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Sex and Marriage


Submitted By mpreston1098
Words 396
Pages 2
Sex and Marriage “Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will always talk about”-Catherine Deneuve. Sex, in its basic form, is a means of survival. It is necessary in order for a species, like the human race, to reproduce and therefore will always be a topic of thought and discussion. The need and use of sex both in and out of marriage is determined and manipulated by genetic code. Genes have a way of working to either sabotage or safe-guard a relationship.
Marriage and sex go hand-in-hand and unfortunately infidelity often is part of that union. Both men and women cheat, but for very different reasons. It is these differences that contribute to the variances between men and women and their success or failure in relationships.
Men and the Infidelity Gene
Why do men cheat? The answer is simple: Reproductive output increases with the increase in sexual partners (Glass, 2000). There is an innate biological need to reproduce in order to pass on a man’s genetics to the next generation. Through the contract of marriage, promises are made to remain monogamous. This contract does not diminish the man’s genetic instinct to reproduce and therefore, depending on the man’s level of commitment and willpower, may result in infidelity.
Women and the Infidelity Gene Why do women cheat? Again the answer goes back to the basics. Infidelity may be an opportunity to upgrade the genes of their offspring or find a more committed mate (Glass, & Wright, 1992). In the case of women, their genetics seem more opportunistic, and not just simply looking to multiply the number of their offspring. They are acting on the prospects of improving their chance of survival through quality of their offspring or the increased commitment of their mate. Infidelity is a bi-product of the mixture of sex and marriage. Sex alone does not require commitment or limits. Marriage, however, includes promises fidelity which goes against biological design. Infidelity is only avoidable with a strong commitment and will power to thwart the efforts of what is known as the “mean gene”.

Glass, L. (2000). The complete idiot’s guide to: Understanding men and women. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books.
Glass, S., & Wright, T. (1992). Justification for extramarital relationships: The association between attitudes, behaviors and gender. Journal of Sex Research, 29(3), 361-387.

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