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Benvolio And Tybalt In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet we see Benvolio and Tybalt. Benvolio is a Montague and cousin to the main character that is Romeo. He is kind of the wise friend of the two. Now Tybalt is a Capulet and is the cousin of the other main character Juliet. In many ways they are different, like how Benvolio is kind and sincere and Tybalt is rude and violent. Let’s start with Benvolio. Benvolio is very calm and kind hearted. Benvolio’s caring nature shows when he asks Romeo how and what he can do to help.(Shakespeare 382). Also he will try to say no to a fight if he can like in the public place.(Shakespeare 380). Finally Benvolio shows that he cares about his family more than anything when he stands up for Romeo “Romeo away be

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