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How We Change The Way We Think Essay

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Social media is used quite often by most of today’s population, from family and friends to being in businesses that allows a connection with others on a more personal level. It can often get out of hand with those who misuse its purpose for means of bashing others or possibly depicting who they are not. When it comes to identifying who we are on social networks, we want to stand out in some way from the rest or hide behind the screen of our laptops or phones. With each generation growing accustomed to society, it is forced upon them to become sociable at a certain point of view to others and how much they will put their personal lives into the social media world. It is utilized in a certain manner within a person’s life, whether it is for personal use, promoting brands, club organizations, etc. Social media has created this perception with how we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us. It is what we create …show more content…
On social media it is only just a peek into a person’s life, there are those who like to show bits and pieces of who they truly are. In the article, “How Computers Change the Way We Think”, author Sherry Turkle states that “the culture in which our children are raised is increasingly a culture of presentation, a corporate culture in which appearance is often more important than reality” (342). As a society we have grown accustomed to the online world and can get carried away with how to use such a source of interaction. Account holders range from teens to older adults but it is mostly composed of teenagers and young adults who are often seen using media sites. Social media creates this obsession on how other people perceive us to how we perceive ourselves. When looking through a person’s social account we might think we know exactly how that person is by what they post and share with their followers, friends, and

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