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Human Dna Profiling Pros And Cons

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The Human DNA Profiling Bill (hereinafter Bill) is a legislation proposed in India to create a National DNA database and profiling board to regulate DNA profile analysis for various forensic purposes. In 2007, this Bill was proposed and the drafting began in 2012. The Bill was expected to be introduced in the monsoon session of 2015 in the Parliament, but it was not done so. The Bill has opened up a debate regarding its merits and its scope for misuse. The Bill has also been criticized for not addressing the privacy concerns. In the present dispute, the Citizens Council for Civil Liberties has opposed the Bill on privacy concerns and misuse of the Bill and has questioned the constitutionality of the Bill in a writ petition filed for the same.
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The objective of Human DNA profiling Bill is to assist criminal/civil proceedings. DNA Test or DNA Profiling is a technique in which a sample of DNA is run through a laboratory assay to generate information about it, looking specifically for DNA which could identify the source of the sample, or be used as a base for comparison between two samples. This technique could be used at various places for different purposes ranging from law enforcement to medical treatment. The application of DNA testing has been used in India for a long period of time. Until now, India does not have a national law that empowers the government to collect and store DNA profiles of convicts. In spite of that DNA collection and testing takes place in many states. There

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