attached to the job, otherwise there is no obligation to recruit or retain the person in employment.
In a nutshell, employers and learning providers must support and accommodate “reasonable adjustments” where practical in order to provide individuals with fair and equal access to employment, training and

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