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Hang Over Research Paper

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There will come a time when you will drink so much alcohol because of a spur of the moment decision that you should be living your life to the fullest. You’d not mind your early meeting the day after, for as long as you being accompanied by a couple of bottles of your favorite vodka, you’re certainly good. Or you want to drown your extreme emotions by going to the extreme level of drinking too, because problems seem to ease out when you’re dizzying and partying. People will always be people and drinking will be included on the world’s most favorite addiction. After that seemingly endless swigs of bourbon and chattering, you’d find out that excessive drinking is something you’d never repeat because of your archenemy called hang-over.

Hang-over is the after effect of the too much volumes of alcohol now traveling one’s bloodstream. It can manifest in different intensities and levels, leaving you with nothing but a wasted opportunity to have a pleasant morning. Before you binge out on your favorite poison, ensure that you chow down first as a full stomach will help you slow down your body’s capacity of alcohol absorption. Go for the oily, fatty, starchy ones such as pastas, stir-fry and whole-wheat sandwiches. You can also add in eating some asparagus as studies have shown that the …show more content…
Drinking is a known cause of dehydration and the further your body loses water, the more susceptible it is to absorb alcohol better. In picking what to drink, bear in mind that the darker colored ones are highly likely to contain congeners which is a known contributor to hang-over indications. Opt for light-colored alcohols such as white wine, vodka or bourbon to minimize the chances of you being wasted the morning after. Also, the more expensive the alcohol, the lesser the congeners so if you wish to splurge on your night out, invest it on fine

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