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How Was Samsung Able to Go from Copycat Brand to a Product Leader


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▪ Ahli ekonomi kumpulan Keynesian merasa pesimis atau tidak yakin kepada kebolehan pasaran bebas untuk menyelaras dengan cepat dan cekap apabila berhadapan dengan kejutan. ▪ Keynesian mempercayai upah dan harga adalah rigid dan liat (wages and prices are rigid or sticky) dan tidak mudah diselaras untuk membersih pasaran (mencapai keseimbangan). ▪ Ini memberi implikasi bahawa ekonomi mungkin tidak berada dalam keadaan keseimbangan dalam jangka masa yang lama. ▪ Sebagai contoh, kemelesetan yang hebat merupakan satu keadaan ketakseimbangan dimana terdapat pengangguran yang tinggi ( penawaran buruh > permintaan buruh. ▪ Kerajaan perlu bertindak atau campur tangan untuk menghapuskan atau meminimum keadaan ekonomi dimana output rendah dan kadar pengangguran tinggi.


▪ A nalisis dan dasar Keynesian bergantung kepada andaian bahawa upah dan harga tidak meyelaras dengan cepat untuk membersih pasaran. ▪ Keynesian membincangkan isu ketegaran upah kerana mereka tidak bersetuju dengan penerangan ahli ekonomi Klasik mengenai pengangguran.

▪ Mengikut prendapat Klasik, pengangguran ( semasa kemelesetan disebabkan oleh pengangguran geseran dan struktur

Mengikut pendapat Keynesian , semasa kemelesetan terdapat keadaan di mana pekerja secara akif mencari pekerjaan dan majikan pula mencari pekerja. Tetapi, kajian menunjukkan keadaan sebaliknya. ▪ Untuk menerangkan bahawa pengangguran tidak semata-mata bergantung kepada keadaan mismatch pekerja-pekerjaan. ▪ Mengikut Keynesian, perubahan upah benar adalah terlalu kecil untuk mengimbangkan kuantiti buruh diminta = kuantiti buruh ditawarkan ( keadaan ini dinamakan ketegaran upah benar.

1. Sebab-sebab berlakunya ketegaran upah benar

▪ Untuk menjelaskan bagaimana upah benar meyebabkan pengangguran, upah benar yang dibayar firma mestilah lebih besar daripada upah benar bagi pasaran dalam keadaan seimbang


w* Efficiency wage wE E

N NE ▪ Kenapa firma tidak mengurangkan kos buruh dengan mengurangkan upah benar sebagaimana dicadangkan oleh ahli ekonomi klasik? Sebabanya: o Faktor perundangan dan institusi o Kos pusing ganti buruh (turnover) o upah yang tinggi memberi insentif kepada pekerja untuk bekerja lebih keras dan efektif

3. MODEL UPAH KECEKAPAN ( THE EFFICIENCY WAGE MODEL) ▪ Bergantung kepada pendekatan meningkatkan insentif (dorongan) dan mengurangkan disinsentif (carrot and stick approach). ▪ Carrot atau insentif positif : berasaskan idea bahawa pekerja yang diberi layanan baik akan bekerja dengan lebih rajin dan cekap. Majikan pula membayar upah yang lebih tinggi untuk mengekalkan pekerja. Begitu juga majikan tidak akan mengurangkan upah mereka semasa gawat. Keadaan ini dinamakan sebagai motif pertukaran hadiah (gift exchange motive). ▪ Stick atau aspek ancaman : berasaskan kepada penentuan upah mengikut model ponteng/mengelak kerja (shirking model). Mengikut model ini – sekiranya seseorang pekerja cuma dibayar upah minimum untuk pekerjaan mereka, pekerja ini tidak begitu kisah jika mereka kehilangan atau dibuang kerja disebabakn prestasi kerjanya yang kurang memuaskan. Jika pekerja tidak berpuas hati dengan pekerjaan mereka, pekerja akan ponteng/mengelak kerja. Motif pertukaran hadiah dan model ponteng kerja memberi implikasi bahawa usaha yang dilakukan oleh pekerja sangat bergantung kepada upah benar (w) yang mereka terima.

1. Keluk usaha (Effort Curve)

▪ Keluk usaha curve adalah hubungan antara upah benar tingkat usaha buruh. E

Effort E* curve B


wA w* w

▪ Mengandaikan keluk usaha berbentuk S ▪ Pada tingkat w yang paling rendah, pekerja kurang berusaha. ▪ Usaha meningkat secara perlahan mengikut peningkatan upah, w. ▪ Pada tingkat w yang tinggi, usaha meningkat engan banyak sebagaimana ditunjukkanoleh keluk usaha yang berbentuk curam ▪ Betik keluk menjadi landai pada tingkat w yang sangat tinggi, dan upah tidak akan meningkat lebih tinggi walaupun pekerja mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi.

