...How to Learn English Well Improve your English All English learners want to improve their English, but as you know, it can be difficult! For you to learn, you need to work on all areas. The four main areas for you to focus on are: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Our English courses promote these 'core skills' because all need to be worked on for you to learn English well. Here are some proven ways to help you learn. Good Luck! Speaking Speak as often and as much as possible! This is the best way to learn English! There is nothing better than conversation to help you improve. Whereas, you can practise reading, writing, and listening on your own, it’s obviously better to speak English with someone. The best way to do this is to be in an English speaking environment. Take an English course in an English language school, or better still, learn English in an English-speaking country. The quickest way to learn English is to surround yourself with English speakers. Also, get into the habit of thinking in English, don’t translate from your own language into English, it will slow you down. When you talk, use the sentences which instantly and naturally feel right to you, these are often the correct ones. Many students learn to develop an ‘intuition’ about English, use yours and trust it. This might sound a little strange and embarrassing at first, but record yourself talking and listen to your own pronunciation, talking speed and the flow of your speaking...
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...Group of institutions (logo of institution) A Summer Training Report On “Name of the Topic” AT (Place name) For the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration “LOGO OF ORGANIZATION” Submitted To Submitted By: Jiwaji University Student Name BBA-5th Semester GICTS Group of Colleges, Gwalior (Address of College) Tel.: (telephone No. of College) Email: (of College); Website: (of College) [pic] DECLARATION This is to declare that the Summer Training Report has been accomplished by me and being submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from GICTS Group of Institution, affiliated to Jiwaji University, Gwalior. This work has not been submitted by me anywhere else for the award of any degree or diploma. All sources of information are based on my training experience and learning. Date: Name of Student Place: BBA 5th Semester CERTIFICATE This is to certify that (Student Name) student of BBA 3rd Semester of GITM/GICT have successfully completed his/her Summer Training dated from (mention the period as same as in your certificate). This report is submitted by him/her for...
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...Help understand why tgins are the way that they are so help someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you help you someone help you...
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...Improve your English All English learners want to improve their English, but as you know, it can be difficult! For you to learn, you need to work on all areas. The four main areas for you to focus on are: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Our English courses promote these 'core skills' because all need to be worked on for you to learn English well. Here are some proven ways to help you learn. Good Luck! Speaking Speak as often and as much as possible! This is the best way to learn English! There is nothing better than conversation to help you improve. Whereas, you can practise reading, writing, and listening on your own, it’s obviously better to speak English with someone. The best way to do this is to be in an English speaking environment. Take an English course in an English language school, or better still, learn English in an English-speaking country. The quickest way to learn English is to surround yourself with English speakers. Also, get into the habit of thinking in English, don’t translate from your own language into English, it will slow you down. When you talk, use the sentences which instantly and naturally feel right to you, these are often the correct ones. Many students learn to develop an ‘intuition’ about English, use yours and trust it. This might sound a little strange and embarrassing at first, but record yourself talking and listen to your own pronunciation, talking speed and the flow of your speaking. It will give you a great chance...
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...MD.AMINUL ISLAM C/o: Md.Safiqul Islam 79/1 f,North jatra bari Dhaka Contact No-01717445185 E-mail: i.aminulbd@gmail.com Career Objective: To work in an environment where is an Opportunity Of self Assessment and Self- Improvement in Borty Individual and Group Based Work That Will Unlimitedly Lead me to a Challenging Position. Academic Qualifications: Diploma in civil engineering,2010: Institute : Hobigonj polytechnic Institute,Sylhet Board : BTEB Result : C GPA-2.89 out of 4.00 Session : 2006-2007 Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C), 2006: Institute: Comilla modern high school,Comilla Board : Comilla Result : GPA-3.75 out of 5.00 Session : 2005-2006 Professional Experience : Company Name: Dream Touch Architects Ltd. Address :94 Bir uttam ,C R datta road ,Dk tower,Hatirpull,level-9, Dhaka-1205 Post :project engineer Department : Civil and interior project Project work : six storied building for Combined Military hospital [CMH],Dhaka Duration : 25th august2011 to 30th october 2015 Responsibilities: All kinds of foundation work,layout of construction work,interior work,landscape and exterior 2. Estimate of the proposed Design,budget,bill cheking, work...
