...Associate Level Material Appendix A Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking. Stages of Critical Thinking | How to Move to the Next Stage | Obstacles to Moving to the Next Stage | EXAMPLE:The Unreflective Thinker | Examine my thinking to identify problems that affect my thinking. | Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of my thinking | The Challenged Thinker | Take active steps that aid in taking command of my thinking. Determine if I am willing to commit myself to developing my critical thinking abilities. Discover my own prejudices and misconceptions. Determine if I am willing to resist the egocentric defensiveness and rationalization that I will most likely feel when I am faced with admitting my deficiencies. | Putting up the defensive when it comes to my egocentricity. Possessing arrogance about my level of intellect. Utilizing rationalization. Deceiving myself in a way that makes me want to avoid facing the challenge at this stage. Obstacles are unstable in this stage. | The Beginning Thinker | Do things on a day-to-day basis that allow me to take command of my thinking. Recognize mistakes in my thinking and commit myself to finding them. Identify the egocentricity in myself and others. Understand that the quality of life depends on the quality of thinking...
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...Professional Judgment Request Bahja jones SU20025687 Student Name: ______________________________________ Diamond ID: ___________________________ Thousand oaks campus Campus: __________________________________________________________________________________ Please check the appropriate box: CHECK REASON FOR APPEAL Satisfactory Academic Progress Please submit this form to your Campus Business Office Winter Term of Submission: ________ Submission #: ________ Selective Service Please submit this form to your Campus Business Office Dependency Override Please submit this form to your Campus Business Office Professional Judgment Please submit this form to your Campus Business Office Data element used to calculate Cost of Attendance Data element used to calculated Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) Unsubsidized Stafford to a dependent student Declining to certify Direct Loan (i.e. partially or entirely) Parent enrolled in college Other FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The decision to exercise professional judgment is based on the following unusual circumstances: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following documents to support the unusual circumstances are attached: ________________________________________________________________...
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...Regina Slaughter U05a1 Brief Writing/Explaining English1000 Standardized Tests: Shouldn’t We Be Helping Our Students? By: Eric Boese It is true that technology and educational resources have dramatically improved over the years. In the article “Standardized Tests: Shouldn’t We Be Helping Our Students?” Eric Boese believed that standardized test use for students in the school systems are being used for the wrong reasons. Boese argues that the students are not being taught the knowledge and skills to help them merge properly out into society, but instead being drilled on how to pass the state’s test. The standardized tests scores represent the school as a whole and do not help identify the needs of the students individually. The pressure that is placed on the teachers to drill the students on material that is on the test and how to take it, eliminate time from what the students should be learning at their grade level, says Boese. He also believes a solution can be reached, but the source of the problem has to be located first such as finding a level of testing that will challenge the students, but not overwhelm them. In response to Eric Boese essay “Standardized Tests: Shouldn’t We Be Helping Our Students?” I was not aware of the stress the students go through about test that they take once or twice a year. I have to agree with him on the test not really helping the students individually because at the beginning of the year my daughter took the test and scored below average...
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...Shanda Martson Week 7 July 1, 2012 “Together we stand letter” Dear Community, I have something very important that I want to bring to everyone’s attention that lives in this new suburban community. I have noticed that there are community members that are suffering from like symptoms. I truly believe that after doing some research that these illnesses are linked to the environment surroundings. After doing some research it has been brought to my attention that there has been a huge rise in similar and more extensive illness in adults and children. This has become a serious concern for the residence in this community because it raises their chances of getting the illnesses. U.S Government scientists have found for the first time chemicals contaminates in drinking water wells near natural gas drilling operations. It’s a major concern that gas-extraction technique is endangering the health of people who live close to drilling rigs. Gas drilling companies say that the gas drilling technique called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking is safe, but other opponents say it pollutes ground water with dangerous substances that cause the breakdown of red blood cells, lead to blood in the urine and feces, and can damage the kidneys, liver, spleen, and bone marrow. To me this is a major issue that the chemicals in the air and water are causing severe illnesses that need to be controlled and come to an ending. If everyone would come together as a team or like a family and work hard for...