2. Penentuan Upah mengikut Model Upah Kecekapan
Usaha bergantung kepada w tetapi apakah faktor yang menentukan w? ▪ Untuk memaksimumkan keuntungan ( firma akan memilih tingkat w yang menghasilkan usaha pekerja yang paling tinggi bagi setiap w yang dibayar kepada pekerja ( E/w ( usaha per ringgit upah benar (effort per dollar of real wage. ▪ w yang menghasilkan usaha per ringgit upah benar paling tinggi adalah pada titik B ▪ Upah benar (w) yang memaksimumkan usaha atau kecekapan bagi setiap ringgit upah benar didefinisi sebagai upah kecekapan atau ▪ efficiency wage (w*) dan usaha maksimum ialah pada titik E*. ▪ Majikan memilih w* dengan andaian keluk usaha tidak berubah ▪ Teori menganaikan w adalah tetap = upah kecekapan

3. Gunatenaga dan Pengangguran –Model Upah Kecekapan

Teori Upah kecekapan ( w adalah rigid sekiranya pada tingkat upah yang dibayar usaha per ringgit yang maksimum. ▪ Bagaimanakah sistem pasaran buruh upah kecekapan ini berlaku?


NS A B w* E wage

E wE


N N’ NE NS1 ▪ Upah kecekapan berbentuk garis horizontal kerana cuma keluk usaha menetukan upah kecekapan . Oleh itu w* adalah tetap. w

NS A B w* E wage

E wE


N N’ NE NS1 ▪ ND* mengambarkan keluaran sut buruh (MPN) apabila usaha buruh ditetapkan pada titik E* ▪ Seperti dalam kes Klasik, ( ( prouktiviti atau modal (K), meyebabakan ND* berganjak ke kanan. ▪ Any ( in keluk E yang mreyebabkan ( E* akan meningkatkan MPN, dan oleh itu menganjak keluk ND* ke kanan.


NS A B w* E wage

E wE


N N’ NE NS1 ▪ PadaA titik A, dimana upah benar itetapkan paa w*, firma mengambil N’ pekerja. ▪ Di titik B, apabila uapah benar w* penawaran buruh ialah NS1.. ▪ Dengan upah kecekapan jarak AB menunjukkan ( NS > ND ( di sini iandaikan t w* sentiasa lebih tinggi daripada upah keseimbangan pasaran, wE. ▪ Tingkat gunatenaga ialah di mana ND = N’, yang merupakan tingkat gunatenaga penuh. Mengikut model klasik, gunatenaga penuh ialah pada NE

▪ Oleh kerana upah kecekapan ditetap pada w* dan jika tidak berlaku apa-apa kejutan (perubahan) tingkat gunatenaga akan terus kekal pada t N’ . ▪ Dari aspek pengangguran, model ini memberi implikasi bahawa walaupun w telah diselaraskan sepenuhnya, secara teknikalnya ekonomi berada pada tahap guna tenaga penuh, masih wujud lebihan penawaran buruh. (NS1 – N’) ( pengangguran struktur. ▪ Dalam kes klasik upah benar boleh diturunkan tetapi mengikut model upah kecekapan upah adalah tetap Sekiranya pekerja sanggup untuk bekerja pada tahap w yang rendah , tetapi majikan tidak akan mengaji mereka kerana pada upah yang lebih rendah majikan tidak akan memperoleh usaha per ringgit upah benar yang maksimum berbaning pada tahap upah benar w*

▪ Model kecekapan upah memberi implikasi bahawa pengangguran akan tetap wujud walaupun tidak terdapat mismatch antara pekerja dan pekerjaan.

4. Kritikan terhadap Model Upah Kecekapan.

▪ Mengandaikan upah benar adalah tetap . ini adalah satu keadaan yang terlalu ekstrim kerana upah akan berubah melalui masa. ▪ Andaian yang lebih munasabah ialah pekerja lebih berhati-hati supaya tidak kehilangan pekerjaan kerana pada masa gawat, adalah sukar untuk mencari pekerjaan baru. Oleh itu pekerja mungkin rela menrima w* yang lebih rendah semasa gawat. Dengan andaian ini model upah kecekapan bersesuaian atau menepati dengan fakta kitaran perniagaan di mana w adalah rendah pada masa mmeleset berbanding dengan upah semasa melambung (procyclical real wage)

5. Upah kecekapan dan keluk FE

▪ Mengikut model klasik terdapat 2 faktor yang mengubah keluk FE

o Perubahan NS o Perubahan produktiviti

▪ Dalam Model Upah kecekapan

o NS tidak mempengaruhi gunatenaga

o Perubahan NS tidak memberi kesan ke atas keluk FE mengikut model upah kecekapan Keynesian.

o Perubahan produktiviti mengurangkan output guna tenaga penuh dan keluk FE berganjak ke kiri disebabkan:

1. kejatuhan MPN, dan (.produktiviti, ( ND pada mana mana w yang tetap. Oleh itu pada w*, tingkat guna tenaga penuh akan jatuh. 2. ( iproduktiviti, ( jumlah Y yang boleh dikeluarkan dengan jumlah tertentu K, N and E


▪ Harga lekit – mengikut keynesian adalah harga nominal yang meyelaras (berubah) secara perlahan kepada perubahan ekonomi.

