...beginning of a composition course or the assignment of a writing project in any class. Contributors:Ethan Sproat, Dana Lynn Driscoll, Allen Brizee Last Edited: 2012-04-27 10:46:02 Example 1: “I Have a Dream” Speech A lot of what was covered above may still seem abstract and complicated. To illustrate how diverse kinds of texts have their own rhetorical situations, consider the following examples. First, consider Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Because this speech is famous, it should be very easy to identify the basic elements of its particular rhetorical situation. Text The text in question is a 17-minute speech written and delivered by Dr. King. The basic medium of the text was an oral speech that was broadcast by both loudspeakers at the event and over radio and television. Dr. King drew on years of training as a minister and public speaker to deliver the speech. He also drew on his extensive education and the tumultuous history of racial prejudices and civil rights in the US. Audiences at the time either heard his speech in person or over radio or television broadcasts. Part of the speech near the end was improvised around the repeated phrase “I have a dream.” Author http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/625/08/ Page 1 of 9 Purdue OWL: The Rhetorical Situation 9/11/13 7:53 PM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most iconic leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was an African-American Baptist minister and...
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...[pic] [pic] [pic] TABLE OF CONTENTS `McDonalds Advertisement Analysis 3 Dolce & Gabbana Advertisement Analysis 4 Givenchy Perfume Ange Ou Demon Advertisement Analysis 6 McDonalds Advertisement Analysis McDonalds’ advertisements are everywhere. The advertisements are on TV, radio, and in magazines. It is nearly impossible to go one day without seeing one. The company spends millions of dollars on advertising their product each and every year to a number of different target audiences. In this advertisement McDonalds is advertising one of the value meals on their menu. The target audience that McDonalds is aiming the advertisement to is middle to upper-class people. It is very effective because it shows that the high class restaurants do not give people the quantity of food that they are paying for. The main feature of the advertisement is a man in a nice restaurant looking at his small portioned meal in disgust. In the bottom of the picture there is a larger portioned meal from McDonalds which is more food for only a fraction of the cost of the meal in the restaurant. The advertisement consists of a middle aged man sitting in a restaurant. On the table is the silverware arranged neatly on the table and a flower. Also in the photograph is a waitress bringing out an exquisite plate of food to the table. It is obviously a formal restaurant. The man is wearing a suit which leads one to believe he is a middle or upper class individual. The man has a...
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...An Approach to Corpus-based Discourse Analysis: The Move Analysis as Example THOMAS A . UPTON AND MARY ANN COHEN Abstract This article presents a seven-step corpus-based approach to discourse analysis that starts with a detailed analysis of each individual text in a corpus that can then be generalized across all texts of a corpus, providing a description of typical patterns of discourse organization that hold for the entire corpus. This approach is applied specifically to a methodology that is used to analyze texts in terms of the functional/communicative structures that typically make up texts in a genre: move analysis. The resulting corpus-based approach for conducting a move analysis significantly enhances the value of this often used (and misused) methodology, while at the same time providing badly needed guidelines for a methodology that lacks them. A corpus of ‘birthmother letters’ is used to illustrate the approach. Biber et al. (2007) explore how discourse structure and organization can be investigated using corpus analysis; they offer a structured, seven-step corpusbased approach to discourse analysis that results in generalizable descriptions of discourse structure. This article draws on the themes in this book, but focuses in particular on analyses that use theories on communicative or functional purposes of text as the starting point for understanding why texts in a corpus are structured the way they are, before moving to a closer examination and description of...
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...CHAP TER Rhetorical Modes 1. NARRATION L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 10 1. Identify the purpose and structure of narrative writing. 2. Recognize how to write a narrative essay. Rhetorical modes simply mean the ways in which we can effectively communicate through language. This chapter covers nine common rhetorical modes. As you read about these nine modes, keep in mind that the rhetorical mode a writer chooses depends on his or her purpose for writing. Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in one essay. In covering the nine rhetorical modes, this chapter also emphasizes these as a set of tools that will allow you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing your ideas. rhetorical modes The ways in which we effectively communicate through language. 1.1 The Purpose of Narrative Writing Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration. In addition, a narrative can be factual or fictional. A factual story is one that is based on, and tries to be faithful to, actual events as they unfolded in real life. A fictional story is a made-up, or imagined, story; the writer of a fictional story can create characters and events as he or she sees fit. However, the big distinction between factual and fictional narratives is based on a writer’s purpose...
