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Ideal Democracy Becker Analysis

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Question 3: Personally, I do believe the survival of the “ideal democracy” does depend on the time and location as well as the size of the country or state that is trying to have it. I say this because as mentioned in Becker’s essay “Ideal Democracy,” many countries before the United States of America had taken on the democratic institutions, but quickly abandoned it because they enjoyed some form of dictatorship better than democracy and also to use a type of dictatorship in order to keep the citizens of their country at peace (Becker149-50). Also stated by Becker, democracy never flourished as a government unless it was used in small cities (Becker 151). It was hard to have a government for the people by the people when everyone had different …show more content…
According to Becker in his essay “Ideal Democracy,” the definition of a democracy is “a government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people” (Becker 148). With this in mind, the purpose of a democracy is to insure that the citizens of a country are involved in the way that they are governed by that said country they live. Its purpose is to insure equality for all citizens overall. However, if you have citizens who don’t necessarily value freedom or diversity then having a democracy would seem pointless and too time consuming to them thus creating the down fall of the government. It is essential that the people of a country value freedom in order for a democracy to survive. The people have to be willing to fight for what they want, and also insure they stay equal. However, if they don’t have that then the democratic institution will …show more content…
Syria is an underdeveloped country and struggles in all regions with instability. Most of its citizens live in poverty with little to survive. The government is corrupt and there is no economic stability for its people. Because of all these factors Syria’s democracy has been quickly falling and will soon become no existence if things don’t get better. Another example of a country who has slowly lost their democracy as the same the one above is the

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