...Huffman Trucking Muneer Abualroub, Devon Hynson, Kisha Jones, Amanda McMillan MKT571 12/17/2012 Michael Wilson Introduction With a mission statement “to be a profitable, growing, adaptive company in an intensively competitive logistical services business environment” and a vision statement “to be a model company to our stockholders, employees, customers and all stakeholders” Huffman Trucking founded by K. Huffman, a native of Cleveland, Ohio. Huffman Trucking began in 1936 with a single tractor-trailer. Market Needs Jordanian transportation market has many transporting needs must be filled by transportation companies offering trucking transporting services. To be one recognized competition in the Jordanian transportation market, Huffman trucking must satisfied market needs through multiple choices of offered trucking services. “Huffman Trucking offer Arrow Trucking, JB Hunt Trucking, Car Transport Services, Hot Shot Trucking and Schneider Trucking” (Manta). Market Growth The Jordanian transportation market growth has remarkable growth in the past two decades, and become an important sector that provide more than 15% of Jordan GDP “transport and communications sector enjoyed a banner year in 1994, with a growth rate of 6.8%. This improvement continued in 1997 at 8.9%, and the sector contributed a 15.7% share to GDP at constant factor cost” (Sectorial Analysis). The growth in transportation market is followed by growth in service offered by Huffman Trucking....
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...Huffman Trucking was founded by K Huffman of Cleveland, Ohio in 1936. The company growth was a result of the increased demand for carrier services between factories in the midwest to ports on the East Coast during World War II. Today Huffman Trucking is growing from internal sales and the acquisition of five Eastern regional carriers, which has enabled Huffman Trucking to continue to be privately held. Huffman trucking employees 1,400 workers in its logistical hubs located in Los Angeles, California, Ohio, St. Louis, Missouri, Bayonne and New Jersey. Kenneth Colbert the Director Human Resources has contacted the Vice President of Industrial Relations, Graham Grove concerning recent decisions regarding an alternate health care benefit program. According to the memo the plan will be a flex plan for union and nonunion employees with health and dental insurance options. Mr. Colbert and Mr. Graham have hired S. Caldwell IT Consulting Firm to develop and install a benefit election system to support the tracking and reporting of Huffman Trucking employees. The consultant team will describe the consideration needed to address possible security requirements and describe possible risks associated with the requested benefits election system. The Consulting Team S Caldwell IT Consultants believe their role is to act as an adjunct for Huffman Trucking Human resource department, bringing benefits, knowledge, experience and skills. The team will Perform...
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...Huffman Trucking Disaster Recovery Plan CMGT/410 Huffman Trucking Disaster Recovery Plan Huffman Trucking is a privately held national company with six hundred million dollars a year in revenues. The company has hubs in Los Angeles, California; St. Louis, Missouri; Cleveland, Ohio; and Bayonne, New Jersey. The company maintains a truck maintenance facility at the hub in Cleveland, Ohio. Each hub maintains a data center, linked to the corporate offices through various Internet access methods. Recent reports of computer hacking and database corruption have highlighted the need for a coordinated data security and disaster recovery plan. A comprehensive corporate-wide strategy for data security, site backup, and disaster recovery will allow the company to continue to function and communicate during emergencies that involve any of the company’s data hubs and minimize effect on company operations. Huffman Trucking Disaster Recovery Plan Project Objectives “On August 28, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of the United States with devastating effect. It was reported that more than 1800 people lost their lives and more than $81 billion dollars in damages occurred” (United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2005). Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time. Planning for disasters takes time. According to Krugman (2006), “even after three months, there was still not a reconstruction plan, let alone a plan under way.” The main purpose of a...
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...Huffman trucking uses the following operating systems in their various locations: Windows 3.1 Windows 3.x Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 9.x Windows NT Windows 2000 Professional Windows XP Professional Windows Exchange Server 5 Windows Proxy Server 2 Novel Netware 4.11 MAC OS I believe these operating systems were chosen because, at the time they were put into use, they were state f the art operating systems. As the company has grown, focus has been on other areas of the company and its operations. As the company grew and the need for more computers grew, the company seems to have simply added the needed systems with whatever operating systems were current on the systems they purchased. The biggest implications of the operating systems in use by Huffman Trucking would be compatibility. As technology advances and older technology reaches end of life, the ability to maintain a network of computers using so many varied operating systems becomes increasingly difficult. Another implication is using so many different technologies (Windows-based vs. Novel vs. Apple) can cause problems in compatibility, rendering certain systems and software unable to do the tasks that are needed to be performed. Maintaining such an eclectic network likely requires many man-hours that would not be necessary if all of the systems were closer to current, and if they were more closely matched to each other. An example would be if the server software were more current, the desktop operating...