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...This is a true story so it can be inferred that she is writing from memory with the help of her family members. Personal Response I very much enjoyed The Glass Castle. I personally found the story and the character's struggles very relatable. The book was very enthralling, it was very hard to put down. In fact I actually finished the entire book in one sitting. This book really helped me put my own life into perspective, it made me reflect on my past and they obstacles I have faced. It helped me to realize that there's people out there who have had it worse than I have. The author definitely achieved her purpose of instilling hope and optimism into her audience. It was very interesting to see how each obstacle shaped how they main character turned out in the end. It was also fun to see how she took her difficult experiences and her parents apathetic natures and turned them into something positive. Reading about how the author took every issue in stride with a positive attitude was really inspiring. This book really does help you learn how to persevere and keep going even when you feel like giving up because after all “If you don't want to sink, you better figure out how to swim.”...
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...Nwobi 1 Odera Nwobi AP Language & composition September 21, 2014 CRR #1- The Crucible I. Author/Introduction Arthur Miller; an American playwright, born in the early 1900’s, 1915 to be precise. He was born into a very wealthy family. He was not very wealthy for a very long time, after the stock market crash in 1929. He had to do odd job to be able to pay for his college. After college, he career was a little rocky after his first play The Man Who Had All the Luck closed after four performances. After a while, his show All my Son earned him his first award. He wrote over 50 different works ranging from plays, novels, articles. His best play was Death of a Salesman which earned him a lot of fame. Another popular play he wrote was The Crucible. This play was a reflection of the Salem witch trial back in 1692. He was considered a communist because he advocated principles of equality among the classes, and social justice. He was married three times. He was once married to the popular actress Marilyn Monroe. Arthur Miller died in 2005 at the age of 89. II. Vocabulary Gibberish- meaningless or unintelligent talk. Trepidation- trembling or quivering movement. Subservient- serving or acting in a subordinate capacity. Shudder- to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement as from horror, fear, or cold. Calumny- a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something. Titillated- to excite or arouse agreeably. Sniveling- to weep...
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...Russell uses her benefits as a way to show her audience the unfairness that grows from her being the American standard: Tall, white, pretty and slender. It is overall reliable for anyone learning about the modeling industry and the power of image because she establishes a more comfortable atmosphere by humanizing herself to seem more like a regular person. Ted Talk’s rhetorical effectiveness is significantly increased due to the fact that she is a credible person and more specifically, an experienced 10-year model. Russell completely understands that she is treated with far more compassion than others because she won a “genetic lottery” (Russell). Russell’s outfit change is a clear example of this as she is first dressed in a tight bodycon dress which exposes the contours of her body and only a few seconds later, she covers it with loose, modest clothing. She was able to change the audience’s impression of her in just 10 seconds. The outfit change in itself is relevant to the audience because we, as humans, see fashion as a window to a person. People often judge others by...
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...“Who am I”? is a question often repeated by teenagers. In the western world, we are free to choose whatever we want, such as; where we want to live, who we want to vote for and even which education we want to attend e.c.t., it is therefore difficult being a teenager because you suddenly have to stand on your own two feet, and deal with everything yourself, instead of your parents deciding for you. Finding out what you stand for, and how you want to live your life are what prepares you for adulthood. However, it is not always easy as it sounds because they might find it difficult to make their own decisions, and feel pressured. Therefor they want to escape from reality by ingesting drugs or drinking alcohol which could be their way of protesting against responsibilities and a search for freedom, or maybe it is just because they are in that age where they are open to all kinds of experimentations. This is what the main character Ellie is facing, in the short story “A Gap of Sky” written by Anna Hope in 2008; Ellie is wandering around in the streets of London and in her own mind as well. Her walk around London’s streets becomes a walk through her own mind. Crisis, confusion, changes, responsibilities and fear, are the main components of a short story by Anna Hope. A story which is intriguing, and will take you one step closer, to understand what a ‘typical’ teenager can go through. In this essay I will analyze and interpret Anna Hope’s short story A Gap of Sky. I will characterize...