▪ Keynesian memperkenalkan konsep harga lekit untuk menyangkal ramalan bahawa dasar kewangan adalah nuetral.

▪ Dalam model klasik kes andaian bahawa w dan p meyelaras secara cepat membawa implikasi bahawa wang adalah neutral.

▪ Sekiranya wang itu neutral , (( penawaran wang akan menngubah tingkat harga dengan nisbah yang sama tanpa memebri kesan keatas pemboleh ubah benar. Kajian empirik menunjukkan wang adalah tidak nuertal dalam dunia sebenar.
▪ Keynesian menjelaskan keadaan wang yang tidak nuetral sebagai ( keadaan harga lekit iaitu harga tidak menyelaras dengan cepat terhadap perubahan penawaran wang.

1. Sebab-sebab harga Lekit

▪ Pertandingan bermonoploli. ▪ Kos menu

Pertandingan beermonopoli (Monopolistic Competition)

▪ Kebayakan firma adalah penentu harga dan bukannya penerima harga.

▪ Idalam model klasik, andaian pertandingan sempurna. Semua pembeli dan penjual adalah penerima harga.

▪ Keynesian percaya harga yang rigid tidak berlaku dalam pasaran pertandingan sempurna tetapi berlaku jika ekonomi mempunyai ciri bukan pertandingan sempurna. Keynesian berpendapat harga tegar kemungkinan boleh berlaku dalam pasaran pertandingan bermonopoli.

Kos menu.

▪ Kos menu ialah kos mengubah harga ▪ Contoh kos menu: o Kos mencetak semula senarai dan katalog. o Kos memberi maklumat kepada penlenggan berpontensi o Meletak tanda barang yang baru

▪ Sekiranya kos menu wujud dalam mengubah harga barang, maka firma akan jarang-jarang mengubah harga. Harga menjadi lekit.

▪ Sekiranya khilangan keuntungan kerana tidak mengubah harga < kos menu ( firma tidak akan mengubah harga.

▪ Ijika kehilangan keuntungan kerana tidak mengubah harga > kos menu ( firma akan mengubah harga..

2. Memenuhi permintaan pada harga nominal tetap

▪ Dalam kes harga adalah lekit, firma cenderung mengubah pengeluaran berbanding mengubah harga apabila berlaku perubahan permintaan.

▪ Kenapa firma rela memenuhi permintaan dengan menetapkan harga? o Andaian firma pertandingan bermonopoli boleh mengubah harga tanpa kehilangan pelanggan Iaitu P >MC ( lebihan harga nominal ke atas MC ialah markup (()( P = (1 + ()MC

▪ Adakah ianya menguntungkan firma untuk memenuhi permintaan dengan menetapkan harga? Jawapan nya YA, sekiranya

o Asekiranya kossut, MC rendah daripada harga tetap, firma akan menambah unit pengeluaran. Firma yang membayar upah kecekapan, boleh menambah pengeluaran dengan mengambil lebih pekerja kerana terdapat lebihan penawaran buruh.

3. Permintaan Buruh Efektif

▪ Berapa ramai pekerja akan diambil untuk memenuhi permintaan? Ianya bergantung kepada keluk permintaan buruh efektif

▪ Keluk permintaan buruh efektif menunjukkan berapa banyak buruh yang diperlukan untuk mengeluarkan sesuatu tingkat Y dengan A, K dan E yang konstant.

N Effective Labor Demand Curve

NDe (Y)


Y Y ▪ Lebih banyak buruh di perlukan untuk mengeluarkan lebih output

▪ Keluk permintaan buruh efektif menunjukkan hubungan antara jumlah output diminta dan jumlah buruh yang di ambil bekerja (employed) selepas upah dan harga menyelaras sepenuhnya.

▪ Hubungan ini sama dengan fungsi pengeluaran.

▪ Keluk ini digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat gunatenaga dalam model keynesian.



▪ Sebab utama memperkenalkan kelekitan harga nominal dalammodel keynesian ialah untuk menjelaskan keadaan ketakneutralan wang.

