...prolongation of dying. Put simply - why should be patient be forced to experience a slow death? Most physicians have received one or more requests to help a patient end his or her life prematurely. This module focuses on the skills that the physician can use to respond both compassionately and with confidence to a request, not on the merits of arguments for or against legalizing physician-assisted suicide (PAS) or euthanasia, but using solid clinical skills. To respond effectively, physicians must know the reasons why patients ask for assistance. Depression, psychosocial factors, and anticipated distress are common reasons, but current physical suffering can also be a factor. Physicians need to be able to assess the root causes of the specific request, make a commitment to the patient’s care, address each of the patient’s sources of suffering, educate the patient about legal alternatives, and seek counsel from colleagues. The vast majority of requests for PAS or euthanasia should abate when approached in this way. Oregon The state of Oregon has had a physician-assisted suicide law since 1994 which was implemented in 1998. Since then more than 341 terminally ill people have taken...
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...Against Humanity: Euthanasia Tolga Arslan ESL 160-03: Combined Skills VI Professor Roxanne Leach April 24, 2013 Tolga Arslan 4/24/2013 ESL 160-3 Library Report Essay Professor Roxanne Leach Against Humanity: Euthanasia Euthanasia is a serious political, moral, and ethical issue in today’s society. Euthanasia is putting people in a painless death or when terminally ill people choose to end his or her life with a doctor’s help. The word euthanasia comes from Greek “eu”, goodly or well and “thanatos” death, so it is good death. This short definition is a cause of all those debates all over the world. Doctors, politicians, religious leaders, lawyers, and general public argue for euthanasia, whether it should be legalized or not. Euthanasia is a serious topic because it goes against the standards of traditional medicine. First, doctors have to take the Hippocratic Oath to become a real doctor. The Hippocratic Oath says do whatever you can to save people’s life. Euthanasia says just kill them if they want to die. Which doctor can kill their client if they have taken the Hippocratic Oath or if they are real doctors? Second, euthanasia is not always applied to terminally ill patients either. People who have been in serious accidents, or who have debilitating diseases are often consideration for the application of euthanasia. The problem is, these patients are neither in a coma nor senseless. According to http://www.euthanasia.cc, “A pair of identical twins has died after...
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...Aided suicide is really a dilemma that various people today in America have confronted within their life span. Do you find it appropriate or perhaps do you find it inappropriate? It really is a subject left up to that individual. You will find not one but two features to just about every scenario and naturally you will find a couple facets to this particular one. The meaning regarding suicide stands out as “the action involving eliminating yourself deliberately with the aid of another person, sometimes a physician (Dictionary, 2012).” For you to merely use this description then one may possibly declare the fact that it’s improper. Subsequently to alternatively state that it ended up being more beneficial to stop someone’s struggling then one might possibly suggest the fact that it’s acceptable. Assisted suicide continues to be one of the more questionable matters plaguing contemporary society these days (Conwell & Caine, 1991). The individuals which have been looking for ways to have assisted suicide legalized are convinced that absolutely everyone should pass away having self-respect as well as without the need of enduring fatal health problems and this needs to be the patients rightful option (Pretzer, 2000). Anti-assisted action is without a doubt in opposition to legalizing this as a result of the potential risks associated with permitting individuals to terminate their particular existence lawfully regardless of whether it’s on their own or perhaps by making use of a health...
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...Code of Ethics Paper HCS/335 Ethics: It is said that the greatest human freedom is to live, and die according to one’s desires and beliefs. Death with dignity is a national organization located in Oregon, which is non-partisan, non-profit that has led the legal defense and education of the Oregon law for nearly twenty years; however, the actual law for death with dignity was not passed until 1994 and due to legal issues, it became effective later in 1997. The Board of Directors for Death with Dignity Movements are some of the most esteemed medical, legal and scholarly experts, which are responsible for the political defense of the Oregon law and the promotion of death with dignity initiatives in other states. The Oregon Death with Dignity act has given patients what others might think or find deplorable a chance to die with dignity in their own terms. The Act allows mentally competent terminally ill adults who have six months or less to live receive, under strict safeguard, a prescription for life ending medication The goal of the Death with Dignity National Center is three fold: defend dignity, mobilize dignity, and preserve dignity. To Defend Dignity, the Death with Dignity National Center works with an “extensive and costly legal defense of the Oregon law, as well as coalition building providing the flexibility to rapid response to both legal and political challenges” (DWDNC, 2011). A second goal of the Death with Dignity National Center is to mobilize dignity. In...
