...Competency modelling: A better approach in contemporary HRM practice? Introduction In the contemporary human resource management (HRM) practice, the process of human resource assessment and selection is shifting from the traditional job-based system of HRM to a newly-established competency approach. According to Dubios’ work (1998), more and more medium-sized and larger organizations are adopting the competency approach to replace the traditional job-oriented method to select and assess their employees in the USA and around the globe. This change happens mainly for the reason that the traditional job-based personnel management systems have shown a tendency to break down when jobs are dissolving under more flexible working conditions and simplification of the bureaucratic hierarchies of the contemporary organizations (Lawler, 1999). Based on the works of Nyboe (2004), in principle there are two distinct approaches to align work and competencies: to start with the work and adjust people and their qualifications to work requirements (job or production approach) or, alternatively, to start with the worker and assign tasks to workers according to their skills (competency or training approach). On one hand, in the job approach, tasks are grouped into individual jobs according to what is regarded a rational division of labor, and workers are recruited and trained to meet the requirements of those tasks. On the other hand, a competency approach has a shift of focus from...
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...HRM in an MNE Human Resource Management involves a broad set of managerial activities focused on developing and maintaining a qualified workforce in ways that contribute to an effective organization. HRM is becoming more important every day and requires dedicated employees who can balance legal and ethical issues for organizations to be successful; which result from the importance of people as a source of competitive advantage. For a company to produce its goods and services in a productive manner, HRM accommodates employees with the right skills and training, and provide them with an environment in which they can make a powerful impact (Denisi/Griffin, 2012). Compare and contrast two main differences between domestic and international HRM. One main difference between domestic and international HRM is that staff are transferred to different countries to work various roles within the international company’s foreign operations; these employees are called expatriates, who temporarily work and live in a foreign country. For a human resource department to operate in international HRM, they must participate in a variety of activities, such as international taxation, administrative services for expatriates, and services for language translation (Dowling/Festing/Engle, 2013). The second difference between domestic and international HRM, is that IHRM requires a greater involvement in the personal life of the employees. The HRM are responsible for making sure the expatriate understands...
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...Int. J. of Human Resource Management 18:1 January 2007 147– 158 HRM practices in Egypt: the influence of national context? Mike Leat and Ghada El-Kot Abstract In this paper we present the findings of a study which collected data on a range of HRM practices normally used in 58 Egyptian organizations operating in Egypt. The range of practices is concerned with job descriptions, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal and employment security. We examine and discuss these practices in the Egyptian context. The dimensions of the Egyptian environment which we examine include: the socio-cultural context, Islam, the vocational education and training system and elements of the economic and legal environment. The practices and approaches being used by the sample organizations appear to be the product of both culture bound and culture free influences. The main contributions of the study are that it provides much needed information on the HRM practices and approaches being adopted by Egyptian-owned organizations in the early part of the 21st century and provides support for the influence of national context on the HRM practices pursued by indigenous organizations. Keywords Egypt; HRM practices; Islam; institutional context; culture. Introduction: HRM practices and national context Against a background of the increasing internationalization of business, globalization of markets and cross-national activity by multinational...
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...Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Background information 2 2.1. Unitel 2 2.2. Vision 2020 2 2.3. HRM model 2 3. Problem identification and solution 2 3.1. Teamworking 2 3.2. Employee empowerment and engagement 3 3.3. “Work smarter” 3 3.4. War with the Union 3 4. Implication of Harvard model in UnitelHRM systems 3 4.1. Harvard model philosophy 3 4.2. Implication of Harvard model 3 4.2.1. Strengthening the role of employees in the decision-making process 3 4.2.2. Encourage quality initiatives and corresponding enhanced reward systems 5 5. Conclusion 6 6. Reference 6 7. Appendix 8 7.1. Five-stage model 8 7.2. Harvard model 9 1. Introduction 2. Background information 3.1. Unitel 3.2. Vision 2020 3.3. HRM model Bottom-up 3. Problem identification and solution 4.4. Teamworking A senior maintenance officer of Unitel claimed that the Vision 2020 created a discrimination among employees that decrease the effect of team spirit. Consequently, employees are blamed for all problems as “self-conflicts” According to Katzenbach and Smith (1993), a high performance team can create beyond performance expectations. Moreover, working as a team ca influent on individual behaviour and attitudes towards work (Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1964). Hence managers should pay more attention on forming team for employees following Tuckman and Jensen (1977) five-stage model (stated in the appendix). 4.5. Employee empowerment and engagement...