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...Axia College Material Appendix B Final Exam • Select one of the following topics and read both articles that present opposing sides of the argument surrounding that topic. o Animal experimentation o Outsourcing o Media violence Identify if the topic you chose—as presented by both articles—is a problem or an issue, and explain what makes it a problem or an issue. If you believe the articles present both problems and issues, identify and explain what the problems are and what the issues are. The article I chose to discus was the Media violence topic. I believe that this topic is an issue. I believe it’s an issue because there are arguments that can defend both sides. One article believes that media violence is proven to have a direct impact on viewers. The other article believes that the research produces no clear answers on the subject. Many people react to things they see in the media differently. Some may be easily influenced by the violence, but other may not be affected by the violence at all. So by not being able to prove the argument either way, this makes it an issue and not a problem. Were the problems or issues expressed effectively? Describe how the problems or issues were or were not best expressed. I feel that the article that was talking about the exaggeration of media violence was more accurate and effectively expressed the issue. I am aware that I may have a bias because this is the side that...
Words: 1922 - Pages: 8
...Axia College Material Appendix B Final Exam • Access the Electronic Reserve Readings link on your student Web site for Week Nine. • Select one of the topics below and read both articles that present opposing sides of the argument surrounding that topic. o Animal experimentation o Outsourcing o Media violence • Answer the following questions in paragraphs of approximately 100 words demonstrating your critical and creative thinking skills. 1. Identify if the topic you chose, as presented by both articles, is a problem or an issue and explain what makes it a problem or an issue. If you believe the articles present both problems and issues, identify and explain what the problems are and what the issues are. The problem is, in order to have medication which is safe for human consumption, it needs to be tested. When the testing needed is based on the use of animals, it becomes an issue because many individuals believe that the research is implacable, barbarous, expensive, and erroneous. It is also argued that it is not necessary and that more emphasis should be put on medical prevention. Supporters of animal research believe that we would not have the medical advances in treatment and medication that we do, were it not for the experiments done on animals and that it is key to preventing disease, . 2. Were the problems or issues expressed effectively? Describe how the problems or issues were or were not best expressed. I believe that both articles effectively...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...Associate Program Material Diversity Worksheet Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? ❖ According to the Department of the Interior, the term diversity is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, and geographic origin. Diversity is valued because it introduces different customs and beliefs of various cultures . It also allows an open door to new ideas and perspectives. http://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/what-is-diversity.cfm 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society? ❖ Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture. Ethnocentrism leads us to make false assumptions about cultural differences. We are ethnocentric when we use our cultural norms to make generalizations about other peoples' cultures and customs. These generalizations often made without a conscious awareness that we have used our culture as a ruler to measure another, which causes us to misjudge other people. It can lead to cultural misinterpretation and it often causes miscommunication. http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/ethno.htm 3. Define emigration and immigration. ❖ As per text, emigration is leaving a country to settle in another. Immigration...
Words: 517 - Pages: 3
...here is a sense of mystery and excitement that swirls around in your mind when you think of the ancient pyramids, pharaohs, and the possibility of finding mountains of buried gold. That same excitement is coupled with the gloomy thought of be hexed with the “mummy’s curse” when you think of the day King Tutankhamen, “King Tut”, and his ancient tomb where uncovered November 26, 1922. In Ancient Egypt, pyramids were built from the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom to house the bodies of their mummified queens and pharaohs; along with gold, food, and treasures. These tombs at times where plugged with large pieces of granite to block entry, disguised to throw off grave robbers, masked with secret passageways, and supposedly cursed to bring death to those who entered. King Tut’s tomb was believed to be cursed when its financer, Lord Carnarvon, died two months after the opening of the tomb, along with his dog howling to the moon and falling immediately dead right after.One claim on museum.org (1997-2012) says chief archeologist, Howard Carter, hid a tablet with the curse inscribed on it, while it also is recorded that the fatal curse "death will come on swift pinions to those who disturb the rest of the Pharaoh" (Dowdey, 2014) to be on the outside of tomb door – so it seems it is really up to the believer to formulate your own opinion on the curse, and where it began. All of the mystery and skepticism leads curious minds to attempt to find the truth, and “in 1999 a...
