PIC 18F4520 is 40 pin IC which performs the controlling action. That is the water flow is sensed and given to controller. The controller will take the action according to the given condition. Water flow sensor is used to sense the water have been passed through it. If the one litre is passed through the sensor it will give 450 pulse. Keypad is used if the extra water is needed. If we need 10 litre extra the we can type 10 and press # key. Zigbee is used to transmit and receive the signal from and to the control section and remote section. LCD Display will display the water flow in litre, water level in the tank, the communication…show more content… If extra water is needed the signal should be transmitted and received by control section. The allowance of more water is sent by the communication port and the valve should be on for the allowed water to come. And then shut off immediately after the allowed water had reached. There are two section in this system, remote(user) section and the control(water distribution centre) section. In remote section flow of water to the home is carried out. The flow meter will sense the flow to water. And it is passed to the user through the electric solenoid valve. Flow meter is given to the PIC microcontroller. The set point is given to this system is 2 litre. So after 2 litre of water is passed through the flow meter the valve will automatically shut off. Water flow sensor will pass the signal to microcontroller in pulse form. Water level sensor is also placed in tank to indicate the level of water. There are three level used high level, middle level, low level, it is used for the simplicity of user. If more water is needed then the amount of water in litre are pressed on the keypad. If we need 5litre extra then key number 5 is pressed and # key is pressed to pass the signal. Zigbee will pass the signal to the