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...Ivo ©2006 African Centre for Community and Development (www.africancentreforcommunity.com ) All rights reserved. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction, Perspectives in Management and the genesis of Human Resource Management 1.1 Scientific or Closed management, Human Relations or Semi open system, Open System or Contingency system 1.2 Personnel management/ Personnel Manager 1.3 The genesis of Human Resource Management(HRM)/Defining Human Resource Management 1.4 What is ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ HRM? 1.5 The Debate between Human Relations(HR) and Human Resource Management(HRM) 1.6 The Human Resource Manager and his role 2.0 Attempting a framework for Human Resource Management(HRM) 2.1 Using HRM as a style, a strategy and an outcome 2.2 Is HRM a restatement of Personnel Management? 2.3 Is HRM a new managerial discipline? 2.4 HRM as a resource-based dimension of management 2.5 The Strategic and international possibilities of HRM 3.0Using some models of HRM to critically assess HRM “Hard” and “Soft” Approaches. 3.1The Harvard Model 3.2The Michigan Model 3.3Guest comparative models 3.4The ‘Choice Model’ and its benefits. 4.0The influence of senior management and their Effectiveness 4.1 policy makers 4.2 senior managers and their frames of reference 4.3 The more effective the better the policies 4.4 The Japanese example 5.0 Conclusion, limitations and proposals 5.1HRM a widespread contemporary, evolving & contingent tool 5.2The ‘softness’ of HRM, “bundles” and performance 5.3 Holistic thinking...
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...International Review of Management and Marketing Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012, pp.52-58 ISSN: 2146-4405 www.econjournals.com Human Resource Management Practices and Employees’ Satisfaction Towards Private Banking Sector in Bangladesh Md. Tofael Hossain Majumder Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Comilla University, Comilla, Bangladesh. Phone: +8801816436176. Email: tofael_cou@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: Dramatic advances of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), changing mix and personal values of the workforce, emergence of the knowledge economy and increasing global competition have created enormous challenges on organizations. To cope with the challenges efficiently, human resource has been considered as one of the most important factors in today’s hypercompetitive market place. The focus of this study is to gain an insight into the current HRM practices and its impact on employee’s satisfaction on the private banking sector in Bangladesh. For conducting this research, 100 bank employees are selected from the chosen banks and out of this 88 employees responses properly, the response rate is 88 percent. The questionnaire consists of different questions on nine HRM dimensions such as recruitment and selection systems, compensation package, job security, career growth, training and development, management style, job design and responsibilities, reward and motivation and working environment. The questionnaire was developed by using a five point Likert scale. In...
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...Resource Management (HRM) is a division in practically every organization, however over the years the role of HRM has experienced significant changes. According to the business dictionary, HRM is defined as “Administrative activities associated with human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, appraisal, motivation, remuneration, etc. HRM aims at developing people through work.” In past times HRM were considered responsible for simply hiring and firing and at one point in time were labeled event coordinators and planners. Due to the numerous legal changes and advancements in technology the HRM responsibilities have changed drastically and are essential to maintaining a successful organization. The HRM today is responsible for all aspects of employee development from recruitment to training and beyond in addition to impacting the organizations strategic plan. Constant legal changes and advancements to technology have created an increase in responsibility for HRM. Legalities organizations are required to follow witness constant changes, which require HRM to be both educated and up to date with the laws that effect their organization. The slightest of mistakes could result in fines, lawsuits, and in some cases an organization being shut down entirely. Those employed within an organizations HRM are expected to know these laws to refrain from violating employment laws, employment practices, and more. Another challenge those in HRM face with today’s...
