Premium Essay

Human Trafficking


Submitted By bdebbipete
Words 3224
Pages 13
Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the most highly lucrative illegal businesses in the world. This business involves the trading of human beings for the purposes of enslavement. Human trafficking can only be compared with drug trafficking in terms of profits irrespective of the fact that governments and institutions, especially human rights watch groups around world, have continued to spend numerous resources in trying to curb the vice. The United Nations, for example, adopted the Trafficking Protocol in the year 2000 in Italy, which is a component of the Palermo protocols named after Palermo, which is the location in Italy where they were adopted. These protocols were acknowledged and signed by 117 countries, showing that it is a major dilemma in our society. Statistics indicate that more than 700,000 people are trafficked on a yearly basis with approximately 70% of them being women. More sadly to note is the fact that approximately 20% of these victims are children. The numbers of children trafficked in parts of Africa and the Mekong region are near 100%(7). According to the US Department of Human Health and Services, there are approximately 27 million people currently under modern day slavery. This paper is a critical evaluation of human trafficking and the effects it has on various societies and economies of the world. Human trafficking has been defined as the trade of human beings through coercion, threats and deception. The world in general has been subjected to this atrocity as it is believed that there is no single country which has not been affected including all the states in the United States, which is known to have the highest powers, ability and instruments to detect illegal trade and other criminal activities. Profits from Human trafficking has helped finance organized cartels, who take advantage of vulnerable people especially

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Human Trafficking

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