MP dalam Model IS-LM Keynesian

| |Classical |Keynesian |
|FE |Berbentuk tegak pada tingkat guna tenaga penuh |Sama |
| | | |
| |N (( ND = NS | |
| | |N ditentukan oleh persilangan keluk ND dan lkeluk upah |
| | |kecekapan |
| | | |
| |Perubahan NS akan mempengaruhi keluk N dan FE |Perubahan NS tidak memepengaruhi N dalam model upah |
| | |kecekapan dan tidak mempengaruhi garis FE |
| | | |
| | | |

▪ Oleh kerana andaian harga lekit,mengikut model keynesian, ekonomi tidak perlu berada dalam keseimbangan umum dalam jangka pendek

▪ Dalam jangka panjang pendapat Keynesian dan klasik adalah sama iaitu ekonomi berada dalam keadaan keseimbangan

▪ Apa terjadi dalam SR sekiranya ekonomi tidak dapat capai keseimbangan disebabkan harga lekit?

o Keynesian mengandaikan pasaran aset akan menyelaras dengan cepat danY ditentukan oleh permintan agregat, AD.

o Ekonomi sentiasa berada pada titik persilangan keluk-keluk IS - LM

o Output berbeza daripada output guna tenaga penuh dan ekonomi tidak perlu berada di atas keluk FE dalam SR

2. Peningkatan penawaran wang (MS) MOSEL IS-LM Keynesian

r FE


E P( LM2 r1 F r2 1.MS( IS

Y N NDe(Y)

N2 F N E

Y Y2 Y

6. DASAR FISKAL Kesan Peningkatan perbelanjaan kerajaan (G) r FE


G( H P( LM1 r3 r2 F r1 IS2 E IS1
N NDe(Y)

N2 F N
E, H

Y Y2 Y

6.1 Kesan dasar Fiskal ( FP): ▪ Kesan dasar fiskal mengembang o peningkatan G o menganjak keluk IS ke atas dan ke kanan , ( Y dan ( N ▪ Kesan dasar Fiskal Menguncup o ( G o keluk IS beralih kebawah atau kekiri , ( Y dan ( N.

2. Kesan peningkatan G
|Keynesian |Klasik |
|-guna kesan pengganda untuk menjelaskan kesan perubahan G |-Guna cukai untuk menerangkan kesan |
|-pengganda G =( Y/( G ( ialah perubahan output dalam jangka pendek |( G. Mmemerlukan cukai semasa atau cukai masa depan yang lebih tinggi|
|akibat daripada satu unit (G |untuk membiayai lebihan perbelanjaan. |
|-Keynesian berpendapat pengganda FP bernilai > 1 ( iaitu bila G ( RM 1|-Cukai tinggi menjadikan pekerja makin miskin Oleh itu mereka |
|juta, Y ( lebih aripada RM 1 juta. |meningkatkan penawaran masa kerja (NS (, garis FE beralih kekanan ) |
|-garis FE dalam model Keynesian tidak bergantung kepada NS kerana upah |-cukai yang tinggi meyebabkan (NS (, keluk FE brerganjak ke kanan) |
|kecekapan dan ( tidak dipengaruhi oleh ( G. | |

Model IS-LM - (Keynesian) ▪ (G mempengaruhi Y melelui AD, dengan mengalih persilangan keluk IS-LM kekanan. ▪ Y( melebihi Y dalam SR apabila firma memenuhi permintaan lebihan pada harga asal. ▪ Oleh kerana peyelarasan harga adalah lambat, ekonomi berada dalm keseimbangan SR bagi temph yang lebih lama. ▪ Dalam LR, bila firma meyelaras P, kelukLM beralih ke atas (kiri) dan keseimbangan beralih ke titik H. (G tidak mengubah Y dalam LR

AD-AS model (Keynesian) ▪ -(G mengalih keluk IS ke atas dan kekanan dan (AD pada tingkat P diberi.. AD berlaih ke kanan – dasar fiskal ( FP) mengembang. ▪ Dlm LR (selepas peyelarasan harga sepenuhnya) ekonomi mencapai keseimbangan umum guna tenaga penuh tetapi harga , P, meningkat dengan lebih tinggi.

3. Kesan Cukai Yang Rendah ▪ Keynesian berpendapat ( (G, dan penurunan cukai longgok (lump sum tax) mempunyai kesan pengembangan ▪ Ini bermakna keluk IS berganjak ke atas dan kekanan dan seterusnya Y ( dan N( dalam SR. ▪ Kesan penurunan cukai memepengaruhi IS kerana mengikut Keynesian, pengguna akan (C dan merenah kan Sd , iaitu (Y-Cd-G). kejatuhan Sd akan (r yang mengimbangkan pasaran dan mengalih keluk IS ke atas. ▪ Kesan penurunan cukai longgok sama seperti kesan ( G ▪ perbezaan nya ialah penurunan cukai meningkatkan output guna tenaga prnuh yang diperuntukkan untuk C dan bukan yang diperuntukkan kepada G.
|Kejutan produktiviti adalah kejutan paling penting yang |Permintaan agregat (AD) adalah peyebab utama kitaran perniagaan (BC) |
|meyebabkan kitaran perniagaan |Kejutan AD menglaih keluk IS atau LM dan memepengaruhi permintaan agregat |
|Secara langsung akan mengalih garis FE |terhadap output. |

