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Hyper-Sexualized Military Culture

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The second objection to complete integration concerns the country’s gradual trend towards political correctness and the effect that has on an institution whose goal is to be efficient and powerful, not unbiased. Marines of all ranks have protested this change, as a socially engineered experiment influenced by the ranting of liberal politicians who have no military experience. While a co-ed friendly structure may work for many professions, the hyper-sexualized military culture creates a plethora of issues for co-ed units. “In the case of nontraditional jobs for women, men see women as women first, workers second [...] they prefer to respond to women as potential sexual partners when they fit that image.” (Gutek, 1987, p 101) One needs to look …show more content…
Feeling the scornful scrutiny of fellow Marines, it seemed that the DIs took on a touch more bravado than they dared on colleges campuses. One boot felt the DIs resented the women, ‘...more than a battalion of Japanese troops.’ She was probably right.” (Stremlow, 1994, p 11) This attitude is still healthy among the majority of the male population in the Marine Corps today. Male Marine drill instructors warn recruits about interactions with females, insisting that female Marines are not held to equal standards and are generally less competent than their male counterparts. After the initial indoctrination, many male Marines tend to compile every instance of a female Marine struggling and failing at certain aspects of their jobs, and then attribute those failures to every female Marine they meet. Even instances of pregnancy or work-related injuries result in intense hostility, which is not exclusive to the work environment. Military and veteran-themed social media groups with thousands of active duty members create memes out of female Marines’ images, and the ensuing conversations proceed from sexist comments to character defamation and the promotion of sexual …show more content…
Mere decades ago, ‘separate but equal’ conditions were in place for black Marines, who were considered incapable of performing in any military occupations except for manual ones. Additionally, until the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, a servicemember could be separated from the military under dishonorable or other-than-honorable conditions, forfeiting future benefits, solely based on their sexual preference. Movement towards equality for women and transgender individuals is the final frontier, and has been postponed for too long. Current standards are not equal, which contributes to the animosity between the sexes, inequality in the promotion system, and the lack of comradeship that many male Marines feel for their female counterparts. When junior Marines believe that female Marines in more senior positions have not legitimately reached that position, it also undermines their authority. Complete integration of the Marine Corps even has the potential to cut down on cases of sexual assault and sexual harassment by extending the spirit of camaraderie to include female Marines, and by discontinuing the practice of indoctrinating recruits with sexist rhetoric. “The nontraditional

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