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...Huffman Trucking August 24, 2009 Huffman trucking Introduction The trial balance can be prepared at any point in time which lists all ledger account and the balances are used to provide the equality of debits and credits. Assets are listed first followed by liabilities and then owner’s equity. The trial balance proves that the accounts balance, but does not ensure that all transactions were entered or entered in the proper accounts. At Huffman Trucking we have decided to integrate an automated accounting information system (AIS) using internal controls to ensure the correct data and information reach the right departments in a timely manner. We will explore the importunateness of the AIS internal control and how they are different from a non-automated system. Integration of the automated AIS When it comes to the trial balance, companies can find at the end of the accounting cycle the trial balance has many errors. We would like to introduce the trial balance that is completely automated and could alert the company if any errors were to occur at any given time. We should have a system set up to remind the accounting department to check the trial balance for errors on a weekly basis. As stated by Netmba.com (2007), “The more often the trial balance is calculated during the accounting cycle, the easier it is to isolate any errors; more frequent trial balance calculation narrow the time frame in which the error might have occurred, resulting in few transactions through which...
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...Huffman Trucking Operating Systems Huffman Trucking Operating Systems Huffman Trucking, a national transportation company, employs 1,400 employees. Huffman’s hubs are in Los Angeles, California, St. Louis, Missouri, and Bayonne, New Jersey. Huffman’s corporate offices and service center is in Cleveland, Ohio (University of Phoenix, 2012). Computers were basically still in an infantile stage when Huffman began his company in 1936. Companies need methods to assist them in standardizing their business processes. Computers can help companies meet this unique challenge. Operating systems (OS) are an essential part of any computer system. Any major OS will evolve over time because of hardware upgrades or new types of hardware, new services, and fixes (Stallings, 2009). However, one of the purposes of an OS is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2009). Huffman was primarily focused on expanding his business and not much on standardizing business processes across company locations, let alone invest in additional technology to do so when he began his company. Furthermore, Huffman spent sufficient capital in increasing its fleet size and the acquisition of five Eastern regional carriers to add to its existing two Mid-West offices and plants. Additionally, Huffman was recognized as the first major freight carrier to outsource 100% of its information systems...
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...Huffman trucking originated in Cleveland, Ohio in 1936, because of World War II the company grew due to the increasing demand of materials. By 1945 the company had grown exponentially, thanks to the relationship forged with the United States Government. Today the company has grown to a nationwide transportation company with 1,400 employees and hubs in Los Angeles, California, Saint Louis, Missouri, and Bayonne, New Jersey with its central facility still located in Cleveland, Ohio. The company today has over 800 tractors, and has expected revenue of $600,000,000 for the 2004 fiscal year (Apollo Group, Inc, 2003,2004,2012). When reviewing all of the facilities and systems within every single facility it’s noticeable that they are all running independent systems, which some don’t even have firewalls installed for the network. Compiling all of the systems in the four offices, and plants we find different operating systems (OS). This OS include Windows 3.1, Windows 3.X, Windows 9.X, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, Mac OS, Novel Netware 4.11, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Proxy Server 2, Windows Exchange 5, and CISCO (Apollo Group, Inc, 2003,2004,2012). In addition, to different types telephonies systems, webmail servers, and different types of hardware in every location. I don’t believe the OS were chosen by the Ohio office per say. Looking at the history of the company Huffman trucking, by the end of the war the company had...
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...The analysis team has reviewed the numbers from the income statement and balance sheet for 2010 and 2011 using horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis to determine Huffman Trucking’s financial position and trends over the past two years. This is a summary of our findings. Horizontal Analysis The horizontal analysis evaluates a series of data over time, mainly for intracompany use. An analysis of the 2010/2011 balance sheet data indicates significant increases in cash (54.6%), a decrease in accounts receivables (36.4%), and an increase in long-term debt (11.4%). This indicates that most of the financial expansion of Huffman Trucking was in cash or cash equivalents or by taking on additional long-term debt. The horizontal analysis of the 2020/2011 income statement data shows total operating expenses increased 15.3%, but most of that seems to be related to an increase in fuel expense (23.1%). Additionally, an increase of 14.4% in revenues from the previous year was noted. The steady increases in income improved the company’s ability to obtain debt and equity financing. Vertical Analysis Vertical analysis evaluates data in terms of a percent of a base amount. This type of analysis allows for comparison of data to industry competitors of different sizes and industry averages, but can also be used within the company. Analysis of the 2010/2011 balance sheet data shows the percent of cash increased from 22.7% to 33.5% of total assets and the percent of accounts receivables decreased...