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...International Review of Management and Marketing Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012, pp.52-58 ISSN: 2146-4405 www.econjournals.com Human Resource Management Practices and Employees’ Satisfaction Towards Private Banking Sector in Bangladesh Md. Tofael Hossain Majumder Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Comilla University, Comilla, Bangladesh. Phone: +8801816436176. Email: tofael_cou@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: Dramatic advances of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), changing mix and personal values of the workforce, emergence of the knowledge economy and increasing global competition have created enormous challenges on organizations. To cope with the challenges efficiently, human resource has been considered as one of the most important factors in today’s hypercompetitive market place. The focus of this study is to gain an insight into the current HRM practices and its impact on employee’s satisfaction on the private banking sector in Bangladesh. For conducting this research, 100 bank employees are selected from the chosen banks and out of this 88 employees responses properly, the response rate is 88 percent. The questionnaire consists of different questions on nine HRM dimensions such as recruitment and selection systems, compensation package, job security, career growth, training and development, management style, job design and responsibilities, reward and motivation and working environment. The questionnaire was developed by using a five point Likert scale. In this study...
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...HRM level 2_ Module 1_Eve Lawrence What is HRM? Human resource management (HRM) is a complete and clear approach to the development and employment of people within an organization. HRM is structured and supported by a number of theories relating to the behaviour of people and organisations, strongly concerned with ethical employment and how people should be treated in terms of moral values. HRM aims to build good relationships with employees based on trust and personal achievement therefore benefiting the achievement of business goals. HRM deals with all aspects of employees within an organization. Areas of HRM include recruitment, interviews, orientation, induction, motivation, learning, performance reviews, employee relations & wellbeing, training, development, change management and complying with employment law. The core purpose of HRM is to develop and make efficient use of the workforce within an organization. HRM is people management within organizations designed to maximise employee performance focusing on the company’s strategic objectives. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute productively to the overall company direction and accomplishment of the organizations goals and objectives. What was the main message of the Harvard framework? Through my research and understanding I have come to the conclusion that the main message of the Harvard model by Beer et al is that decisions and actions made by line managers have a long term effect on relationships...
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...Management Practices: A Case Study of South Asian Countries Rafique Ahmed Khan Faculty of Management Science Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan Mohammad Khasro Miah School of Business North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh Amir Manzoor Faculty of Management Science Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan ABSTRACT Purpose: The central point of this study was to demonstrate the similarity and difference of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices amongst the countries in South Asia. Through this paper, an in-depth study was undertaken to evaluate the validity of existing HRM practices in South Asian (SA) countries. An effort was made to examine the influences from the economic emergence in South Asia, force of colonization, historical panorama, cultural similarities and dissimilarities, legal, economic and political factors causing the change.. Methodology/Sampling: The study is based on secondary data collected through extensive research on present and past literature available on the topic. Findings: HRM is in a reforming process towards the development of organizational transformation in South Asia. In addition, contextual and contingency factors are determining the outcome of restructuring HRM practices in South Asia, identified as FDI, foreign MNCs’ influence, and bilateral relations among the SAARC members. Practical Implications: Due to cultural impediments, organizations are finding it difficult to implement modern HRM practices in true letter...
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...HR, and responsibilities and new roles of HR practitioners. Structure 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Introduction Concept of HRM Objectives of HRM Human Resource Functions Summary Self Assessment Questions Further Readings 2.1 INTRODUCTION Human resource management (HRM) is an approach to the management of people, based on four fundamental principles. First, human resources are the most important assets an organisation has and their effective management is the key to its success. Second, this success is most likely to be achieved if the personnel policies and procedures of the enterprise are closely linked with, and make a major contribution to, the achievement of corporate objectives and strategic plans. Third, the corporate culture and the values, organisational climate and managerial behaviour that emanate from that culture will exert a major influence on the achievement of excellence. This culture must, therefore, be managed which means that organisational values may need to be changed or reinforced, and that continuous effort, starting from the top, will be required to get them accepted and acted upon. Finally, HRM is concerned with integration - getting all the members of the organisation involved and working together with a sense of common purpose. 2.2 CONCEPT OF HRM HRM is a strategic approach to the acquisition, motivation, development and management of the organisation’s human resources. It is a specialised field that attempts to devd .ng an appropriate corporate...
