This episode is one of the many other similar ones which underscore the HR Challenges in preparing people for Cross Cultural working. Organizational culture is one of the latest concepts in the fields of management and Organizational Theory. Culture which is popularly called as "Shared values and Beliefs" fulfills important functions.
1. It conveys the sense of identity for organizational members.
2. It enhances social system ability.
3. It facilitates the generation of commitment to some thing larger than self.
4. It serves as a sense of making device that can guide and shape behavior.
As business become more globalize, developing and training people across cultural boundaries is becoming increasingly important. Culture of the country is an important determinant of behavior of people, and not being sensitive to these differences can often result in misunderstanding and embarrassments and even in loss of efficiencies. For instance cultures differ widely in terms of concepts of time. Besides the obvious implications for punctuality, the difference also lies in how people from different cultures use their time. An understanding and sensitivity to such cultural differences in behavior and orientations is necessary perquisites to develop cross cultural competencies.
The roots of cultural differences in the business practices lie much deeper. Business cultures in different countries are molded not just by the behavior of culture, such as social institutions, public system, public policy, legal frameworks and culture specific social values. Since these provide the cultural context, in which business is conducted, they are as much if not more important in understanding the culture differences in business practices.
Factors affecting cultural variables.
1. Social Institutions:- Countries differs considerably