...Business Challenges Faced by Foreign Multinationals Operating the Chinese Market Jianlian Wu International Management, University of Nottingham Ningbo 315100, China E-Mail: zlixcwj1@nottingham.edu.cn, qqnamei@163.com Abstract China’s rapid economic growth has presented numerous opportunities and challenges for foreign firms there. Many large corporations have established a China centre to coordinate and control their operations in the country. As firms have increased their presence in China, their concerns are increasingly focused on implementing successful management practices and strategies. This article describes the challenges and difficulties that multinational companies faced in Chinese market. It analyses roles played by the human resource function in these China, culture differences, social environment and other factors. Keywords: Challenge, Multinationals, Chinese market 1. Introduction Over the last few decades, the process of globalization has created unprecedented opportunities for global business investment and trade. Many multinational companies are attempting to expand their business international by many entry strategies such as joint venture and subsidiary. While China, with over 1.3 billion population and 9.6 million square kilometers (China Popin, 2008) has become a valuable land for foreign multinational companies. They try to enter the Chinese market by using many different strategies. For example, Siemens set up its representative office in Beijing...
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...man resources and management CHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS 159 RECRUITING IN EUROPE John graduated from a British university with a degree in human resource management; it was ihere that lie met Marie, a French Erasmus student. Marie had wanted to go back home, so |ohn had secured a fob in a recruitment agency in Marseille, France. TheJobs The agency, headquartered in Barcelona and Madrid (Spain), Talent Spotting Spectrum (TSS), is a human resources consulting agency specializing in the recruit_ ment and selection of international stafi and sales staff. TSS has a workforce of 25 people, led by two managers with 19 tenured employees. They have four outsourced IT technicians. Last year, they opened the French office; next year, they plan to open another in Turin, Italy, and are growing. . . . . . . . Accounts Manager: Analyze new business opportunities Deliver formal business presentations Manage a team of HR consultants Select, interview, and present candidates to clients HR Consultant: Flnd the right person to match requirements Advertise job opportunities on the different TSS Web sites and find r6sum6s that have been posted on others Maintain excellent relations with clients then expand to other European regions where opportunities Ouestion 1. Using the duties listed above, make a list of the comDe_ tencies required for each job. Source: Data collated by Claire Mennessier, Charlotte Morel, and Estelle Seban. ...
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...Job analysis helps to prepare sound human resource practice and policies. Because job analysis provides a deeper understanding of the behavioral requirements of the job, it plays a vital role in the defense of employment practices. Following are the main importance and uses of job analysis: Writing a business plan Managements Conversions meters to feet 1. HR Planning Job analysis provides useful information for human resource planning. It is the foundation for forecasting demand for and supply of human resources in an organization. It is also necessary for preparing HR inventory and HR information system in the organization. 2. Recruitment And Selection Job analysis provides necessary information for conducting recruitment and selection of employees in the organization. Recruitment generates a pool of candidates who are willing to perform in the organization, whereas selection selects the best suited candidate out of the available candidates who are supposed to perform well in the organization. 3. Training And Development Up-to-date description and specification statements help to ensure the requirement of training and development needs in the organization. By comparing knowledge and skill of current employees with the expected level of performance, the need of training and development requirement can be assessed. 4. Compensation Management Job analysis provides necessary information for managing compensation of employees. It helps to rank the job in order to...
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...Chapter 6 Human Resource Practices Human Resource Paradigms Old Thinking New Thinking People are part of the process People design and improve processes Process requires external control Workers who run the process control it Managers have to control what people do Managers must obtain commitment of workers Key Activities in HRM • Determine organization’s HR needs to build a high-performance workplace • Assist in design of work systems • Recruit, select, train & develop, counsel, motivate, and reward employees • Act as liaison with unions & government • Handle other matters of employee well-being Leading Practices • Integrate HR plans with overall strategic objectives and action plans • Design work and jobs to promote organizational learning, innovation, and flexibility • Develop effective performance management systems, compensation, and reward and recognition approaches • Promote cooperation and collaboration through Teamwork Empower individuals and teams to make decisions that affect quality and customer satisfaction • Make extensive investments in training and education • Maintain a work environment conducive to the well-being and growth of all employees • Monitor extent and effectiveness of HR practices and measure employee satisfaction Strategic Perspective • HR plans should be linked to business strategy and aligned with business needs • Key choices – Planning – Staffing – Appraising – Compensating – Training and development ...
