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Describe Leadership Position

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Describe leadership positions you have held inside and outside of school and/or initiatives you have taken to accomplish a goal or task. At school it has been my privilege to take the initiative to lead many students toward academic success. Since my sophomore year I have tutored 3 students in different subjects including world history, math, and chemistry. These students were struggling in the class and lacked the motivation to do the required work. By scheduling time with the students a few times a week I was able to help them complete all of the required work and improve their grades. In addition outside of school I took the initiate to acquire an after school job. I applied to many jobs, so I could gain work experience before attending …show more content…
I have spent many hours with my school's Green Club working on various projects to improve the condition of the environment and my community. Every Sunday morning we would gather to pick up trash along Highway 20, a well traveled road with a lot of trash along the forest land. Also, I spent a month helping to clear weeds at my school to improve the conditions of the fields used for athletics. In addition, I participated in the creation of a rain garden. A lot of planning and building went into the project, but it was worth it to make change happen in our community. Many of my hours come from tutoring my fellow peers. My sophomore and junior year I spent a few hours each week helping students with homework and preparing for exams. It was very fulfilling because I helped others see the importance of their education. Also, I am very involved in the community service that my church offers. During the summer I participate in the set up and leadership of Vacation Bible School. During a school breaks I go to a Tall Timber Christian camp and help prepare the camp for the upcoming summer. Ive learned these past four years that if I donate just a few hours a week of my time I can have a profound impact on my school and

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