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Cda Competency Statement Analysis

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Goal: To advance physical and intellectual competence.
I emphasize the importance of physical development by providing various activities throughout the day. My students participate in P.E. one day a week. I make sure the children remain active throughout the day by doing yoga for not only relaxation but also to strengthen muscles. During recess I initiate ad participate in activities such as, leap frog, catch, tag, and jumping rope to encourage the development of gross motor skills. I use developmentally appropriate materials to strengthen gross motor skills such as balls, jump ropes, and scarves. I support fine motor skills by teaching my students how to use lace boards, scissors and promoting the manipulation …show more content…
I ask open-ended questions during reading, math and science daily to promote critical thinking skills. By providing student's with an emergent curriculum as well as field trips I am supporting their advancement. I incorporate the use of puzzles, manipulatives, books and scales to encourage children to explore,analyze and problem-solve.When I take my students on nature walks I am assisting the exploration process with the use of magnifying glasses and by encouraging students to observe and ask questions.
CS II a.
The "Jump the River" activity promotes physical development because it involves the use of large muscles which encourages gross motor skill development. Children are required to jump over an imaginary river with the use of a rolled towel on the ground that will get wider with each turn. These movements enhance control and coordination when using locomotor skills.
CS II b.
I used the "Rice and Ice" activity because I believe it promotes cognitive development by exploring scientific concepts and learning primary color mixing. Children observe the process of colors mixing when ice dyed with food coloring melts onto rice. This activitty supports a child's natural

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