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Hyperpituitarism Research Paper

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Hyperpituitarism, also known as Gigantism or Acromegaly, is a “hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood,” according to Mayo Clinic. Some signs and symptoms of the disorder include increased size of the hands and feet, enlarged facial features, a deeper voice, severe snoring, extreme sweating and body odor, reduced vision, and headaches (Mayo Clinic). Increased size of the hands and feet is one of the first or more noticed signs of someone with hyperpituitarism. However, the signs and symptoms of the disorder can be different for each person with the disorder. Hyperpituitarism progresses slowly, so it can be difficult to notice the signs and symptoms early on. Although, if it is not diagnosed early enough, it can lead to severe complications. …show more content…
Nonetheless, is the disorder is treated early enough some of these complications can be avoided. If left untreated, the complications of hyperpituitarism can lead to an early death (Mayo Clinic). Hyperpituitarism is caused by the pituitary gland producing too much growth hormone (GH). The growth hormone then causes the liver to create a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). IGF-I is what causes bones and other tissues to grow, so excessive amounts of this hormone can cause the abnormal signs and symptoms of hyperpituitarism (Mayo Clinic). In most cases, a pituitary tumor is what causes the abnormal growth hormone production. The tumor is often non-cancerous (Mayo Clinic). Diagnosis often involves a physician measuring one’s growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I levels. Obviously, if these hormone levels are high, it often indicates that individual has hyperpituitarism. Treatment can involve surgery, medications, or radiation (Mayo

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