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...Personal Reflection Paper What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is a controlled way of thinking outside the box to determine great ideas that ensure success and determination when brainstorming anything. Reflecting back to week one I had to identify what critical thinking was to me and identify the six thinking stages of thinking and I fell into stage two which was the challenged thinker. I put myself into this stage because of how much I didn’t really know about critical thinking and the details it included. After nine weeks of learning about critical thinking and the details that are included, I have been able to move into further stages of critical thinking. In the last nine week’s I have read and understood many significant things about critical thinking. The top three significant things I have taken away from this class are; creative thinking, the role of questioning and criticism, and arguments analysis and evaluation. Creative thinking has taught me how to evaluate strategies to promote creative thinking and curiosity, and how to explain key methods for producing ideas. I am now able to understand different ways of thinking creatively when producing new ideas and presenting them. The role of questioning and criticism has ensured me to explain types of questions that lead to critical thinking, and to apply those strategies to stop criticism in problem solving. After learning about this topic it has ensured me to be more aware of the questioning that leads...
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...Questioning and Investigation If I were living in a community where people began to contract strange illnesses on a normal basis, I would begin to be concerned with several things. Many environmental factors, common practices and procedures that people may have done, and city wide changes may be the cause of all the illnesses. Environmental Factors: 1. Is the community located near any nuclear power plants? 2. Are there any possible sources of pollution seeping into the air? 3. Has there been any changes in how plants dispose of their waste? 4. Could the wildlife population be affecting the air and water supply? 5. Are there any other possible issues with air and ground water that could have cause a major contamination? 6. Have the power plants, water supply and other environmental utilities been tested? Common Practices and Procedures: 1. Did the people who got sick frequent the same places? 2. What was the daily routine of each person before they became ill? 3. How did these people commute to get to different places in the community? City Wide Changes: 1. What type of new policies and ordinance were recently changed by the city? 2. Could these changes have caused the illnesses? 3. How were these changes put into effect? 4. Could the city trace each and every item they have changed to find out if there was a possible violation of safety and health codes? After gathering all my questions and getting clarity of the issue, I would begin by speaking with someone...
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...To whom it may concern, It has been brought to my attention that there have been a significant number of citizens in my community that have become ill with the same symptoms. This new epidemic that is only effecting my community made me a little suspicious of the cause.After researching the situation further I discovered that out burst of illness is may be directly caused by pollution in our environment from a local gas company. The fact that the gas company has been allowed to practice such policies that enabled them to cause this type of effect on our environment and community. From my research I have learned that regulations have been put in place by the E.P.A.( Environmental Protection Agency) to reduce harmful air pollution from the oil and natural gas industry. Within this regulation there is a specific requirement to capture 95% of emissions or volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) from the gas plants. If my research is correct this regulation has clearly been violated in this instance. Some type of action must be taken in this matter before any more citizens are harmed. When researching this issue I made sure to address all possible causes of this outbreak of illnesses. Within my investigation I became aware that this issue it widespread because some gas companies show little to no concern for the effects pollution causes. This is appauling that this is such a huge problem and so little action is being taken to prevent this problem. I believe that such infractions...
Words: 532 - Pages: 3
...America’s dependency on foreign oil is a burden that all Americans should want depleted. Our great country has severed its ties of many foreign dependencies, by overcoming the technological short comings and elements. By doing so America has become one of the greatest countries on Earth. The shape our country is in since the recession, our duty is to provide means of cheaper and greener fuel sources. With the addition of new sustainable energy we could push the country out of the red and into a newer better world. The creation of new sciences and methods will create new jobs, with healthier work environments. Picture in your mind a world where there are no more carbon emissions, a better world where our children have never seen medical cases like Black Lung. Even carbon monoxide poisoning and ever raising fuel prices could be terms that we have only heard of in history books. America’s children have the chance to become the people I just described if we push forward with developing our cleaner, greener energy plan. Arguably, this is a big step for our country to take and with the ability to drill more offshore wells we have a great chance to grow and have something to fall back on in times of distress. More oil is not the answer to Americas growing problem. The real tragedy will be our children not being able to purchase fuel for the car ride to take their own children to school. The ability to live free from other countries’ control comes from making difficult...