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...IMPACT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) PRACTICES ON EMPLOYEES RETENTION (A CASE STUDY OF EDUCATION AND BANKING SECTOR IN BAHAWALPUR) Muhammad Azhar Sheikh 1 Wusat-ul-Qamar 2 Fariha Iqbal 3 ____________________________________________________________ __________ Abstract: This research has been conducted to study the impact of HRM practices (career development opportunities, supervisor support, working environment, rewards and work-life policies) on employee retention in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur as well as the banks in Bahawalpur. The data collected through questionnaire from 101 respondents. The results show the positive relationship of above mentioned HRM practices with employee retention. Conclusions as well as directions for future research are discussed. INTRODUCTION EMPLOYEE RETENTION: During the last decade, the personnel/HRM field has shifted from a micro focus on individual HRM practices to a debate on how HRM as a more holistic management approach may contribute to the competitive advantage of the organizations. Three different perspectives have been used in recent researches on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance, organizational retention and organizational strategies. (Bjorkman and Pavlovskaya: 2000) A number of studies have found that managing turnover is a challenge for organizations, as different organizations using different approaches to retain employees (American Management Association, 2001).Employee...
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...of Bangladesh as well as for the economy. An urgent need for supply of adequate professional manpower to cope with the emerging challenges. Objectives of the study: 1. To describe the existing HRM of BB. 2. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current BB’s HRM. 3. To examine the relationship between BB’s HRM practices and HR Department’s employees performance. Research methodology ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Sampling Method Primary Data Secondary Data Data Gathering Instrument Data Analysis Flow chart of the research framework Bangladesh Bank and its situation on Human Resource Management • The • • establishment of BB Functions of BB Human Resources Department (HRD) of BB: HR Dept. has 3 division & each division has 2 wings. These arePlanning and Resourcing Division -Planning, Promotion & Transfer wing -Recruitment & Outsourcing wing Development and Benefit Division -Benefits & Administration wing -Training & Development wing Performance and Reward Division -Recognition & Reward wing -Performance & Discipline wing Human Resource Department Planning and Resourcing Division Development and Benefit Division Performance and Reward Division Planning, Promotion & Transfer Recruitment & Outsourcing Benefits & Administrati on Training & Development Performance & Discipline Recognition & Reward Figure 2: Structure of...
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...Human Resource Management Practices in Janata Bank Limited: A Study on Dhaka University Campus Corporate Branch Salma BBA Program 2014 (17th Batch) Roll No: 109 Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam Associate Professor Department of Management Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Date of Submission: 28th February, 2015 1.1 Introduction The concept of HRM became popular in the early 1980s; since then there has been increasing interest in the academic concept as well as in the research area. Early models of HRM were largely conceptual and not based on substantial empirical evidence for their validity (Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Miles & Walton, 1984; For burn, Tichy & Devanna,1984; Guest,1989). Human Resources (HR) are considered as the most important assets of an organization, but very few organizations are able to fully harness its potential (Ahmed & schroeder, 2002). Human resources system is a distinct but interrelated activities, functions and processes that are directed at attracting, developing and maintaining or disposing firms’ human resources (Lado & Wilson, 1994). Human resources in other words, well informed capable citizenry can improve the total ability of an organization, a society, a government agency and virtually of a country, of a nation (khan, 2003). Human resources are the most important assets of an organizations because without them the business functions such as managing cash flow, making business...
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...UNIT 6: “Identify three key HRM activities of an identified organisation. Justify how the objectives of these were achieved by effective management of human resources and refer to at least two HRM models”. Introduction This report will identify and discuss the outcomes of three human resource management (HRM) activities. Using HRM models the outcomes will be discussed and analysed as to their effectiveness. “Human Resource Management is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisation’s most valued assets: the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives”. Armstrong, (2003: 3+4). Or “Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to employment relations which emphasises that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices”. Bratton & Gold, (2003: 3). Recruitment & Selection An organisations talent needs, originally, to be gained from somewhere. How do we obtain the Human Resources the organisation requires? Many things need to be considered such as the organisations goals, knowledge, skills and objectives etc. Employees that have the ability to adapt and adjust to the organisations long term future are required. Bass and Barratt (1981) conjoined to come up with a theoretical model of personnel selection for organisations...
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