Jenis kejutan permintaan agregat (AD)

|Kejutan AD yang mempengaruhi IS |Kejutan AD mempengaruhi LM |
|Perubahan dasar fiskal, FP |Peubahan permintaan wang |
|Perubahan Id disebabkan perubahan MPKf dijangka |Perubahan penawaran wang |
|Perubahan keyakinan pengguna yang mempengaruhi Sd masa depan | |

▪ Mengikut Keynesian kemelesetan boleh disebabkan oleh perganjakan keluk AD ke kiri yang disebabkan oleh oleh perganjakan keluk IS atau keluk LM ke ke kiri. ▪ Teori Keynesian sesuai dengan sebahagain fakta kitaran perniagaan.iaitu: o Teradpat turun naik dalam output secara berulang-ulang. o Gunatenaga akan turun naik dengan arah yang sama perubahan output. o Wang adalah procyclical dan leading o Pelaburan dan perbelanjaan baragan tahan lama adalah procyclical dan volatile. ▪ Ini ialah kerana teori kejutan Keynesian yang mengatakan kejutanke pelaburan, I, dan perbelanjaan terhadap barangan tahan lama adalah punca utama kitaran perniagaan.. ▪ Keynes believed in “animal spirit”, waves of pessimism and opitimism as a key source of BC. o Inflasi adalah procyclical dan lagging. ▪ Model Keynesian sesuai dengan data inflasi, kerana P jatuh selepas kemelesetan bermula. ▪
7.1 Prouktivit buruh bersifat Procyclical dan labor hoarding

▪ Firma mungkin meyimpan (hoard) buruh dan bukan memecat mereka semasa kemelesetan kerana kos diperlukan untuk mendapatkan dan melatih pekerja baru. ▪ Pekerja simpanan mungkin dguna secara kurang intensif dan tidak menyumbang kepada output diukur. ▪ Oleh itu semasa kemelesetan produktiviti diukur adalah rendah walaupun fungsi pengeluaran adalah stabil. ▪ Oleh itu Keynesian menggunakan pekerja simpanan untuk menghuraikan kenapa produktiviti buruh adalah procyclical mengikut data tanpa mengandaikan kemelesetan dan pengembangan disebabkan oleh kejutan produktiviti.

8. PENSATABILAN MAKROEKONOMI ▪ Keynesian mengutamakan peranan kerajaan untuk menstabil ekonomi. ▪ Kenmelesetan tidak disukai kerana ianya meyusahkan penganggur. ▪ Apa akan terjadi jika kejutan meyebabkan IS berganjak kekiri (kebawah) dan meyebabkan kemelesetan? r FE



Y2 Y ▪ Sekiranya kerajaan tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan,akhirnya harga akan jatuh, keadaan kembali kepada keseimbangan tetapi Y dan N mungkin berada pada keadaan di bawah tingkat guna tenaga penuh bagi sesuatu tempoh masa. ▪ Kerajaan boleh meningkatkan penawaran wang, dan keluk LM berganjak ke kanan, dan ekonomi mencapai keseimangan umum. ▪ Kerajaan juga boleh tingkatkan G, keluk IS akan beralih ke kanan, dan keseimbangan umum dicapai

8.1 Masalah Penstabilan Makroekonomi

▪ Penstabilan ekonomi ialah cara menserhanakan kesan kitaran perniagaan dengan menggunakan dasar fiskal (FP) dan dasar kewangan (MP). Cara ini juga dipanggil sebagai pengurusan permintaan agregat. ▪ Secara praktiknya cara ini sangat berjaya. ▪ Masalah yang wujud ialah masalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana ekonomi menyimpang daripada keadaan guna tenaga penuh dengan tepat, untuk membolehkan masalah ini diatasi dengan baik. ▪ Satu masalah lain ialah terpaksa dihadapi ialah sejauh mana kesan kuantitatif ke atas output akibat sesuatu perubahan dasar yang di ambil. ▪ Dasar-dasar mengambil masa untuk diimplementasi dan juga mengambil masa untuk memberi kesan. Oleh itu kita memerlukan ramalan yang baik untuk melihat prestasi ekonomi dalam sesuatu jangka masa yang akan datang. Malangnya kebolehan ramalan kita juga tidak begitu tepat.

Masalah ini mencadangkan bahawa kita tidak boleh gunakan dasar untuk ``fine tune the economy’’ tetapi digunakan untuk mengatasi kemelesetan yang teruk.