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...Immigrants Learning English What does immigrant mean? Immigrant is a person who comes into a country to live there. When immigrants come into whatever country, they have to learn a new culture and new language to integrate society in that country. In fact, language is the key of the culture, so learning new language in new country will help immigrants understand more about the typical culture’s in new country; each country has a different languages, and language is the most important thing to communication with native speakers so that it helps people understand each other. For example, if immigrants come to France, they have to learn French; immigrants move to China, they can learn Chinese; or if immigrants are resident in Spain, they must learn Spanish etc. Likewise, immigrants, who come into the U.S, can learn English; learning English is very helpful to immigrants in the U.S because they can communicate with somebody by English, get more opportunities and support their children. First, learning English helps immigrants can communicate with native speakers or...
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...Teaching English to Young Learners: How They Learn and the Pedagogical Implication Rojab Siti Rodliyah (rojab.siti@gmail.com) UPI Bandung There is now a growing tendency among Indonesian people to introduce English to children starting from the early age, through either formal or informal education. This can be seen from the mushrooming of bilingual and international schools where English is used as the language of instruction as well as the increasing number of English courses aimed especially for children. Sometimes people hold a misconception regarding teaching English for young learners, in which they believe that the earlier the kids learn a foreign language, the better it will be. As a matter of fact, this assumption is not completely true. Only when handled with care will the teaching of foreign language to young learners succeed as expected. Otherwise, this will not gain a significant effect on children’s language development. This paper will elaborate some principles on how young learners learn a foreign language, which should be the foundation of the way the teaching English to young learners is conducted. Some theories on how children learn will be drawn on, followed by a discussion on the pedagogical implications. This paper is expected to give insights to English teachers in general and teachers of English for young learners in particular, about the importance of taking into account the aspects related to the way young learners learn in designing their teaching...
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...Are you a winner? This training course is called English for Winners, and before you delve into it, we should find out together if it is for you. Do you want to be a winner? Most English learners are unhappy with their English ability. If you ask the average English learner to assess their skills, you're very likely to get one of these answers: "I studied English at school for more than 5 years, but my English is not so good." "I speak a little English, but I think it's just 'school English'." "I understand it a little, but I can't speak it fluently." "My grammar is very bad. I've often tried to learn the grammar rules, but they're too complicated for me." "I had good school grades in English but I still can't speak it very well." These are typical complaints, and they make it clear that very few learners are really happy with the quality of their English. Most of them realize that their efforts are not yielding the results they expect. But instead of changing their strategy and trying to find the right learning methods and techniques, they simply give up. They think that they "just don't have a talent for learning languages". The winners, however, are those English learners who have taken control of their own programs. They know that acquiring English is an ongoing process. It is something that happens every day, day in and day out. They also understand that when it comes to learning English any progress is success. ©EnglishForWinners, Page 1 of 34 Dear Listener, since you...
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...Should English Be the Official Language of the United States? Timothy Robinson Week 8 Assignment English 215 Official English benefits every resident of this wonderful place called America. The country works-because we have a common language. English is the key to opportunity in this country. It empowers immigrants and could make us truly united as a people. Common sense says that the government should teach people English rather than provide services in multiple languages. What would happen if our government had to provide services for about 311 languages spoken in the U.S. (Rhein, 2007)? Without a common language, how long would we remain the United States? Here is a solution to that, have the immigrants to learn the language so they can get all of the services they need. But from a social standpoint, English should not be and official language. Millions of people speak a language other than English. The United States is the most diverse country in the world. So why would we want to create a linguistically uniform nation? For starters, it would not be fair to people who has moved this country for hope of a better life. Yes eventually they would have to learn English; however it would great if others learn how to speak other languages to make it convenient for everyone, it would show that people are really for diversity, and it would limit the frustration of not understanding what a person is saying. People who cannot or do not speak English well often are look over...
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...33B 2/3/2015 My Experience of English Learning As leaning English for almost fifteen years, I have to say I had a lot of experience of learning this language. Yes, I studied English for fifteens, it’s been a long time, but I still can’t speak English fluently. Honestly I don’t think my English is close to “fluently”, I think my English still can describe as “broken” or “fractured”, just like Amy Tan’s mother. The good news is I can feel my improvement, and maybe in years, my English would no longer be “broken”. Any way, as learning English for fifteen years, I always have some interesting things to share. There’s too much to talk about, like my favorite teacher, or the worst teacher I’ve ever met, or the experiences I went through when I first come to America. But because Amy Tan and Elizabeth Wong’s stories, I’d like to share the story about my first English teacher Mrs. Wu and my mother. So let me talk about Mrs. Wu first. I met her in the first year I went to elementary school. She is not the English teacher in school, and actually she was not the real first English teacher I met, but she made me interested in English. We already started to study English in grade one. However my parents thought the English that I learn in elementary school was too basic, and they thought English will be very useful. So they find me an English class outside the school, I met Mrs. Wu there. I didn’t want to have the class at first. I have no wish to learn a foreign language at that time...