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...Manage Performance Management Systems Case Study of Precision Technology 1. What is the primary goal Performance Management System (PMS)? The primary goal PMS is to develop a system that drives the performance of the company to achieve its objectives and strategies throughout identification, evaluation and development of the job performance. The aim of a PMS is to help the company reach its full potential for the benefit of both the employee and the organisation. Having a clear understanding of job expectations, responsibilities, required competencies, regular feedback and the expected behaviours does this. The primary goal of the PMS is to get all the different departments to understand what each role is in the organisation and how each role compliments the other, with the current working conditions there is lack of communication and therefore lack of understanding where, what and whom should be doing. The company currently has a family oriented culture and it appears they have an open communication with the different departments due to the regular meeting that end with a lengthy lunch but the real issues are not being discussed. In order for the company to be competitive with the cheaper Asian market the profit margin to increase and the management issues needed to be addressed and concerned aired in an open forum of frank and honest discussion backed by evidence and financial facts of the company. The goals set under a PMS should be specific, measurable, achievable...
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...Orlandus Leonard Human Resources Management vs. Operational Management Kaplan University MT 435 Operations Management Human Resources Management and Operational Management are two very distinct managements that are strangely co-dependent of each other in my view. Operations Management is responsible for designing, operating and improving productive systems or in layman’s terms, systems for getting work done. Operations Managers are found in all walks of life. In anything you basically do or have done there are operations managers. When you go to the store, when you buy gas, in factories, in hospitals, banks even in your government there are operation managers. They are the ones who design systems, who ensure the quality of your products, Produce your products and even deliver them to you. The responsibility of operations managers are far reaching in scope. They work behind the scenes with customers and suppliers. They solve your business problems by reengineering your processes innovating your systems and integrating your processes. Regardless of what you are looking for superior quality or customization of your systems, or getting your operating costs down, whatever it is you are looking for as a business, excellence in your operations can be and is very essential and vital to your success. There are five key operating principles you want to consider in business. The first being communication in a business you have to make sure that your level of communication is clear...
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...Daniel R. MacLeod BSA / 375 Jan 6, 2014 SR-rm-022 Riordan Manufacturing is a global manufacture of plastics ranging from Bottles to heart stents. The company employs 550 people all working to further development of their product. The company itself projects approximately $46 million annually. The company has established plants on many states here in the United States, as well having facility’s in China producing their product the company has a major research and development center located in California. The COO of the company has issued a service request for our company to analyze your Human resources department with the hopes of bringing a more state-of-the art technology to the disposal of all plants. This request labeled SR-rm-022 will take all forms of the HR and bring it in to one single intergraded application which will be the standard for all locations. The current Human Resources information system was implemented in 1992 which is 22 years old, and it is the hopes from Riordan Manufacturing that with today’s systems it will not only increase the productivity of the HR department but as well streamline it as well. The expected results as laid out in the service request SR-rm-022 has explicit instructions on the time line of this task, and must be completed within six months so the system can be utilized in the second Quarter of the upcoming year. So we are to define the business requirements of this development and support the objectives of the request. Key...
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...inspiring love story - The Rose Within A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed(menyedari) thorns upon the stem and he thought, "How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns? Saddened by this thought, he neglected(mengabaikan) to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom... it died. So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amid(di tgh2) the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects(kecacatan). We despair(berputus asa), thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually(akhirnya) it dies. We never realize(sedar) our potential. Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess(memilih) is to be able to reach past the thorns of another, and find the rose within them. This is one of the characteristic of love... to look at a person, know their true faults and accepting that person into your life... all the while recognizing the nobility(bangsawan,keagungan) in their soul. Help others to realize they can overcome(mengatasi) their faults. If we show them the "rose" within themselves, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom(berbunga) many times...
