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Submitted By blairgogo2016
Words 499
Pages 2
While the launch of (Spiderman 2) may appeal to a broad audience – this campaign will target Men aged 16 – 24. We will focus efforts in areas in urban and suburban markets where movie theaters exist. (介绍这是什么,why吸引)target Spiderman 2 is a specific type of movie – Action/Superhero – which are typically skewed to males. We have selected age 16-24 because they have seen the Spiderman movies, TV shows and comics. We also feel that there will be exposure to men outside of the target. We are calling our target “Peter”
Peter is 17 years old, a junior in high school and lives in the suburbs of Denver. He takes the bus to school. Afterschool he stays for baseball practice then goes home or to his friend’s house where they hang out or do homework. On weekends, Peter works at the local mall as a server for a hot dog vendor. Often he and his friends meet up at the mall during work breaks. Peter communicates with his friends via mobile and social networks. They often “snap” (snapchats) rather than carrying out a text or IM conversation. (daily life and behavior)

The campaign will reach Peter his friends are in the evenings or on weekends via mobile/social and OOH. The use of social and OOH will be integrated. (讲各个media细节用)The OOH strategy would use larger than life units to “break thru” (提及关键词)and be impactful. While Peter was working today he watched as a giant Spiderman billboard was placed on the theater in the mall. It was difficult to miss and made it look like Spiderman was crawling up the wall(media细节). Since he always has his phone with him, he took a picture of it with his phone and sent it to his friends, posted it on Facebook and tweeted about it. He noticed that hundreds of people had commented and shared the picture. When he got home he noticed that his picture was trending and being shared by people all over the US.

When he woke up the next day he saw that other people where posting pictures and sharing with him the other Spiderman units they were finding – a bus stops in Chicago with Spiderman on top, a building in Dallas and a hot dog cart in New York with a web on it. Each of these OOH units were unique and fun. The OOH units were extremely shareable between Peter, his friends and other people his age. All of the Outdoor units were very large and hard to miss.

In the social space the strategy included all the “sharable” media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine and Snapchat. Each time it was shared, the audience was amplified in the social space – creating scale against the target.

Peter and his friends shared all these pictures and texted about them as they keep appearing – leading up to the day of the Spiderman movie premiere – where Peter and his friends were first on line to get in.

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