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...1. How was Samsung able to go from copycat brand to product leader? In 1993, Lee unveiled “new management” which is a top-to-bottom strategy for the Samsung Company. The goal of the new management is making Samsung become a premier brand that would dethrone Sony as the biggest consumer electronics firm in the world. Samsung then hired a new group of young designers who creates sleek, bold, and beautiful product targeting high-end users. Also, Samsung abandoned low-end distributers, and they decide to choose to work with specialty retailers such as Best Buy and Circuit City. Samsung clearly shows that they are no longer the cheap brand. 2. Is Samsungʼs product development process customer centered? Team based? Systematic? I believe Samsungʼs product development process all these three approaches since the “new management” is a top-to-bottom strategy; it requires various company departments to work together. In addition, every new Samsung product had to pass the “Wow!” test: If it didnʼt get a “Wow!” reaction during market testing, it went straight back to the de-sign studio. It is definitely creating more customer satisfying experiences, and the test is also how Samsung review, evaluate and manage the new products. 3. Based on the PLC, what challenges does Samsung face in managing its high- tech products? After 17 years remarkable success, Samsung is now in the decline stage of their high- tech products; therefore, Lee has announced Samsungʼs newest strategy “mabuljungje”...

Words: 373 - Pages: 2

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Company Case - Samsung

...1) How was Samsung able to go from copycat brand to product leader? (Armstrong, Kotler, 2011, pg. 576-578) In 1993 the CEO of Samsung created a new strategy for the company. CEO Lee called it “new management.” The goal that he set for the company was to dethrone Sony as the biggest consumer electronics firm in the world. The company hired new employees with fresh new ideas that were bold and stood out among other products. Every product had to pass the “Wow!” test and if it didn’t get the reaction they were looking for, it went back to the design studio. Samsung achieved the goal in less than two decades. 2) Is Samsung’s product development process customer-centered? Team-based? Systematic? It sounds to me like the development process involves all three. With systematic, the company can use an innovation management system to collect, review, evaluate, and manage new product ideas (Armstrong, Kotler, 2011, pg. 259). Being team-based, the different departments work closely together, overlapping the steps in the product development process to save time and increase effectiveness Armstrong, Kotler, 2011, pg. 259). Being customer-centered, Samsung is designing products that create customer-satisfying experiences. Samsung knows what customers get from other leading brands and they are trying to produce something that is of a higher caliber and better all-around product (Armstrong, Kotler, 2011, pg. 258). 3) Based on the product life cycle, what challenges does Samsung face...

Words: 397 - Pages: 2

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Marcoeconomice was to make Samsung become a premier band that would dethrone Sony as the biggest consumer electronics firm in the world. The first step that Samsung took to become cutting edge product leader was new product development which was defined by Kotler and Armstrong as development of product, product improvement, product medication and new brand through the firm product development. Samsung implemented this by hiring a new group of young designers who creates sleek, bold, innovative and stylish product targeting high-end users. They then went a step further by Product testing Marketing which is also defined by Kolter and Armstrong whereby every product had to pass the “WOW” test, if it did not get a “WOOW” reaction during the market testing, it went back to the design studio making Samsung conduct integrated test of product and its entire marketing program-targeting and positioning strategy, advertising, distribution, pricing, branding and packaging and budget levels providing management the information needed to make a final decision about whether to launch the new product or going back to the studio. With the use of Positioning Commerzials Samsung abandoned low-end distributers and they decided to choose to work with specialty retailer such as Best Buy and Circuit City. 2. I believed Samsung process all these three approach since the new management is a top-to-bottom strategy. It requires various company departments to work together. In addition every new Samsung product...

Words: 1952 - Pages: 8

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Apple Inc in 2012

...delivering the best user experience through a combination of innovative industrial design (hardware) and software harmoniously working in concert resulting in a price premium that exceeds the cost of being unique. From an industry standpoint [see Chart 1], rivalry in consumer electronics is extremely high where product differentiation is short-lived (i.e. copycats). Even “the most valuable company in the world” cannot slow down. The industry, the competition, and advancements in technology are dynamic and continue to evolve at lightning speed. Apple must stick to its blueprint of success over the last two decades – differentiated product development and operational excellence without losing sight of the customer’s value chain – or risk falling behind and dropping market share. Analysis As a company, Apple has created an enviable and unique position in the industry of being able to design, manufacture, and market their own operating system, develop their own customer friendly hardware and application software, creating an ecosystem that is simple to use and delivers seamless integration. In addition they have been able to shape the industry around them through complementary product offerings. This was not by accident, rather, it was a specific choice made by their leader, Steve Jobs, after his return to Apple Inc. in 1997. Despite such a strong, differentiating posture in 2012, Apple Inc. had to reinvent itself multiple...

Words: 1262 - Pages: 6

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...among the top 100 brands? Is it their sales revenue? No. Is it their years of existence? No. Is it their global presence? No. If all of these are not indicative of the companies’ entitlement to feature in the global brands’ list, what then explains their inclusion? The answer is Brands. Because these companies are able to create, nurture, and sustain powerful brands and all the above stated inferences are consequences of these untiring efforts. The next question is what’s a brand? A brand is a collection of perception in the minds of the consumers and resides in the minds of the consumers and resides in their minds. It propels them with a very high perceived association value. A brand is not a by product, an ad campaign, a logo, a spokesperson or a slogan. It is a differentiating identity and the most important reason for the employees, investors and customers to associate with the company. It is the firm’s most important asset in the long term. It is also a bond between the customers and the company. A brand assures reliability and quality. Brand owners have a powerful incentive to ensure that each pie is as good as the previous one because that would persuade people to come back for more. Brands are perceptions. The Volvo brand stands for “safety”. The Mercedes Benz brand is associated with prestige”. “BMW means “the driving”. Can these perceptions be influenced or managed? That is precisely what is executed through branding. Branding is creating a corporate brand identity imprinted...