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...fact that the Boogeyman lives in a closet, merely underlines that the Boogeyman is a tale for children. Only children have the innocent imagination to believe them, because they are not yet members in 'the reasonable tribe' of humanity. The difference in this Boogeyman story however, is that this one is actually happening. Lester Billings' children are being killed! While these murders are not violent crimes, the death of a child is always horrible (and might lead to justifying hallucinations). It is your basic innocence versus the world. Some human beings have, in this world, deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts. Preying on others to feed their own animalistic needs (like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho). The Boogeyman is not traditionally a human, though he is born from human imagination and desire for thrills... But, one might argue, that anything created by humans is human, and therefore the Boogeyman must be human, just like nuclear war, marriage, guns and fancy clothing. During a person's lifespan, he or she loses more and more of their childish imagination whilst advancing in scientific beliefs. Science contra imagination means a lot to this story: To sum up...
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...The social history of England evidences many social changes over the centuries. These major social changes have affected England both internally and in its relationship with other nations. The themes of social history include demographic history, labour history and the working class, women's history, family history, the history of education in England, urban history and rural and agricultural history. The topic generally excludes politics, diplomacy and intellectual and constitution. Prehistoric society The distant past does not offer us much information on the structures of society, however, major changes in human behaviour make it likely that society must have changed dramatically. In common with much of Europe, the switch from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle to farming around 4000 BC must have heralded an enormous shift in all aspects of human life. Nobody knows what changes may have occurred, and recent evidence of permanent buildings and habitation from 3,000 years ago means that these may still have been gradual shifts. One of the most obvious symbols of change in prehistoric society is Stonehenge. The building of such stone circles, burial mounds and monuments throughout the British Isles seems to have required a division of labour. Builders would have needed to dedicate themselves to the task of monument construction to acquire the required skills. Not having time to hunt and farm would make them rely on others to such an extent that specialised farmers would emerge...
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...Unit 9 Final Project HU – 245 - 10 Professor Ronald Wade Erin Broker 8/30/2009 Kaplan University Unit 9 Final Project Introduction Ethics is the area of study that deals with morality and how we make decisions about how we behave as individuals and how our actions reflect our values and conduct towards one another. This class focused on two viewpoints that helped us define morality and how to apply it in new ways of thinking and reasoning when dealing with issues in our lives: consequential reasoning and non-consequential reasoning. Through an evaluation of my collected works, I will attempt to show an improvement in the areas of analytical skill building, knowledge acquisition, and practical application that are the key objectives of this class. The objective of these three skill areas was to help us better understand how to think ethically and to understand why others think the way they do and how to come to a better understanding of a difference of opinions on various subjects. Analytical Skills Analytical skill building helps to improve your critical reading, writing and thinking skills. In unit 2 Case Study B, I evaluated a situation where an employee was upset with his employer’s treatment of its employees. In analyzing the situation, I was able to come to an understanding of how best the company should respect Mr. Lopez’s rights and moral dignity as an employee by using consequential reasoning: A company should take whatever steps necessary to...
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...The True Nature of Lear’s Madness Out of all of Shakespeare’s works, King Lear is by far his greatest tragedy. Tragedy, not in the sorts of horrific blood shed, but in terms of the hostile nature of humankind, that was thoroughly explored within the play. The brilliance of the play does not only lie in its brilliant storyline, it ultimately lies in the numerous universal, yet controversial themes. Themes of familial obligation, metaphorical blindness, political disarray, cruelty, betrayal, insanity and madness, these are only a few of the many conveyed. The critical summation of King Lear is as such: King Lear, ruler of Britain, decides to abdicate his throne and leave Britain in the charge of his three daughters. However, due to his weakness to flattery he bestows the entire kingdom to his daughters, Goneril and Regan. Unlike her malevolent sisters, Cordelia is banished by Lear. Ultimately, as a result of the committed acts, Lear sets not only himself, but also his entire country into civil strife. The natural order originally established by Lear falls apart and disorder engulfs the realm. Lear’s, ‘fall from grace’ in addition to the abuse he attains from his offspring causes him to go temporarily insane. However, insanity leads Lear to self-realization, completely stripped from his royal pretensions. Such a realization causes Lear to overlook his values and finally learn of humility. One is able to state that before the climax took place Lear, in fact was ‘mad’, this...