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...are learning English as a second language, it is important to learn through the use of good habits. Any student, whether learning to drive or learning a new language, will need to make sure they are learning good habits and not bad ones. Once Bad habits are formed, they are extremely difficult to break, and it will make learning that little bit harder. If you are learning English as a second language through self-teaching methods rather than going to a class, it is important to find the right resources to help you. For example, just reading a translation book will not help you with your pronunciation. You might think that your pronunciation of certain words and phrases is correct, but once you are faced with a native speaker, you may find that you were wrong. Good pronunciation is a good habit you will want to make sure you keep. Why You Should Work On Pronunciation Pronunciation is extremely important when learning English as a second language. It is the pronunciation that allows you to communicate easily with others. More importantly, it allows others to understand you. It is vital that you listen to English speakers, whether that is an English speaking CD to go with a book, or in a classroom. There are lots of English words that are confusing unless you know how to pronounce them. Often, in English, there are words that sound similar, but are not spelt the same way. Also, there are many words that when you look at them, offer you no clues as to how to pronounce...
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...In the article “Twitterish,” John McWhorter explains the need for different forms of literacy and multimodality – Standard English and new digital literacies. He also, in a way, talks about code switching and code meshing because he shows how people can switch between different literacies and how they can also incorporate both Standard English and digital literacies into speech and writing together. John White’s paper goes into much greater detail about what code switching is and how to teach it in schools. He says that code switching – the act of changing from a culturally imbued discourse to Standard English, but not necessarily vice versa – is a priority to teach to...
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...population in our schools today are the English as second Language students (ESL) and the ESL population continues to grow more than the English speaking students.(Pellion 2007) In 2000-2001 the population of English Language Learners (ELL) have grown to one hundred five percent and are limited proficiency in English. (Edweeks 2004).The (ESL) students are one of the lowest ranked in academic achievements. The (ELL) are faced with challenges by not been prominent in English. Since increase of the (ELL) students this has caused to have a shortage in qualified teachers. Some teachers are not prepared to teach these students. (Echevarrea,& Graves 2007). Teaching the ELL students in their native language and English will help them achieve their goals and help them to learn faster. By teaching an ELL student in English and their native language may make them fall into a cycle of language dependency which will inhibit a significant progress in English-language acquisition. (Edweek 2004) Studies show that ELL students lag far behind their English speaking peers. Only seven percent of these students scored at or above proficient in reading, this was on a fourth grade assessment progress reports. (Edweek 2004) ELL 3 Many educators believe that ESL students need to be immersed fully in English if they want to learn the language. They say by allowing students to learn in their primary language is expensive...
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...goals determine the related courses Learning course know the market open a shop 10. A I am beginning to understand how to read a whole book. I am beginning to read instructions. I am beginning to read the questions on my assessment tasks. I am...
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...Out of all the languages in the world, English is considered as the international language. There are some reasons why English is so important and many people attempt to learn it Sri Lanka is a developing country and everyone has to learn English because today everything seems to be English. When we consider about education in Sri Lanka, children are forced to learn English starting at preschool in order to make their English better. English is added as a compulsory subject in O Level examination and in A Level examination in SL. Sri Lankan universities are conducting almost all the studies through English medium. After completing a university degree it's time to take up a professional course and of course those professional courses are in English medium. So I think you have to have a very good knowledge of English to be educated and to shine in the society. The next fact I'm sharing with you is finding a job in this competitive society. Every boss is looking for qualified, talented, smart and confident employees. For example if you apply for a high class job and when you go for the interview, do you know what kind of employees are going to be hired up? Why English is so important to find a job? because we already know that people deal with others in English language especially in the business world, scientific world and other. So what my point here is that you can't get a pretty good job or a promotion without knowing proper English. How do we communicate with others people...
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