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...Huffman Trucking Balance Sheet (Unaudited) December 31st 2011 2010 (In Thousands) Assets Current Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents $89,664 $58,003 Accounts Receivable 51,869 81,557 Prepaid Expenses & Supplies 6,267 5,529 Total Current Assets $147,800 $145,089 Carrier Operating Property (at cost) $85,306 $81,461 Less: Allowance for Depreciation (69,536) (67,119) Net Carrier Operating Property $15,770 $14,342 Assets of Discontinued Operations 7,516 8,739 Goodwill (net) 49,852 49,852 Other Assets 46,327 37,306 Total Assets $267,265 $255,328 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $40,843 $45,381 Salaries & Wages 37,299 33,014 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 1,752 1,343 Freight & Casualty Claims Payable 10,389 9,697 Total Current Liabilities $90,283 $89,435 Long-Term Liabilities Accrued Pension & Post-Retirement Health Care $64,058 $58,672 Long-Term Debt 7,307 6,562 Total Long-Term Liabilities $71,365 $65,234 Shareholders' Equity Common Stock ($1.00 par value Authorized: 20,000,000 shares) $3.882 $3.882 Treasury Shares (1.952) (1.952) Retained Earnings 105,615 100,657 Total Shareholders' Equity $105,617 $100,659 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $267,265 $255,328 Huffman Trucking Statement of Income (Unaudited) December 31st 2011 2010 (In Thousands) Revenue $1,109,295 $969,240 Operating Expenses Salaries, Wages & Benefits $406,191 $367...
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...hh To: CEO From: Learning Team A Date: 3/16/2014 Subject: Financial Position of Huffman Trucking Finance and Accounting Liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios reveal the following about the financial position of the company? Ratio analysis is the process that identifies financial strengths and weaknesses of a company. This is accomplished by reviewing the balance sheet and income statement and analyzing the results of each one. Ratio analysis establishes the cause and effect relationship. The probability ratio will define profit and liquidity and solvency ratios explain the financial position. Horizontal analysis is the comparative study of many years financial statements of any business concern are analyzed then it is known as horizontal analysis. Sales have increased from the previous year. The operating expenses have been increased also. The increase in sales has causes and increase expenses. Therefore to increase the operating income the company must try to control the operating expenses. The interest expense has been decreased which is a very good sign which shows that the company is lowering the debt to finance its assets. The net income has increased from the previous year but the increase is very much low. Therefore to increase the net income the company must try to control the expenses. Horizontal analysis of Balance sheet; Cash has been increased and this shows that the company is doing...
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...Trucks Cols VIN MakeModelID LastMaintenanceID NextScheduledMaintenanceID Type Varchar(20) Int Int Int Key Type PK FK FK FK Allows Nulls MakeModel Cols ID Year MakeID ModelID Type Int Int(4) Int Int Key Type PK FK FK Allows Nulls Makes Cols ID Make Type Int Text Key Type PK Allows Nulls Models Cols ID Model Type Int Text Key Type PK Allows Nulls TruckMaintenanceHistroy Cols ID PerformedOn PerformedBy MaintenanceSheetID Type Int DateTime Int Int Key Type PK FK FK Allows Nulls TruckMaintenanceSheets Cols ID Status Type Int Int Key Type PK FK Allows Nulls TractorUnitPerformed EngineCompartmentPerformed CabinPerformed AirDamPerformed AirTanksPerformed FuleTanksPerformed WheelsPerformed BrakesPerformed AxelPerformed Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool Trailers Cols VIN TypeID LastMaintenanceID NextScheduledMaintenance Type Varchar(20) Int Int Int Key Type PK FK FK FK Allows Nulls Yes Yes TrailerTypes Cols ID Name TypeSpecID Type Int Text Int Key Type PK FK Allows Nulls TypeSpecs Cols ID Dimension_L Dimension_W Dimension_H LoadCapacity Weight Type Int Varchar(6) Varchar(6) Varchar(6) Varchar(6) Varchar(6) Key Type PK Allows Nulls TrailerMaintenanceHistroy Cols ID PerformedOn Type Int DateTime Key Type PK Allows Nulls PerformedBy MaintenanceSheetID Int Int FK FK TrailerMaintenanceSheets Cols ID Status FifthWheelCouplingPerformed CargoSpacePerformed LoadingDoorPerformed LandingGearPerformed WheelsPerformed BrakesPerformed...