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...While many opinions seem harmless, others can be cruel, unjust, or harmful to reputations. Some opinions can build up such a wall that all hope for the light of another viewpoint seems lost. Culture and Lifestyle •Christian Science •Christianity •Religion •.My dictionary says that the primary sense of the word “opinion” involves “fixing in the mind.” It goes on to say that it is “the judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event.” When we are going to vote for people or proposals in government, civic events, or even church, or we need to make a decision in our own lives, how can we make sure that we are resting our judgments on a certain and solid basis – on something more permanent than human opinion? One simple way is to begin with prayer to God, who is the Mind of each of us. We can always sincerely ask God how to think about any issue that crosses our path. This prayer may lead us to actively turn away from what circumstances are telling us about a person or situation, and to drop some fixed ideas we have habitually clung to. Today as yesterday, God, our true Parent, tells us of the constant and all-powerful good that belongs to each of us and is our only real experience as His children. Prayer can help us feel the power of this message, even in the midst of conflicting opinions. When we want to make the best decision – to follow our highest sense of what is right – we can prayerfully acknowledge each person’s oneness with Mind as the perfect...
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...January 15th 2012 Com/220 Argumentation assignment The speech I chose to read instead of hear was “The morality of birth control” by Margaret Sanger (1921). I chose this speech because I have worked in the healthcare field for over 10 years now, this subject truly catches my attention. Its also the reason why for my final project I have chosen to speak about abortion and pro choice debates. After reading the article I picked up on bias’ right of the bat. The fact that women have been viewed as immoral for wanting to control the size of their families or to act as responsible adults. Margaret talks about how many different groups were invited to the conference that was held and everyone acted with dignity except one group. This group was the religious “church” going individuals. This group views birth control as a “sin” so to speak and think it’s against gods will. I can vouch for this personally. I recently took a new job almost three months ago with a very well known catholic organization. We have amazing benefits except they will not cover ANY form of contraception or fertility treatment. This means I have to pay out of pocket for my prescriptions of birth control. A choice I have chosen as a single/divorced mother of three. I don’t want to have any more children, but in their eyes I am being immoral. To me some of the fallacies or misconceptions with this issue that they are basically stating that religion and worship make a person moral. How can that be when...
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...Breakthrough Thinking from Inside the Box In Thomson Reuters, where I used to work as a Research Analyst, I mostly felt that I do repetitive tasks. The question hanging for me before was “How will I change my situation?”. As I thought deeper, the question evolved into “What do I really want?”, but still this doesn’t lead me to my main problem. Then I asked, “Why do I want something else?”. After series of analysis, I figured out that my main problem is just I don’t want to stop growing and learning as a person. That’s how I ended up here in the MBA program. I’m very happy now because with the help of MBA program (though still in progress) I was promoted as a Quality Control Associate. Taking the MBA program was I think the best solution for my problem. Brainstorming alone (if you can call such), or rather, thinking alone, is easier to conduct than brainstorming with a group. However, you cannot get much information. It took me more than a year that MBA program can be a solution! Brainstorming can be a faster way to improve and innovate not just intrapersonal but also in a small-medium-or-large group. In a brainstorming session, many are just “free-riders” especially if it’s a big group. Many, if not all, resist change as said in the article. I’m glad I’ve read this article because brainstorming is a great tool for innovation. We seldom do this in my workplace and I usually think for the improvement or innovation of our processes alone. Many analysts wouldn’t like to participate...
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