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...the rest of the world as to be caressed on their own terms; and he that will not condescend to recommend himself by external embellishments must submit to the fate of just sentiments meanly expressed, and be ridiculed and forgotten before he is understood. --Samuel Johnson Men must be taught as if you taught them not; And things unknown propos'd as things forgot. --Alexander Pope Style in painting is the same as in writing, a power over materials, whether words or colors, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed. --Sir Joshua Reynolds Whereas, if after some preparatory grounds of speech by their certain forms got into memory, they were led to the praxis thereof in some chosen short book lessoned thoroughly to them, they might then forthwith proceed to learn the substance of good things, and arts in due order, which would bring the whole language quickly into their power. --John Milton Introduction Good writing depends upon more than making a collection of statements worthy of belief, because writing is intended to be read by others, with minds different from your own. Your reader does not make the same mental connections you make; he does not see the world exactly as you see it; he is already flooded daily with thousands of statements demanding assent, yet which he knows or believes to be false, confused, or deceptive. If your writing is to get through to him--or even to be read and considered at all--it...
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...The story under analysis is the excerpt from the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, that’s why it has not a special title. The title of the whole book is thought-provoking and idiomatic; it makes the reader wonder what a Mockingbird is and who is supposed to kill it. The subject matter of the story is racial discrimination, corruption of the court system in the American world of prejudice. This extract depicts a trial of Tom Robinson, a Negro, who is in the criminal dock on a capital charge of assaulting a white girl. His defending counsel Atticus Finch is an experienced lawyer and progressive minded man. It is the Atticus’s speech to the jury that takes the best part of the text, so as far as contextual style is concerned; it presents a vivid example of oratorical style. Thus the main part of the text presents the main character’s monologue with bits of the story-teller’s commentary and dialogues. As for the type of narration, it is the first person narration the story-teller being the observer of the events. It is chosen to convey the atmosphere of the court-room. The story is told by the Atticus’s daughter, Jean Louise, and her description makes the story more convincing, vivid, real and emotional. Now I would like to dwell upon the compositional analysis of the text. The story has neither introduction nor conclusion. It can be explained that the text is only an extract from the novel, so there are big parts of the novel which both precede and follow the given...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1352-2752.htm YouTube: an opportunity for consumer narrative analysis? Stefano Pace ` Universita Bocconi, Milano, Italy Abstract Purpose – The aim of the paper is to discuss a possible extension of narrative analysis to a new medium of expression of consumer behaviour, specifically YouTube. Design/methodology/approach – Marketing and consumer behaviour studies often apply narrative analysis to understand consumption. The consumer is a source of introspective narratives that are studied by scholars. However, consumption has a narrative nature in itself and consumers are also storytellers. YouTube is a new context in which subjects tell stories to an audience through self-made videos and re-edited TV programs. After defining the pros and cons of different approaches to the study of YouTube, narrative analysis is presented as a possible means of understanding YouTube. Findings – Some preliminary evidence is presented by discussing several YouTube videos. These indicate that YouTube content can be better understood as stories, rather than example of other approaches, such as visual analysis, media studies, videography, and others. Research limitations/implications – From the analysis conducted, preliminary managerial implications can be drawn. It seems unlikely that normal TV broadcasters will be substituted by YouTube videos. For the most part, YouTube content draws its sense and shared...
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...Е. Є. Мінцис О. В. Карбашевська Ю. Б. Мінцис A COMMONSENSE GUIDE TO ANALYTICAL READING AND TEXT INTERPRETATION МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ ПРИКАРПАТСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ ІМЕНІ ВАСИЛЯ СТЕФАНИКА Е. Є. Мінцис О. В. Карбашевська Ю. Б. Мінцис A COMMONSENSE GUIDE TO ANALYTICAL READING AND TEXT INTERPRETATION Навчально-методичний посібник із аналітичного читання та інтерпретації тексту для студентів третього курсу англійського відділення стаціонарної та заочної форми навчання Івано-Франківськ 2009 УДК ББК 81.2 Англ.- М- 62 К- 21 Мінцис Е. Є., Карбашевська О. В., Мінцис Ю. Б. A Commonsense Guide to Analytical Reading and Text Interpretation. Навчально-методичний посібник із аналітичного читання та інтерпретації тексту. – Івано-Франківськ, 2009. – с. Друкується за ухвалою Вченої ради факультету іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету Імені Василя Стефаника (протокол № 9 від 26 червня 2008 року) Укладачі: Мінцис Е. Є., старший викладач кафедри англійської філології факультету іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника Карбашевська О.В., аспірант кафедри світової літератури Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника Мінцис Ю. Б., аспірант кафедри англійської філології факультету іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету...
