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Wont Be Easy Research Paper

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Won’t Be Easy
At the age of sixteen, Lizbeth was already in the mother hood society. With no job and some education but not enough for a life time of her and her upcoming baby. She will have to rely on the government's help and have no choice but accepting it. For example WIC and Food Stamps, a perfect supportive program for a single mother like her. WIC provides what they consider reasonable nutrients such as milk, cheese, and cereals. Dairy products are often the best, most consumed and pricy products. Food Stamps now in days allows you to buy prepared meals. This benefits both her and her baby along the way. She will soon need money in general for things such as: clothes, living, baby formula, and utilities. These two programs have shown to be helpful and not leave families in starvation. Food Stamps and WIC should keep providing for these millions of low income families.Not only does this help and provide to families but this is also beneficial to the grocery stores in producing money. …show more content…
WIC helps families by providing nutrition education, issuing checks for healthy supplemental foods, and making referrals to healthcare and other community services( “WIC”). But anyone can claim to be a low income family therefore it is required to go through an acceptance process and wait to be qualified for it. “In California, 84 WIC agencies provide services locally to over 1.3 million participants each month at over 600 sites throughout the state”. One controversy of Foods Stamps and WIC is should they continue helping millions of Americans. Definitely these programs are only showing to be great and an improvement to

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