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Submitted By acvanhouten
Words 351
Pages 2
Hyperprothrombinemia is a disorder that can lead to Hypercoagulation. In hypercoagulation the blood will clot significantly quicker than others. This can be extremely dangerous and can even be fatal. Hypercoagulation is not an average disorder. Coagulation simply means the act of blood clotting to stop bleeding. When a body is injured it will coagulate the blood in order to stop the bleeding so the victim does not die due to blood loss. Basically blood clots are the body’s natural bandage. Blood clots must work efficiently in order for an individual to survive. Hyperprothrombinemia is a defect in thrombin. Thrombin is a protein that humans encode from the F2 gene. Thrombin is the factor that coagulates blood. If that factor is mutated than a human will have difficulties surviving. Hypercoagulability is caused by the substitution of adenine for guanine at the 20210th position. In Hypercoagulation gene expression plays a role because of the adenine that is replaced by guanine. This means that it is likely that there is a mutation in the inducer. Also in Hypercoagulation the promoter promotes the production of excess thrombin. Therefore causing Hypercoagulation . One could say that in Hypercoagulation the regulator gene has a defect due to the occurrence of many thrombin in the humans system. This disorder is a very serious disorder because it can be very dangerous or fatal. However, this disorder does contain a mutation in the genome it is not certainly clear on what is is yet today. Hypercoagulation is a serious disorder. If an individual does not keep up to date with their medication then they could suffer from blood clots. Blood clots are very dangerous in a human because it preents blood flow from circulating through the body.
Overall the human body is a very complex system. One mutation is the DNA can cause a life threatening disorder. Many Americans suffer from this disorder. It can kill many people if not taken seriously. The knowledge of biology and the effects of this disorder are very useful assets because than can help us obtain th basic knowledge of many disorders in our bodies s

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