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I'M Being Bullied


Submitted By friendseeb
Words 304
Pages 2
I'm Being Bullied
A Play About Bullies
Team 1
Team 2
Narrator 1
Narrator 2

The students are at school and they are all getting ready for recess.

Act 1, Scene 1:

(Teacher is at the front of the class and all the other students are sitting at their desks)

Teacher: So class that is the end of our math lesson. Pack up all your notebooks because now it is time for recess!

Joe: Recess is my favorite part of school. I want to play kickball during recess. I’m going to be a captain and I’m going to make the best team.

Cindy: That sounds like so much fun! Hey Rosemary, let’s play! Since we’re both on the soccer team I bet we’ll be really good at kickball.

Rosemary: The boys never let the girls play. It’s so unfair!

Narrator 1: Everyone was so excited that it was time for recess and they rushed outside to the baseball field where they play kickball. Mike and Joe were the two captains. Cindy and Rosemary were the only girls to play

(Mike and Joe moved to the front of the stage and everyone else lined up at the back of the stage)

Joe: My team is going to be the best so I only want boys on my team. Girls aren’t good athletes and they should just go pick flowers out in the field.

Mike: That’s not fair. I think the girls should be able to play. You girls can both be on my team

Cindy: (Walks over to Mike’s team) Thanks Mike! Joe is being so mean because he is not letting us play on his team.
Act 1, Scene 2:

Mike: This game is going to be embarrassing for the other team because they have two girls.

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