...Characteristics of a Human Services Worker Schnell Collins May 24, 2012 I chose to work in the Human Services field, working in the Human Services field you have several different characteristics and skills that each individual carry. Majority of the skills and characteristics are natural for a person according to what type of background or experience that they have encountered growing up. As a Human services worker the most important skill to have is honesty, because this is the only way that you will be able to be successful in a career as a Human Services worker. The main characteristics that you must uphold in Human Services are being able to communicate effectively, making sure you are patient with each person, and have empathy. Communication is one of the most important characteristics out of all three that were mention. Many people find it very hard to communicate with individuals, it can be a challenge, but with great listening skills, and eye to eye contact, understanding, and feeling the others person needs, can help in communicating effectively. You could be public speaking, your tone of voice, saying the correct words to people, or having difficulty communicating to others, these are all of the different things as a Human Services that you will face in this career. Communication plays a big part in Human Services. Verbal/Non- verbal communication, gestures, visual signs, are different ways that a Human services can relate to different clients. Being able to...
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...The Impact of Job Characteristics on Social and Human Service Workers Reva I. Allen/Eric G. Lambert/Sudershan Pasupuleti/Terry Cluse-Tolar/Lois A. Ventura, Department of Social Work, University of Toledo 1 In many career fields, there is a tendency to try to find the right person for the job instead of trying to make the job right for the person. Koeske and Kirk (1995) wrote, “Social work administrators presume that there are certain characteristics of human service workers that predispose some of the workers to thrive in a particular job while workers with other characteristics are more likely to dislike the job or do poorly” (p. 15). Additionally, some administrators of social and human service agencies appear to be more concerned with the impact of workers on their agency than the impact of the organization on workers. “Blaming the employee” focuses the attention away from the real causes (Arches 1991). It is true that social and human service workers can and do have meaningful effects on their employing organizations. It is, however, naive to assume that employees are not affected by the organization. It is reasonable to assume that many employees who have negative or positive impacts on the employing organization do so because of how they were treated at work. The work environment has real and lasting effects on most employees. It is generally theorized that the work environment influences employees mainly through their attitudinal states, and these...
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...Applying the Basic Priniciples of Science and Methods of Scientific Inquiry Observation: The plants that are on the left side of the flowerbed are growing better than the flowers on the right side of the flowerbed. There is a dog that constantly pees on the left side of the flowerbed. The left side of the flowerbed receives more sunlight than the right side. Problem: The plants on the right side of the flowerbed are not growing as well as the flowers on the left side of the flowerbed Hypothesis One: Because the left side of the flowerbed receives more sun light, the flowers grow better on that side. Hypothesis Two: The flowers on the left side grow better than the right side because of the sunlight and dog pee combination. Experiment: Collect samples of the soil from both sides of the flowerbed. Test the soil for nutrients. Note the amount of time the flowers on each side of the flowerbed receives sunlight. Water the flowerbed as usual. Note how often the dog pees on the flowerbed. Place some of the flowers that are on the right side of the flowerbed in another container using the same soil they are growing in and put on the left side of the flowerbed so that they receive the same amount of sunlight as the plants that are growing well. Observation of Experiment: The results from the soil sample testing for nutrients revealed that there are elevated levels of nitrogen in the...
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...Does Head Start Program increase a child’s chance of academic success? The Head Start Program is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and this service supposed to provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement service for the low-income children and their families. The Head Start programs service and resources are designed to foster stable family relationship, enhance children’s physical and emotional well-being and establish an environment to develop strong cognitive skills. Head Start Program was launched in 1965 by its first director Jule Sugarman; it was originally conceived as a program that would be used as catch-up programs, for summer school that would teach low-income children in a few weeks on how to be prepared the children’s for the start for kindergarten. It was show that six weed of preschool could not make up for five years of poverty. In 1981 the Head Started program was expanded the program and December 2007 the program was revised. As of 2005 the program has more than 22 million pre-school aged children. Head Start mission was to enhancing the children social and health, wellbeing and to get the children prepared for school. Head Start program was part of President Johnson society campaign. The program started out as an eight-week summer program in 1965. The program was led by both Dr. Robert Cooke, a pediatrician at John Hopkins University and Dr. Edward Zigler, a professor of psychology...
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...of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS], n.d., p. 1). GCH, in response to the possibility of this type of catastrophic event, began moving to EMR in 2000. Staff training began immediately on EMR use. As an administrator of a hospital located in an area prone to hurricanes, priority is placed on preparing the staff for the possibility of a mass catastrophe. Staff is trained on privacy issues such as Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and ways to prevent the accidental disclosure of health information. Staff members are required to complete yearly education to maintain their competency in this area.essentially unreadable, indecipherable, and otherwise” reconstructed (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS], n.d., p. 1). GCH, in response to the possibility of this type of catastrophic event, began moving to EMR in 2000. Staff training began immediately on EMR use. As an administrator of a hospital located in an area prone to hurricanes, priority is placed on preparing the staff for the possibility of a mass catastrophe. Staff is trained on privacy issues such as Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and ways to prevent the accidental disclosure of health information. Staff members are required to complete yearly education to maintain their competency in this area.essentially unreadable, indecipherable, and otherwise” reconstructed (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services [U. S. DHHS],...
