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Submitted By k1kkm
Words 497
Pages 2
Executive summary
In this project, we use SERVQUAL Model to determine the service performance of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) branches frontline operations. The area of study is the general teller services.

There are total of 140 SERVQUAL questionnaires were distributed which aim to find out the customer satisfaction level for HSBC general teller service in five dimensions, including Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy, and assess performance for five dimensions

• Tangibles: the appearance of facilities, equipment, materials, and personnel;

• Reliability: the performance of the service in a dependable and accurate manner;

• Responsiveness: the willingness of staff to help customers and provide prompt service;

• Assurance: the staff's ability to provide courteous and knowledgeable service; and
• Empathy: the staff's ability to understand the needs of the customer.

From SERVQUAL questionnaires result, all five dimensions got the negative score. In other words, customers’ perceptions lower than their expectations. Questionnaires result shows some comment problem including operating hours, understanding of specific needs, availability of personal service and level of emphasis on customer best interest. Moreover, we found that the largest service gap is in Empathy dimension and the smallest service gap is in Tangible dimension. Therefore, we suggest that HSBC should focus more on Empathy dimension.

The identified problems are extracted from the findings and analysis. Recommendations were suggested for key problems shooting. HSBC is suggested to prolong the operating hours until 7 p.m. In addition, provide more training for employee through role play and scenario training to enhance communication and problem solving skill.

Project Topic
This project is aim to measure HSBC’s customer Perceptions and

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