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...Huffman Trucking Paper Huffman Trucking Tipton L. Jones University of Phoenix Huffman Trucking Huffman trucking is a national logistics organization. The company employs some 1,400 people in various locations throughout the United States. Huffman trucking uses logistical hubs located in California, St. Louis, and New Jersey ("Huffman trucking," 2012). The organization also has central maintenance facility located in Ohio. The company has expected earnings in excess of $600,000,000 during the 2004 fiscal year ("Huffman trucking," 2012). The company has implemented and deployed various operating systems throughout the company. The office in California uses Windows 3.X and Windows 9.X Environment. The California plant employs Windows 2000 server, Windows Exchange 5, Windows Proxy Server 2, and IIS 4.0 Web Server. In their Missouri office, Huffman Trucking has chosen to implement Novell 4.11 and Novell Border Manager. In the plant, the Missouri site had no documented operating system. In New Jersey, the office has implemented Windows 3.X and 9.X environment along with IIS 4.0 Web server. In the plant, we find that the New Jersey site uses Windows 3.X. Lastly, we look at the Ohio facilities. The Ohio office uses Novell 4.11 and Novell Border Manager. However, there were no documented operating systems found in the plant environment. The operating systems chosen throughout this organization were done so to increase the efficiency of their burgeoning business. However...
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...Huffman Trucking Paper Upon reviewing Huffman Trucking’s networking model, it appears that most of their IT components—software and hardware—are outdated. But I digress. The purpose of this paper is to answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think these operating systems were chosen? 2. What are the implications of the operating systems that are in use by Huffman Trucking? That said, I will not expound on why a company like Huffman Trucking should update their IT infrastructure as soon as possible, except to say that—for security reasons alone—the investment would far outweigh the costs. Rather, I will attempt to explain why Huffman chose a Windows operating system back in the late 90s when (it appears) their network was first implemented. Operating Systems (OS) are, of course, nothing more than a series of computer programs. But unlike your typical word processing application or favorite Tetris game, an operating system is the first piece of code that a computer executes when it is turned on. The operating system loads itself into available memory and then begins managing all of the resources inside the computer. Once up and running, it then provides a User Interface (UI) for other applications that any user can execute. At the time Huffman incorporated an OS into their business model, the company had three major players to choose from: Microsoft, Mac OS and Unix. (Linux, of course, was also available, but it was—and still is—used primarily by computer...
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...Running Heading: Huffman Trucking Operating System ANTHONY MEREDITH HUFFMAN TRUCKING OPERATING SYSTEM CSS/561 January 17, 2011 Introduction Huffman trucking is a national transportation company. The company's 1,400 employees work in its logistical hubs located in Los Angeles, California, St. Louis, Missouri, and Bayonne, New Jersey; its central maintenance facility is in Cleveland, Ohio (University of Phoenix, 2005). Since Huffman Trucking has so many different location their network is often overlooked and their network is a big part in determining if they are going to successful or not. I will be taking a look at their operating system and determining the usefulness of their system. Huffman network consist of many different operating systems. Those operating systems that are utilized at those different facilities are mostly Windows based, with Windows NT, Windows SP, Windows 2000 servers, Microsoft Exchange and IIS. The Missouri office uses a mixture of different operating system, using several different windows base system and the use of Macintosh environment. That office also uses Lotus Notes for email rather than using Microsoft Exchange. The result of so many operating systems is developed over time and is due to the evolution of the company. The evolution of Huffman caused them to expand and add needed systems for the increase in demand for products or new business requirements. The expansion of the overall operating systems is due to necessity, but not necessarily...
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...Article Analysis Huffman Trucking over the past several years has been experiencing the loss of customers due to Huffman’s inability to compete on price. In the same day, next day, and second day market Huffman has also struggled with meeting the needs of customers; some of this being due to stringent job classifications for drivers. In most cases, the loss of business has been due to competing non-union carriers with much lower labor costs. Due to the current research for new areas of business Huffman has requested the assistance of a transportation consultant to develop a transportation analysis. The analysis will list, describe, and evaluate three transportation strategies. Included with the analysis will be the current strategies in use by Huffman and what, if any, improvements are being suggested. Along with that, an assessment of how technology may impact future transportation strategies and considerations based on the firms mission. Finally, international considerations that Huffman may need to explore before expanding into Mexico will conclude the report. Transportation Strategies With that said, the report begins with three transportation strategies and they are as follows: 1. Increase training to improve driver performance and satisfaction 2. Increase equipment productivity 3. Increase computerization capability The first strategy to increase driver training is two-fold. It indicates the need to enhance employee efficiency and, hence, boost productivity...
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