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...The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is one of the many agencies that handle an array of healthcare departments as well as research. The DHHS caters to citizens of all nationalities, race, and ethnicities. The DHHS focus is to protect the health of all Americans and providing the highest level of human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Public Health Service is divided into 42 subdivisions (Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). This paper will give highlights of the history of the DHHS, the source and scope of authority, how the day-to-day operations are guided and performed, and how DHHS is structured. In addition, examples are given as to the duties that are carried out within the department of the DHHS. History of the Agency The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) was established in 1953 and was referred to as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1979, the agency was recreated and renamed as the Department of Education. The DHHS agency has many components within the agency that handles and maintains day-to-day operations. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Source and scope of authority According to the statement Office of Inspector General (OIG), the text reads that OIG will ensure that disseminated information meets the standards of quality set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Health and Human Services (HHS) and OIG guidelines. OIG’s...
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... The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is one of the many agencies that handle an array of healthcare departments as well as research. The DHHS caters to citizens of all nationalities, race, and ethnicities. The DHHS focus is to protect the health of all Americans and providing the highest level of human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Public Health Service is divided into 42 subdivisions (Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). This paper will give highlights of the history of the DHHS, the source and scope of authority, how the day-to-day operations are guided and performed, and how DHHS is structured. In addition, examples are given as to the duties that are carried out within the department of the DHHS. History of the Agency The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) was established in 1953 and was referred to as the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1979, the agency was recreated and renamed as the Department of Education. The DHHS agency has many components within the agency that handles and maintains day-to-day operations. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Source and scope of authority According to the statement Office of Inspector General (OIG), the text reads that OIG will ensure that disseminated information meets the standards of quality set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Health and Human Services (HHS) and OIG guidelines. OIG’s...
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...Recipients Professionalism in the Human Services The Role of Human Services Workers Whom Do Human Services Workers Serve? A Basic Reading and Thinking Skill Ranking American Values References 324 Human Services in Contemporary America - © Cengage Learning c u r r e n t c o n t r ov e r s i e s a n d i s s u e s 325 INTRODUCTION You may have gathered by now that the human services field is quite complex. Complete agreement regarding philosophies, methods, goals, services, funding, or anything else just does not exist nor, from our point of view, should it. There are times when controversies and differences are stimulating, healthy, and valid and lead to creative solutions. At other times, they are repetitious, meaningless, and destructive. Too frequently they consume time, energy, and resources that might better be used providing needed services. To this end, we highly recommend that students become familiar with the books in the Opposing Viewpoints series, published by the Greenhaven Press, that deal with issues of concern to human services workers. The purpose of this chapter is to present a sampling of basic controversies and issues in the field of human services that have not yet been resolved and may never be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. The questions raised in this chapter influence all human services workers. Some issues affect the human services worker more directly than others, but they all impact on the worker and the services provided. Prior knowledge...
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...Nature and Purpose of Human Practice Sharneace Browne BSHS 301 University of Phoenix Abstract In the Human Services field, people are often faced with several ethical challenges dealing with various issues. People learn to practice professional skills within the Human Services Arena. There are man challenges that include systematic and programmatic approaches that effect ethical challenges. The research provide a verity of ethical and unique integration on many levels. These levels give a broad view of the impact that Human Services has on our communities and our nation. In the following pages I will discuss the past and present purposes of Human Service Practice's. The human services field has many facets that I will examine such as (1) history (2), goals that have been researched and (3) general practices. Including theoretical deliberations that are present, common intervention strategies that have been used and ethical considerations when counseling takes place. History of Human Services In the Human Services field professionals work together on helping individuals in the basic need of life such as health, clothing, food safety, health, and shelter. Human service professionals will also face mental and emotional issues."[pic]During the late 1950s and 1960s, there were[pic] several [pic]changes in the area of helping[pic] individuals [pic]in need. Populations like the[pic] substance abuser, [pic]unemployed, children in need,[pic] poor individuals, children in need, elderly...
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...The Nature and Purpose of Human Services and Practices Cinthia Garcia BSHS 301 September 23, 2011 Sandra Elizondo Today citizens have a greater appreciation for human diversity and greater respect for every person’s need to achieve his or her highest potential in work and life. Instead of locking peoples up in institutions the state now leads the nation in helping a vulnerable society and people with disabilities to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible. Quite frequently the question is raised as to what has gone wrong with our society today, what has caused the problems, and what can done to correct them or where can citizens go and look for services in their community? Today society is suffering from different aspects that cause them to go and ask for help at the offices of Human Services. Many different types of Human Services and workers exist today. Thanks to the goals of Human Services society had encounter services to cope or solve various issues in their lives. During the late 1950s and 1960s there were dramatic changes in the area of helping those in need. Populations like the poor, the unemployed, and children in need the elderly, the disabled, the substance abuser and others began to be recognized as needing social and rehabilitation services. About this time, new legislation mandated that those formerly served in state mental hospitals would now be deinstitutionalized in the communities in which they live. During those years, the United...