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...■ PART 2 | Using What You Have Learned to Share Information 57 TANYA BARRIENTOS Se Habla Español MEMOIR he man on the other end of the phone line is 1 Tanya Maria telling me the classes I’ve called about are firstBarrientos has rate: native speakers in charge, no more than six stuwritten for the dents per group. Philadelphia “Conbersaychunal,” he says, allowing the fat vow- 2 Inquirer for more than els of his accented English to collide with the sawedtwenty years. off consonants. I tell him that will be fi ne, that I’m familiar with 3 Barrientos was born in Guatethe conversational setup, and yes, I’ve studied a bit mala and raised of Spanish in the past. He asks for my name and I in El Paso, Texas. Her first novel, Frontera Street, was supply it, rolling the double r in Barrientos like a pro. published in 2002, and her second, That’s when I hear the silent snag, the momentary Family Resemblance, was pubhesitation I’ve come to expect at this part of the exlished in 2003. Her column “Unchange. Should I go into it again? Should I explain, conventional Wisdom” runs every the way I have to half a dozen others, that I am Guaweek in the Inquirer. This essay originally appeared in the collectemalan by birth but pura gringa by circumstance? tion Border-Line Personalities: A Do I add the humble little laugh I usually attach New Generation of Latinas Dish to the end of my sentence to let him know that of on Sex, Sass & Cultural Shifting. course I see the irony in the situation...
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... may be reproduced in print form solely for classroom use with A First Look At Communication Theory provided such reproductions bear copyright notice, but may not be reproduced in any other form or for any other purpose without the prior written consent of The McGrawHill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. PREFACE Rationale We agreed to produce the instructor’s manual for the sixth edition of A First Look at Communication Theory because it’s a first-rate book and because we enjoy talking and writing about pedagogy. Yet when we recall the discussions we’ve had with colleagues about instructor’s manuals over the years, two unnerving comments stick with us: “I don’t find them much help”; and (even worse) “I never look at them.” And, if the truth be told, we were often the people making such points! With these statements in mind, we have done some serious soul-searching about the texts that so many teachers—ourselves included—frequently malign or ignore. As we have considered our quandary, we have come face-to-face with the central paradox that characterizes the genre: Teaching manuals tend to be distant, mechanical, impersonal, and lifeless, when in fact good teaching is immediate, flexible, personal, and lively. In this manual, therefore, we have attempted to communicate to fellow teachers...
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...Quarter 2 (7th)‐ “Melting Pot” and “How I Learned English” Stage 1 – Desired Results Standards LRA 3.2 (Fall EOC) Identify events that advance the plot, and determine how each event explains past or present actions or foreshadows future actions. ARG LRA 3.4 (Fall EOC) Identify and analyze recurring themes across works (e.g. the value of bravery, loyalty, and friendships; the effects of loneliness). ARG V1.1 (Fall EOC) Identify idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes in prose and poetry. V 1.3 (Fall EOC) Clarify word meanings through the use of definition, example, restatement or contrast. WA 2.5‐ (STAR) Write summaries of reading materials. SUM WA 2.2 (On Demand/ STAR) Write Responses to Literature. ARG WS 1.2 (On Demand) Support all statements and claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts and statistics, and give examples. REF WS 1.3 Use strategies of note‐taking, outlining and summarizing to impose structure on composition drafts. AN, SUM, REF WS 1.4 (Fall EOC) Identify topics and evaluate questions and develop ideas leading to inquiry, investigation, and research. AN, ARG WS 1.7 (On Demand, Fall EOC) Revise writing to improve organization and word choice after checking the logic of ideas and the precision of vocabulary. ALANG WOC 1.4 (On Demand) Demonstrate the mechanics of writing (e.g. quotation marks, commas at the end of dependent clauses) and appropriate English usage (e.g. pronoun reference). ALANG Big Ideas & Understanding(s): ...
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