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I Am Legend

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The novel I Am Legend written by Richard Mathewson in 1954 is a classic book that merges horror with science fiction. Its scope and area of discussion is simple, where it involves an era when the nuclear war has ended, but a major mutation spreads across the world. It changes every human being living on the surface of the earth except one person: Robert Neville. The rest of the population is turned into vampires and thousands of others die in the process. This book turns out to be a traditional story concerning the vampires which infects a previously healthy community and poses a threat to its physical and moral survival (Rosemary, 2014).
The remaining healthy person: Robert Neville, spends most of his time figuring out if there is a way of …show more content…
Neville is on one hand aware of how times and world has changed. The book was published in 1954 and the social ideals of the time were perfect as portrayed in television shows that aired in later years of 1957 such as Leave It To The Beaver. The communities were adequately planned, and cleanliness and social order were the milestones of their societies. At the same period, there was the onset of the Cold War, and the testing of the atomic bombs instilled fear among the present safe and ideal societies. Even though it is addressed in a brief role, there is general agreement that human race is the one that brought the mutation therefore leading to its internal …show more content…
However, the book lacks technological landmarks that would place it in a specific period in history. The year of publication is not disputable as it is around the 1950s where the main theme in U.S.A was the Cold War and the requisite technology. Physically, the novel has applied a set of settings in location that exemplifies the dream held by the Americans at that time and the effect brought by vampirism. The main basic setting is at the home owned by Robert Neville in the Cimarron Street located in Los Angeles. That house once used to be a comfortable and safe middle class home but now it has been turned into a fortress and hideout survival cabin. It has a generator to provide Neville with a source of power now that the much-needed civilization has collapsed and its windows are boarded in order to keep vampires away. The neighborhood on its part has been turned into a moral battlefield during the night (eNotes,

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