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...What is Human Services? Nina Brown BSHS 301 Introduction to Human Services September 6, 2011 University of Phoenix Alberto Reynoso What is Human Services? The field of human service has been around for centuries in many forms with the sole intention of helping marginalized populations attain a sense of accomplishment in managing their lives. Human services are necessary to assist people who otherwise have little or no help in navigating their social environment for various reasons. There are segments of the population that aren’t able to acquire the basic human needs of shelter, food, and health care that everyone should have in order to maintain an ordered life. The goal of the human service profession is to help the disenfranchised overcome various obstacles that prevent them from living their lives to the fullest by providing them with support and various intervention strategies. The very early systems of taking care of the underprivileged were shrouded within a feudalistic society that resulted in slavery. Society’s attitudes towards the poor at that time were somewhat positive; there was no shame in being poor as long as you were seen as worthy (Martin, 2007) . The privileged were basically bestowing their graces on the poor with the understanding that it was necessary in society for the underprivileged to exist and for charity to be provided. The principles behind giving charity to the poor were engrained...
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...What is Human Service Paper Michaela yahocha BSH/302 1/2/2001 Kingie Qiliech What is Human Service Paper What is Human Service: Human services have been around since the beginning of time. The poor and the less fortunate always have existed and will continue to exist through the end of times. Human beings have basic needs such as the need to food, shelter and safety. They have the social needs such as the need for interpersonal connection, love, psychological needs. People often get to meet these needs through family, friends and places of worship, however while there are others who are not fortunate enough to meet these needs and that is where the role of human service role comes to help those people overcome these barriers in proper manner. Human service workers deliver a selection of services intended at improving clients’ lives. Among the roles of human service are caregiver, social worker, outreach, case manager, crises manger, advocate, as well as, and program coordinator. The Goal of Human Service: The goal of Human service is to teach communities how to become independent and assist them in developing skills that essential for them to become self- reliant, and function at their best level within the society. This process—which includes evaluating the client’s support system, environment, and values—is tailored to each individual’s needs (Moffat, C., 2011). Human services agencies are dedicated to helping people meet their basic needs as well...
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...Human services refers to a variety of delivery systems such as social welfare services, education, mental health services, and other forms of healthcare. Human services professionals may provide services directly to clients or help clients access services. Human services professionals also manage agencies that provide these services. And because of their engagement with human conditions, they are involved in policy development and advocacy. The academic discipline of human services educates these professionals at the associate, bachelor's, and graduate levels and studies how delivery systems and public policies affect service users. The history of human services as an academic discipline[edit] Human services has its roots in charitable activities of religious and civic organizations that date back to the Colonial period. However, the academic discipline of human services did not start until the 1960s. At that time, a group of college academics started the new human services movement and began to promote the adoption of a new ideology about human service delivery and professionalism among traditional helping disciplines.[2] The movement's major goal was to make service delivery more efficient, effective, and humane. The other goals dealt with the reeducation of traditional helping professionals to have a greater appreciation of the individual as a whole person and to be accountable to the communities they serve. Furthermore, professionals would learn to take responsibility at...
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...Problems Facing Human Service Clients and How They Are Helped Amanda Blue BSHS/305 February 23, 2015 Joanne Schrock Problems Facing Human Service Clients and How They Are Helped There are many problems in the world today that human service clients are faced with, and are not limited to just a few. There is no one person with one single problem which is shy it is so important that the “whole person” is helped. Some of the problems that plague clients today are innumerable, but I will attempt to elaborate on a few. Human Service workers ensure that children live in safe homes and have their basic needs met. Helping parents to take care of their children may include in assisting with applications for food stamps or low-income housing and helping them to locate appropriate childcare. Housing or the lack of housing is one of the issues facing Human Service clients today. Many people are without homes for various reasons, such as not having money to pay, which means they are jobless, or not making enough to cover their living expenses. A client that is homeless can be faced with many other issues simply because they have no place to live. Another challenge for Human Service clients is depression. Depression can come about when a client is not able to adequately live with the necessities of life and seem to have no means in which to acquire them. When a client cannot provide for him or herself, it is detrimental to their well-being and may bring on a bout of depression...
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...Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers Michelle Humble BSHS 471 December 11, 2011 Deborah Machold Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Workers Working in the human service field can be a very trying job for many people. I believe that there are those that were born to be that way and those that have been taught to be caring and compassionate. While not every person is cut out to be on the front line of this field, those that are become very special people. Willing to give up their lives and time to help others and not make allot of money doing so. This group of people has a unique personality that is not taught or handed out to everyone. The people that work in the human service field are a special class of people and help to make our current world a better place. Training and knowledge is just the beginning of what is needed to be successful in the human service field. A human service worker must be able to put personal prejudices aside to be able to help his or her client in the appropriate manner. Putting aside personal prejudices does not mean putting aside common sense. Ethics are another key point to be successful, without this then one truly cannot freely see the entire big picture. Not being judgmental is another key point, you are seeing them or helping them for a reason, the last thing your client needs is to be pointed at continuously be told that what they did was wrong. Education is an important...
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