HRM 598 Week 8 Final Exam Devry (TCO A) You are the compensation director for the New York Fruit Pies Company, which has 100 employees and is located in a small city of 50,000 in a rural agricultural part of New York State. You have just joined the company and have identified the need to create a revised compensation system.
You are familiar with the four strategic pay policies that are typically found in pay models. Discuss each of the strategic policies as they would apply to your company. Are there any goals that your compensation system should incorporate? (Points : 30) 1. (TCO B) As the new lead for the compensation services team, you have been given the responsibility for developing a job-based point evaluation plan for the Satellite-to-Home video company. The bulk of the employees are in-home service technicians with technical skills and customer-service expertise. You meet with the compensation services team to discuss the assignment. What are the four compensable factors that you want to include in the plan? What are weights that you would assign to each factor? What is the definition for each of the factors? What is your justification of why you have selected each factor? Explain why you weighted it the way that you did.
Briefly describe a job-based point evaluation plan. Discuss four compensable factors you would include in the job-based point evaluation plan. Be sure to define each factor, justify why you selected it, and provide the weights or scales that you would assign to it. (Points : 30) TCO B) You are the compensation director for Forever-Green Plywood, Inc. The company buys timber, manufactures plywood sheets, and sells on the international market. The organization's three major units are timber purchasing (with five employees), manufacturing plant (with 120 employees), and sales and management (with 12 employees).