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...because of the detailed explanation that ethical considerations are being actively debated. Some may contend that euthanasia is a practice to be upheld in the U.S.A. due to being a country of freedom and liberty, and that is kind to allow one’s suffering to stop. However, others remain opposed and stand firm on the notion that assisting death is unethical, un-Godly, and to be illegal. The debate of assisted-suicide is argumentative amongst society, doctors, and legislators in Hawaii and throughout the nation; with recent regards to changing current law, euthanasia should remain to be illegal. Assisting in death, encouraging death, and advocating for death is wrong in many ways. Societal opinions differ and are found to be expressed throughout Hawaii in organizations, churches, and personal testimonials. What causes one to even think that assisted suicide is an acceptable foreseeable option? An example pros for debate is the notion of becoming invalid; according to an article by UH Philosophy Professor, Ron Amundson, a “Fear of Being Disabled Drives Advocates of Assisted-Suicide Bill” (Amundson, Pg.1). The idea of becoming disabled, or an invalid, is a pre-conceived notion, and shouldn’t be a determining factor in deciding one’s length of life. Many people live and maintain active and happily fulfilling lifestyles even...
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...Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide debate Mary Gundersen HCA 322 November 18, 2013 Linda Hoppe Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide debate Euthanaisa and assisted suicide are heated battle, in which lines have been drawn between warning social, religious, and political groups. Several individuals want this controversial institution erased from the volumes of lawful medicine, but others say that should be able to choose our fates in extreme cases. Either the law makers, neither the country, nor the citizens could find a solution to this debate without causing an intense opposition and the possibility for an end to this war of ethics seems very far in the distance. The definition of euthanasia is a painless killing, especially to end a painful and incurable disease; mercy killing. This intentional termination of life by another is at the request of the person who dies because like so many other religious, social, and political terms, euthanasia has various meanings. The passive euthanaisa is defines the hastening of death of a person by withdrawing several types of support and letting nature take it is course, instance of his are, removing life support systems, stopping medical procedures, stopping food, and water, not delivering CPR and letting the patient’s heart stop. The several common form of passive euthanaisa is to give a person large doses of morphine to control pain despite the likely hood that the pain killer would suppress respiration, thus causing death earlier than normal...
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...Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Debate HCA 322 Sonya Pedro 24 April 2011 Everybody is going to die sometime, but for some, serious medical conditions only prolong the wait upon their deathbed. From newborn infants with severe handicaps, to elderly men and women diagnosed with hopeless amnesia, euthanasia has found a place in society since society’s creation. In this paper I will focus on the controversial and difficult issue of assisted suicide or euthanasia. I will discuss my beliefs concerning euthanasia, to include the “special population” and identify the laws concerning physician-assisted suicide in the state of North Dakota. Euthanasia has its share of protesters, and there are some supporters who recognize the boundaries. Let’s discuss some of my beliefs concerning euthanasia. A person has become extremely ill and doesn't want to continue suffering, should he/she be forced to stay alive? Whose life is it anyways? Is it the family's life or the persons'? As our text explains, physician-assisted suicide occurs when the physician gives the patient a lethal dose of some medication, but the patient administers it him/herself. Euthanasia occurs when the physician carries out the final act. (Pozgar, 2010). Most families believe that they should be given the right to decide if they want to let their loved ones go, but in most cases it's not the family's choice. The decision to live or die usually rests with the individual, unless he/she is too ill to make...