Words: 431 - Pages: 2
...Disappearance of the Mayan Civilization Gladis Y. Romero Prof. Lowell Larry Pullen, Ph.D. HUM111 – World Cultures I Strayer University May 4, 2013 Abstract Maya Civilizations was truly remarkable. There is so much to learn from this Ancient society. Due to advance research, new clues have aroused about the disappearance of this magnificent empire. We now know they suffered a calamity, the mighty Maya; timekeepers of the universe, together with their centers of learning were vanished. Their incredible achievements and legacy in astronomy, mathematics, Maya pottery and other Pre-Columbian art as well as monumental constructions in stone were obliterated. All was reclaimed by nature. Even their writing was forgotten in time. Until very recent, the glyphs in stone and four surviving Maya manuscripts were considered a mystery. It is only recently with some scientific advancement that we are starting to decode what words were written and truly comprehend the excellence of their achievements, their great fall and disappearance. The Disaster and Warfare Theory are discussed, believing the Warfare Theory is the most plausible one. No one can say for certain what happened to the Mayan people, but theories abound and include varied possible alternatives to explain the abrupt and mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization. Minster’s (2013) Article explains the following: In 800 A.D., the Maya Empire consisted of a number of powerful city-states spreading from southern...
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...To drill or not to drill HUM111 9/8/2013 We here in The United States Of America have recently witnessed one of the worst oil spills in history but yet all systems are still to go ahead and drill on the off shore of these United States. I wonder where our government and the BP Company are going to start their next project. After the payment of 20 Billion dollars it would seem that President Obama could let this company drill on the white house lawn. I just wonder how Capitol Hill would look with black oil running through the streets as our coast lines are looking these days. I don’t agree with our government permitted this company or any other company to drill with-in the United States for just this reason. We the United States seem to be one of the largest consumers of oil but yet we have not the resources with-in our own country to supply our demand. I feel that history has shown us that we will always find the grass greener on the other side and that’s just where we go for our oil. It seems that throughout these years that some rocket scientist somewhere could have came up with another energy source by now or some other method of transportation at least. Sad to think that the days of the horse is over. Throughout my younger years it has always been expressed that our environment is worth saving and that something has to be done about the emission of gases and toxic’s being pumped into the atmosphere. I guess that millions of gallons of oil pumped into the ocean then...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...Ancient Chinese contributions World Culture Hum111 Professor Dodson Ancient Chinese contributions China has been the source of much invention. Mechanics, hydraulics, and mathematics applied to horology, music theory. The invention of gun powder by the 10th century led to an array of inventions such as fire lance, land mine, naval mine, hand cannon, exploding cannonballs, multistage rocket, and rocket bombs with aerodynamic wings and explosive pay loads. The purpose of this list, inventions are regarded as technological first developer in China, some does not include foreign technologies developed in elsewhere and later invented separately by the Chinese, such as the odometer and the chain pump. Scientific, mathematic or natural discoveries, changes in minor concepts of design or style and artistic innovations cannot be regarded as invention and do not appear on the list. The 4 great inventions was design by Joseph Needham (1900-1995), a sinologist known for his research on the history of Chinese science. In alphabetical order, they were establishing in China. Fragment of hemp wrapping paper dated to the reign of emperor WU of Han (141-87 BC) Identify eight to ten of these useful inventions or contributions. GPS, fireworks, bullets, compass, paper, pasta, wheel barrow, alcohol, kites and mechanical clock. Nominate four that you believe are the most ingenious or innovative.GPS, clock, alcohol and compass. Explain why you believe these 4 inventions or contributions...
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