Words: 13639 - Pages: 55

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Blackberry - Blackburried?

...TO SUBMITTED BY BLACKBERRY’S ACQUISITION BID BY FAIRFAX FINANCIAL HOLDINGS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROF. V K RANJITH GROUP #10 MEMBERS: NEETU MURALI SOUNDHARYA S RAO BHARGAV SEERAM RAMESH DEBARMA 121202030 121202067 121202079 121202125 Foreword: Fairfax Financial Holdings announced on Friday (September 23, 2013) its interest in acquiring Blackberry. The focus of this case is to understand the implications of this acquisition for both the parties. What strategic alternatives are considered by the Blackberry Management team, who knew the problems of the company? Why did they focus on a platform which was already a failure (like in case of Nokia), Why didn’t they consider Android in their phones which gave Samsung a chance to capture the market? Why did they give away BBM, their core competence to android and iOS? Or is it a BBM spinoff? Why did they miserable fail from 2010 till now in launching the devices which were only attractive to few consumers. Why did they not target mass market and instead engrossed to niche market. Why did they not publicize about the QNX 10 which is used in 60% of Automobile Technology now? Why does a company who operates in insurance and investment management want to acquire a communication technology company? What benefits does it seek? Is it simply patriotism or something else which the company is bothered? The case is a more or less compilation of the news articles and only few facts have been taken out of the company’s website and other sources...

Words: 11675 - Pages: 47

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Ninetology Marketing Strategy

... Strength Packaging design of Ninetology smartphones is in a huge cigarette boxes-like form, which is different with small and simple packaging design of main smartphone manufacture such as Apple and Samsung. Main colour use in packaging design of Ninetology is in white and red, this will create a young and energetic image towards consumer’s mind. Moreover, smartphone of Ninetology is come together with SKROSS@ World USB Charger, power bank, screen protector and bumper case besides basic accessories as what other smartphone manufacture provided. This will bring convenient for customer of Ninetology when they travel around the world. Also, customer do not have to worry there’s no suitable screen protector and case for their smartphone as Ninetology already provided them. Design of Ninetology smartphone is in sporty, slim and young ways. Middle-range smartphone of Ninetology is made by using polycarbonates while high-end smartphone is made by using aluminum and high-sensitive Gorilla Glass. In addition, features of Ninetology smartphone (U9 Z1+ Model) such as Dual Sim, HDR, Magnetic sensor, capability of take 9 pictures in 1 second and so on able to make Ninetology compete with its competitors such as Huawei, XiaoMi and well-established brand such as Samsung and HTC. In term of price, Ninetology flagship smartphone U9 Z1+ is set at RM1190.00. This price is considering low...

Words: 7848 - Pages: 32

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Apple - the Company

...of: Sameer Velankar   Index Serial No. Particulars Page No. 1. Introduction 2. History 3 Management Board Steve Jobs 4. Apple Products 5. Apple’s comeback 6. Small Solutions & Alternatives 7. i Products 8. Acquisitions 9. SWOT Analysis 10. SWOT Analysis Conclusion & Recommendation 11. Strategic Management the Steve Jobs Way 12. PORTER’S Five Forces 13. Microsoft, Apple & Google 14. Fundamental Analysis 15. Financial History 16. Graph Analysis 17. Case Study: Apple’s lawsuit on Samsung, what happened? 18. The components of the lawsuit 19. Bibliography Apple Computer, Inc. The idea fell from a tree, literally. Steve Jobs had returned from visiting a commune like place in Oregon located in an apple or hard. Apple co-founder and jobs pals, Steve Wozniak ,picked him up from the airport. On the drive home, Jobs simply said “ I came up with a name for our company- Apple”. Wozniak said they could have tried to come up with more technical sounding names but their vision was to make computers approachable. Apple fits perfectly. INTRODUCTION APPLE INC.. , formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, computer software, and commercial servers. Apple's core product lines are the iPad, iPhone, iPod music player, and Macintosh computer line-up. Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak effectively created Apple Computer...