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...Should Assisted Suicide be Legal? Stefan C Sooter HUM/115 October 12, 2015 Beverly Sessoms Should Assisted Suicide be Legal? As I type this opening paragraph for my essay, I should precursor this by saying that I'm beginning this piece as a non-advocate for assisted suicide. It's not just about my religious views, but also for the fact that I believe that with modern medical miracles, anything can happen. If you tap out of the fight too early, you may never know what could have happened. I understand that the situation can feel hopeless, and one can be in so much pain that one may feel like they can't take anymore, but I've witnessed first-hand desperate situations turn into miracles. My father was diagnosed in 2009 with Stage 3 Esophageal cancer. The chances of him living, especially at 65 years old, were thirty-three percent, at best. Today, he is one hundred percent in remission and living his life as a healthy senior man. That example alone is my reason for not believing in assisted suicide. A publication in the Evening Chronicle states that assisted suicide may be a dangerous law to pass. If legalized, it could set a precedent for those that are disabled or terminally ill to take their lives as to not be a burden to their family or friends (Anonymous, 2010). The author also goes on to discuss how legalizing assisted suicide could, "create pressure, particularly on those who are newly physically challenged, to end their lives. We should be fighting for proper health...
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...Physician Assisted Suicide “I still feel good enough, I still have enough joy. I still laugh and smile with my family and friends. This does not feel like the right time to go,” Brittney Maynard. In Oregon, there was a woman named Brittney Maynard. She was 29 years of age. She suddenly started to have severe headaches and became concerned and wanted to go see a doctor as soon as possible. Shortly after in May 2013, Maynard was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. She was married to her husband Dan Diaz, at the time she was diagnosed. The following year, in the spring of 2014 she was informed that she only had six or seven months to live. The thought of dying from terminally ill brain cancer and never having kids was heartbreaking to her. She wanted to leave her legacy behind. Maynard decided to move from the state of California to Oregon to participate in physician assisted suicide also known as the “Death with Dignity Act.” She was told that the process would be long and painful, and she did not want to go through that. So she went a doctor in Oregon that could prescribe her the lethal dose of the medication that would end her life immediately. She scheduled to end her life November 1, 2014, just three short days after her husband’s birthday. Brittney stated, “I know everyone has to morn, but I want him to remarry and have a family. Something I could never do for him.” In her saying that one can tell that she really loves Dan and wants only the best for him. Physician...
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...least 130 people commit suicide in the 1990s. Physician assisted death/suicide is when a doctor knowingly and willingly provides a terminally ill person with the knowledge and resources required to die. It is legal in 8 states and 7 countries. Legalizing it in all states could encourage malpractice, and people should be urged to endure as long as they can. One other reason is that friends and family of the patient may want to spend their final moments together. All of these things make it so that physician assisted death should become illegal in the United States. The first reason P.A.D, (Physician assisted death) should be illegal is that patients should be encouraged to hold on as...
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...Physician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide is a very controversial subject in today's society. Physician assisted suicide is when one voluntarily makes the decision to end life due to a terminal illness. In my opinion, physician assisted suicide is not ethical because; many people feel taking of a life is morally wrong, it shows no respect for humanity, and it takes ones dignity away. Physician assisted suicide and Euthanasia exist and neither are morally correct. Nothing about ending one's life is ethically right. An act as such would be considered an act od virtue ethics. "Virtue ethics is distinct from both utilitarianism and deontology. Rather than focusing on the consequences of the act we wish to evaluate or the rule that guides the action, we look at the character of the person performing the act."(Mosser, 2010) Each having the same outcome but still different, physician assisted suicide is when a physician gives the patient means to commit suicide but not administering it personally.Euthanasia is a lethal dosage of medicine administered by a physician. (Gula,1999a) This process is called death by mercy but some see it as murder. Death is a natural part of living. Death is something that occurs somewhere every second of the day, it should be from natural cause or accidental never should it be doctor promoted . When people become ill it is the physician they put trust in for the care they need to survive...
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...Philosophy 120 Lecture Notes Week Two Outline of the Case of Sue Rodriguez: • In 1992-93 Sue Rodriguez, an intelligent, aware woman aged forty was first diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a degenerative neurological disorder. • Mrs. Rodriguez, mother of a small child, had done her research and knew full well that the disease would gradually rob her of the ability to walk, move her body at will, eat and finally breathe without mechanical assistance. Her mind would remain alert, however, trapped in the shell of her body. • Sue Rodriguez was appalled at the prospect of facing such a life and wished instead to prevent it by requesting physician-assisted suicide at a time and in a manner of her own choosing. She determined that she would like to activate a machine that would facilitate her death, but would also like to have a physician present, in case, through some unpredictable eventuality, something went awry and she needed further aid in dying. • A lawyer for Mrs. Rodriguez took her case to a lower court, to the Supreme Court of British Columbia, which denied her request, and then to the B.C. Court of Appeal. In the judgment on appeal from the Court of Appeal, the decision was lost by a vote of two to one. Justice McEachern in his dissenting opinion, based mostly on arguments relating to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms presented by Mrs. Rodriguez's counsel, outlined a set of guidelines by which he felt Mrs. Rodriguez could...
