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Humane Society- a Discourse Community


Submitted By stndrdge
Words 1732
Pages 7
Alyssa Standridge
Section 014
M. Silva
March 27, 2016
The Humane Society as a Discourse Community
According to the Linguist John Swales, a discourse community is “a group that has goals or purposes, and uses communication to achieve these goals.” One example of a discourse community is the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County. The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County is a non-profit organization that cares for over 6,000 animals each year. The Humane Society has numerous goals and ambitions, but one strong mission. The mission is to assure a better life for companion animals by providing shelter, finding loving homes and promoting respect for their place in our lives. The discourse community of the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County uses both written text and graphics to communicate between its rhetors and readers. The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County has been living out its mission and goals since it was founded in 1933. One of its main goals, which is continuously being fulfilled by the members in its discourse community, is to place adoptable animals in “forever homes.” Their goals are to serve the people and animals of Memphis and surrounding areas by providing several services, such as low cost spay and neuter programs, humane sheltering for lost, abandoned and neglected pets, return of lost pets to families, humane education, pet therapy services, strengthening the human-animal bond, providing disaster preparedness, and adoption services. The community and its members are made aware of these programs and services through various means of communication. One way that the members of this discourse community communicate is through the organization’s Facebook page. The Facebook page consists of thousands of “followers” and people who “like” the page, as well as volunteers of the organization, directors, managers, and families who have been helped or have helped the Humane Society. These individuals who are associated with the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County communicate via the Facebook page, by posting statuses, photographs, and events. The posts that are shown are about fundraisers, events, and other different things for the followers to see and be aware of. Members of this community are able to post about animals that are missing, animals that need homes and animals that need to be adopted. The profile displays hundreds of images of cats and dogs. In addition, there are many pictures of the volunteers themselves playing with the animals, caring for the animals, and participating in the many events that this non-profit organization puts on to raise money and awareness. The members of this discourse community are in communication about several things through this Facebook page, one being the items that the shelter is currently in need of. For example, the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County is currently in need of hard rubber toys, blankets, dog treats, and volunteers. It also has the link to the online store and displays all of the things that are for sale on that online store. The profile page exhibits the Humane Society’s mission and a brief statement about the organization. This makes it possible for the members of this community to be on the same page. Another way that advocates of this discourse community converse is through the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County’s website. The website of the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County consists of several different components, such as “Adopt a pet,” “Give a gift,” “About us,” “Volunteer,” “Events,” “HSMSC News,” and many other links. There is also a flyer that is posted on this non-profit organization’s website that is in place to raise money for the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County. The flyer states, “36-HOUR MEGA ADOPTATHON, April 22nd and 23rd, 6AM to Midnight, all HSMSC adoptions $35” Another important aspect that is shown on the Humane Society’s website are the goals. The website states, “Our strategies and capacities for providing and improving our service to the community and animals of Memphis and surrounding areas are…” and the goals that are posted on the organization’s Facebook page are again posted on the main website itself. It is easy to join this discourse community; all one needs is a passion and love for animals and a determination to not give up even when times get tough. Being a part of this discourse community, members feel as if they can help give the animals a voice. It is also very simple to volunteer for the Humane Society. The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County cannot operate without its volunteers. They number over 250 active participants, ranging in age from 12 to 87, and provide almost 60,000 hours of labor each year for the shelter. The volunteers, like myself, contribute in a variety of ways. A few ways volunteers can help the animals and the shelter are bathing animals, taking care of the animals, walking the dogs, assisting with treatments, and organizing and participating in events. As stated above, becoming a volunteer is rather simple, but is a serious position. One must apply for a specific volunteering position. Once that step is completed, attendance at the Volunteer Orientation is mandatory in order to begin the experience with the Humane Society. At the orientation, the leader explains who they are as an organization, their policies, and the various volunteer opportunities. Following orientation, the Humane Society will schedule the interested individual in the training area of their choice, and the fun begins from there! Volunteers then become active members in the discourse community and will be linked to the Facebook page and updated on events, news, and important notices via intertextuality. Being a volunteer for the Humane Society is a rewarding experience and I can say so from personal occurrences. As mentioned above, I myself was a volunteer for the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County. It all started four years ago when I was a member of my sorority. It was a requirement for each member to do something charitable and to volunteer our time to a moral cause. Because of my love for animals, I chose the Humane Society. I raised money for the Humane Society by sending out flyers to acquaintances, which directed them on how to make a payment. They followed the directions stated and made donations online. After the few weeks I had to raise money, I collected a total of around 700 dollars. In addition to raising money, I was a part of their discourse community. I was made aware of the upcoming events and decided to partake in one particular event, called the Fast and the Furriest. The Fast and Furriest was like a “Race for the Cure,” but for dogs. Individuals attended this event with their dogs, took them on the run and partook in the activities that were offered. After attending this event, it was obvious that I truly loved being a part of the Humane Society’s discourse community and wanted to become more involved. I decided to become a volunteer for the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County. I completed all the steps necessary to attain this position and my journey with the Humane Society continued. I went to HSMSC once every weekend for several hours, where I took care of the animals, cleaned their cages, walked the dogs, fed the dogs, and helped out in any way possible. After my volunteering days were over, I continued to be a part of their discourse community by staying updated on upcoming events by reading the Facebook posts as well as the HSMSC newsletter on their website. I also still receive flyers and brochures in the mail, which allows me to be an active member in the community by reading the recent updates and viewing the photographs of what has been happening lately. The discourse community of the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County uses both written text and visuals to communicate ideas or events to the readers. The Humane Society uses written discourse as part of their communication methods because they post events and newsletters for all of the members and interested members to view. The written discourse is provided by the multiple rhetors, who are the actual members of the discourse community, which consists of the animal lovers, the volunteers for the organization, the employees at the actual facility, and other people who are interested in this society. They shape the communication efforts of the entire discourse community because they communicate via voice and text, on websites, flyers, and blogs. The rhetors generate the communication and create the discourse, however anyone is welcomed to post in the blogs written about the Humane Society. Not only is there written text within the discourse community, but there are also visuals. The Facebook page and the organization’s main website are two examples that incorporate both written text and visuals. The graphics of animals, volunteers, and events being held support what the text has to say. In fact, the text is sometimes just captions of what the graphics display. These elements communicate some of the same ideas and some ideas that are just similar. Either way, the Humane Society does not abide by a particular format to maintain consistency through their documents. However, there is one element that is common throughout their documents and that is the Humane Society’s motto and logo. The readers of this intertextuality communication are the people interested in the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County, the volunteers who are interested in the upcoming events and fundraisers, and the event goers themselves. The Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County communicates its ideas and events between rhetors and readers through various methods of communication. The rhetors shape the communication of the discourse community by conversing through blogs, flyers, websites, and various other ways. In addition, the graphics portrayed are used to communicate between the rhetors and readers. The Humane Society consists of hundreds of members who all communicate through intertextuality to stay updated and aware of the most recent events, ideas, and various other postings.

Works Cited
"Welcome to the Humane Society of Memphis." Humane Society of Memphis. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

Swales, John. “The Concept of Discourse Community.” Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Boston: Cambridge UP, 1990. 21-32. Print.

Settings. Boston: Cambridge UP, 1990. 21-32. Print.

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