Words: 24374 - Pages: 98

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Marketing Plan

...jgarri8 Date: March 16, 2015 Mentor Name: Aslihan Cakmak Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product & Support of Mission Statement 3 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 SWOT Analysis 6 Market Objectives 8 Marketing Strategies 8 Explanation of Strategies 10 Tactics and Action Plan 10 Monitoring Procedures 11 References 12 Introduction Company G is a world-renowned electronics company whose core mission is to improve the quality and convenience of its customers’ lives. Concentrating on this mission, Company G will soon be introducing to market a new series of furniture products with built-in inductive, wireless charging of mobile devices, beginning with a set of night stands that can also double as end tables. The tables will also have the ability to power lamps and other devices that are compatible with inductive power transfer. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.” The Product & Support of Mission Statement A next-generation bedside table that can easily double as a living space end table, these pieces will include built-in inductive/wireless charging. These sharply designed, high-quality pieces of furniture will be able to charge most cell phones and tablets simply by placing them on the table top. Once plugged into an electrical outlet, the tables will also have...

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Rural Marketing

...(NCAER) study, there are as many "middle income and above" households in rural areas as there are in urban areas. There are almost twice as many "lower middle income" households in rural areas as in urban. According to NCAER's projections, the number of middle and high-income households in rural India is expected to grow from 80 million to 111 million by 2007. In Urban India, the same is expected to grow from 46 million to 59 million. Hence the absolute size of middle and high income households in Rural India is expected to be nearly double that of Urban India. Percentage Distribution of household population and income | |Households |Population |Income | |Rural |73.6 |74.6 |55.6 | |Urban |27.4 |25.4 |44.4 | |All India |100 |100 |100 | Thus we see that Rural India contributes almost 56% to the National Income as against 44% contributed by Urban India. Although it is contributed by 76% of the total population, which has its own challenges like how to sell small quantities to large base of consumers. Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line By Rural-Urban Location State Wise (1999-2000) |States |Rural |Urban | |All-India |36.35 |28.76 | |Andhra pradesh ...

Words: 15293 - Pages: 62

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Manager is quite different from most of the methods of teaching used at the school and undergraduate course levels. Unlike traditional lecture-based teaching where student participation in the classroom is minimal, the case method is an active learning method, which requires participation and involvement from the student in the classroom. For students who have been exposed only to the traditional teaching methods, this calls for a major change in their approach to learning. This introduction is intended to provide students with some basic information about the case method, and guidelines about what they must do to gain the maximum benefit from the method. We begin by taking a brief look at what case studies are, and how they are used in the classroom. Then we discuss what the student needs to do to prepare for a class, and what she can expect during the case discussion. We also explain how student performance is evaluated in a case study based course. Finally, we describe the benefits a student of management can expect to gain through the use of the case method. WHAT IS A CASE STUDY? There is no universally accepted definition for a case study, and the case method means different things to different people. Consequently, all case studies are not structured similarly, and variations abound in terms of style, structure and approach. Case material ranges from small caselets (a few paragraphs to one-two pages) to short cases (four to six pages) and from 10 to 18 page case studies...

Words: 239776 - Pages: 960

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Industry Analysis of Telecom Sector in Bangladesh

...C, we have written the case of the respective company that the group members have chosen. Bangladesh’s mobile phone market has achieved exceptional growth since the beginning of 2004, registering a massive 100% growth in its subscriber base during 2004, and 137% during 2005. In recent year of 2012, 15% has been observed in the industry. This trend is forecast to continue over the coming years as the 3G will further boost up the pace of subscribers’ acquisition Many foreign investors are now interested to do business in telecom sector in Bangladesh which reveals that Bangladesh has become a significant hub for telecoms. It has been forecasted that the average revenue from telecoms sector will be Tk 2500 crore a year. Bangladesh is a country which is densely populated and also is a flat and easily extends able coverage. The infrastructure and Tele-density is low which on the other hand made the market a perfect place for telecom business. The demand is very high and the consumer base is very large but the investment is low because of the topographic layout. The government has a receptive foreign investment policy with no restrictions on repatriation of profit. Even though the current infrastructure...

Words: 27987 - Pages: 112

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...80 Days That Changed The World, it would appear that Apple doesn't get much credit for the revolution it sparked in personal computing. As the leading innovator in the computer market, and with a balance sheet holding of four billion in cash, neither its stock value nor its market share is very high. Every few months or so, a journalist reports on impending trouble for Apple Computer. Part of the reason for this negative press is that its main competitor has a 95% market share and billions more in cash. By any other standards, Apple would be judged to be an astonishing success, but a bigger question remains: Why is the Apple market share so small when it has a superior product? Blaming Microsoft for the 'ills' of Apple really misses the point. Both companies were formed early in the computer age, both had product, innovation and opportunity at a critical time, but their history is vastly different. Apple's small market share must be the result of its business model. While the business model has failed the aspirations of the Macintosh Revolution, there is a New Revolution. The Macintosh has given birth to OS X and the Digital Age. Structure of Current Business Model The current Apple business model follows three broad industry categories: Software Engineering, Hardware Manufacturing, and Retail. In essence, Apple is a conglomeration of three successful but completely different company types: Microsoft, Dell and The Gap. It is...

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