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...EITHICAL DELIMAS IN NURSING Green Group Shannon Blake, Sherri Dunn, Susan Brown, Tammie Hicks, Miriam Cook Grand Canyon University Nrs-437 November 7, 2015 Nurses have been playing very important roles in the caring of patients throughout the continuum of life and at the end of life for years. It is the position of the ANA that participation of nurses in euthanasia is prohibited as those acts are in contradiction of the code of ethics for nurses. Nurses have a duty to provide humane, comprehensive and compassionate care in respect to the rights of patients, but maintain the standard of the profession in the presence of chronic, debilitating illness and at the end of life. Voluntary euthanasia is the act of taking a life painlessly especially to relief suffering from an incurable illness, with the consent of a dying patient. Denying people such wishes can lead to unnecessary suffering. There are two types of euthanasia; involuntary, where patients refuse to consent and non-voluntary, patients unable to consent. Euthanasia can have great impact on the society. It affects everyone one way or another. Although a person has autonomy to make decisions about his end of life care doesn’t take away from the fact that their family and friends will be affected with guilt, anger and bitterness. Voluntary euthanasia can hamper efforts to advance medical research in finding cures for diseases (Saunders, 2011). As the nurse taking care of a terminally ill patient...
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...Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Jennifer P Coetzee PCN-505 May 18, 2016 Kendra Stewart Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Section 1: Counselor Values There are so many different views in opinions when it comes to the topic of abortion. There is the religious point that it is wrong to have an abortion because of the ten commandment that states “Thou shall not kill.” All have heard this one whether atheist or religious. People’s right to choose abortion or not has been questioned for many years, as congress officials have tried on many occasions to illegalize this right. Then there is the other side of this opinion where so many feel it is the woman’s right to choose to have an abortion. A lot of people see this as a form of birth control. It is a woman’s choice to have an abortion completed, she may have goals in her life that pregnancy would prevent her from achieving these goals. Abortion: The Choice. (2010). New York, N.Y.: Films Media Group, [2008]. In my personal opinion, I would not advise abortion because I am someone who had an abortion before. My values were so against abortion for so many years, then I was in a situation where I chose abortion so I cannot advise someone else to have an abortion. I would have wanted someone to tell me what they went through after having an abortion. For me, it was coming out of a very bad marriage and finding out I was pregnant. I already had two children to support and had high risk pregnancies both times. I was worried...
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...Dara Hughes A. Kopriva English 1001 30 November 2011 Life Affecting Physician-Assisted Suicide Thousands of people in the United States alone die every year from terminal illnesses. Medical technology is responsible for keeping many people alive; however some people are alive against their will. This paper recognizes the various events and people that are affected by physician-assisted suicide. While some terminally ill patients feel there is no reason for them to live and cause pain for not only themselves but also others, there are still people out there who disagree because they find that physician-assisted suicide degrades life. Since ancient times, many people have come up with the concept of a merciful and acceptable death. From the Greek and Roman times till today, physician-assisted suicide has been long debated throughout history (Boyd). However, individual choice in dying did not become a United States social and legal issue until recently. Jack Kevorkian, Dr. Death, is well known in history for being the first American doctor to perform physician-assisted suicide (“Jack Kevorkian Biography”). "Kevorkian created, "the suicide machine", a device that distributed first a muscle relaxer, then a drug that would stop the heart from beating" (Kastenbaum). Dr. Jack Kevorkian is perhaps the biggest advocate of assisted suicide after "he aired a videotape, on 60 Minutes, of him injecting Thomas Youk. He was charged with first degree murder, in 1998, for killing Thomas...
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