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Faire Information Practices

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1. Federal Trade Commission “Fair Information Practice Principles are the result of the Commission’s investigation into the way online entities collect and use personal information and protections to assure that practice is fair and provides adequate information privacy” (FTP, p. 1). For e-commerce websites, having a privacy policy is no longer optional. We propose the synthesis privacy policy of three e-commerce industries that we have explored: Amazon, Google, and Analog Devices. As general rule, they all use cookies to help the website to remember information about client visit, like his preferred language, phone number, and other settings. Cookies are used to simplify the site use, to monitor, analyze, and customize relevant advertisement …show more content…
Faire Information Practices are a set of principles and practices that define how an information-based society may approach information handling, storage management, and flows with a view toward keeping fairness, privacy, and security in a hastily evolving global technology environment. To ensure the correct application of the general data protection regulation, like European General Data Protection Regulation, FTC should create a national database for e-commerce and a protection authority to guarantee the privacy rights. The goal of this authority would be to strengthen individual rights, support the national market, safeguard the enforcement of the guidelines, modernize international transfers of confidential data, and set the global data protection standards. The “changes will give people more control over their personal data and make it easier to access it” (GDPR, p. 1). The design model should ensure that “people personal information is protected, no matter where it is sent, processed, or stored” (GDPR, p. 1). The creation of a national database would provide tools for gaining of one’s personal data, and build trust. Base on the ToS of three firms we provided above, we recommend the reinforcement of four level of privacy rights. First, a "right to be forgotten: an individual no longer wants her/his data to be processed, and if there are no legitimate grounds for retaining it, the data should be deleted” (GDPR, p. 2). Second, an “easier access to one's data: individuals will have more information on how their data is processed and this information should be available in a clear and understandable way. A right to data portability will make it easier for individuals to transmit personal data between service providers” (GDPR, p. 2). Third, the “right to know when one's data has been hacked: companies and organizations must notify the national supervisory authority of data breaches which put individuals at risk and communicate to the data subject all high-risk

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Leadership Theories

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